Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/610

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590 C. 13. Anno vlcefimo octavo Georgii II. A. D. 1755. A. B. upon my Corporal Oath, in the Prefence of Almighty God, fokmnly fwtar, profefs and dc- clare. That all and every Peri'on and Perfons, whofeName or Names are inlcrted and contained in the ' foregoing Lift, by me now delivered and fubfcribed, were, to the belt ot my Knowledge and Belief, upon ' the tirftDay ci January one thoufand fcven hundred and iifty-hve, really arid truly Prifoncrs, in actual ' Cuftody, in the Prilbn or Gaol of at the Suit or Suits of the le^eral Perfons therein ' refpedtively mentioned; and that all and every of them have really and truly continued and remained. in ' adtual Cuftody ever fmce; and that the faid Lilt is a true, exact, per ec£ and juli; Lilt of ail fuch Perfons ' as v/ere really and truly Prilbners in aitual Cuftody in the faid Gaol or Prifon of on the faid ' firft Day of January one thoufand I'even hundred and fifty-five, So help ms GOD.'

Which Oath the faid Juftices, at the General or Quarter-Seflions, in open Court, are hereby impowered to adminifter; the Words of which Oath fhall be entered or written at the Lnd or Bottom < f every fuch Lift fo delivered and fubfcribed in open Court, by every fuch Sheriff, Gr.oler or Keeper refjjectively; v hich Lift to be kept Lift fo fubfcribed and fworn unto, Ihall be kept by the Clerk of the Peace of every fuch County, Riding, by the Clerk of Divifion, City, Town or Liberty refpeiStively, for the better Satisfaction of the faid Juftices, and Informa- the Peace. jJq^ pf ^ Creditors, and to be feen without Pee or Reward, IL And, to the end that no fuch poor Priibner may be defeated of his or her Difcharge, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this A6t, by having his, her or their Name or left out of the faid Lifts fo to be delivered. Be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every fuch Sheriff Copies of the and Sheriffs, Gaoler or Gaolers, or Keeper of any Prifon, is and are hereby required to fix up, in the moft Lift to be affixed confpicuous Place or Places in every fuch Prifon, and at the moft frequented and ufual Gate, Door, or ^in^and'oiTthe Entrance into every fuch Prifon, three or more true Copies of the Lift or Lifts to be delivered at the laid Gates!" °" Genera! or Qiiarter-Seffions, or any Adjournment thereof, ten Days before the faid Seffions; and if any fuch Sheriff or Sheriffs, Gaoler and Gaolers, Keeper or Keepers of any fiich Prifon, fhall, in any fuch Lift Penalty of not to be delivered in as aforefaid, negled: or refule to infert the Name of any Prifoner or Prilbners who was or perfeft ] every fuch Sheriff or Sheriffs, Gaoler or Gaolers, Keeper or Keepers, who fliall negleft or refufe to make out, fix up, or deliver fuch Lift as aforefaid; to be recovered in the fame Manner, and to be applied to fuch Ufe and Ufes, as are herein after directed for the Recovery and Application of the Penalty, ip cafe of fuch Negledt or Refufal to make out fuch Lift as aforefaid, Perfons in ferted IIL And be it further enaified by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and Perfons in the Lifts, anJ vvhofe Names {hall be inferted in fuch Lifts, to be delivered in as aforefaid, who upon the firft Day of thrs*AS'"tVbe J^n^o^y one thoufand feven hundred^and fifty-five, were really and truly Prifoners in the adtual Cuftody of dii'thargedbytheany Sheriff or Sheriffs, Gaoler or Gaolers, or Keeper of any Prifon refpectively of this Kingdom, who Juftices. fhall take the Oath herein after-mentioned, fhall and may be for ever releafed and difchargcd from their Imprifonment, in fuch manner as hereafter is provided; that is to fay, It fliall and may be lawful for any Juftice or Juftices of any County, Riding, Divifion, City, Town or Liberty, within this Kingdom (upon the Petition of fuch Prifoner or Prifoners] by Warrant under his and their Hands and Seals, to require the faid Sheriff' or Sheriff's, Gaoler or Gaolers, or Keeper of any fuch Prifon, within his or their refpective JurifJictions, to bring before the Juftices at the next General or Quarter-Seflions of the Peace, or any Adjournment thereof, to be held next after the Expiration of ten Days from the Date of the faid War- rant, for fuch r^fpedtive County, Riding, Divifion, City, Town or Liberty, the Body of any Pcrlbii being in the faid Prifon as aforefaid, with the Warrant or Warrants of his or her Detainer, together with a Copy or Copies of the Caufe or Caufes which he, flie or they, is or are charged with, in the feveral Gaols or Prifons as aforefaid, at the Time aforefaid; which "Warrant of the faid Juftice or Juftices every fuch' Gaoler or Keeper is hereby commanded to obey; and luch Prifoner coming before fuch Juftices at the faid General or Qtiarter-Seffions, or any Adjournment thereof, fhall in open Court fubfcribe and Prifoner to deli- deliver in a Schedule of his or her whole Lftate, Real and Perfonal, either in Polieilion, Reverfion or Terin a Schedule Remainder, or held in Truft for him or her, or for his or her Benefit or Advantage, and the Names of n h '^ ^'^in'-h ^^'^ ° '^'^' f'^vcral Debtors, and the feveral Sums of Money from them refpe(5tively fecured or owing, ofs.'^'^" '"upon any Specialty, Contraift, or other Account yhatfoever, and the Names and Places of Abode of the feveral Perfons from whom fuch Debts are due and owing, and of the Witneires who can prove fuch Debts or Contracts (if there be any fuch) and make Oath, and fvvear to the Efteift following; that is to fay, ' "t A.B. upon my Corporal Oath, in the Prefence of Almighty God, do folemnly fwear, proteft, and ' _ declare. That on the firft Day ai January one thoufand fcven hundred and fiftv-he, I was a Pri- ' foiiL-r v/ithin the Priion of in the adtual Cuftody of the Gaoler or Keeper of ' the f.iid Prifon of at the Suit of ' without my Confent or Procurement, and ' without any Fraud or Collufion whatfoever; and that the Schedule now delivered, and by me fub- ' fcribed, doth contain, to the belt of my Knowledge, Remembrance, and Belief, a full, juft, true

  • and pcrfeiSt Accomit and Difcovery of all the Goods, Efteds and Eftates, Real and Perfonal,

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