Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/655

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A. D. 1756. Anno vlcelimo nono; Gedrgij II. C. 6. 63,5 on Shore, for the Purpofe afoFefaicl ; Be it further enadled and.- declared by the Autlioritsy' aforefaid, Tha-t FiaitionsNames it (ball and may be lawful, during the Continuance of this A6t, to antl for the faid Lord High Adrairal, S'lty'l'onlLr or three or more of the faid Commiflloners for executing the faid Office of Lord High Admiral for the forjie Maints- time being, by Orders in Writing under his or their refpeciive Hand or Hands, to direct the Perfon for nance of of- the time beyig authorized to pay the faid Marine Forces, to pay over the full Pay of fuch ticT:itious private „lftobec<m- Men, as fliall be allowed on the Mufter Rolls of the faid Marine Forces while on Shore, as aforefaid, to ftiuedafaifs the proper Receiver appointed by his Majefty, according to fuch Orders and Inftrucfions as his Majefty Mufter. fhall be pleafed to make under his- Sign Manual for the Purpofe aforefaid, and that no Allowance of any Paymaftei- to ' fuch fidlitious Name, upon any Mufter Roll of the faid Marine Forces while on Shore, as aforefaid, (lialj pay the full Pay be conftrued t&be a falfe Mufter ; any thing in this or any former Ail: contained to the centrary not- "h/Kecefvt:" '° withftanding. _ , _ ' XVL And whereas there is and may be Occafion for the marching and quartering of the faid Ma- Conaabies,&c^ ' rine Forces in feveral Parts of this Kingdom ;' Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That to quarter Of- for and during the Continrrance of t-his A61, and- no longer (in purfuance of an Order or Orders in fn'^inns'^Aie™ Writing in that Behalf under the Hand- of the fai.d Lord High Admiral, or under the Hands of three or houfes,'&c. more of the Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral for the time, being) it fliall and may be lawful to and for the Conftables, Tithingmen, Headborouqiis and other chief Otficers and Magiftrates of Cities, Towns and Villages, and o-ther Places within England, J-paks and the Town of Beriuick upon Tiveed; and in their Default or Abfence, fur any one Juftice of the Peace, inhabiting in or near any fuch City, Town, Village or 'Place, and for no others; and fuch Conftables and other Civil Magiftrates as aforefaid are hereby required to quarter and billet the Marines both Officers and private Men in his Majefty's Service, in Inns, Livery-ftables, Ale-houfes, Vi6lualling-houfes, and all Houfes of Perfo'ns feUing Brandy, Strong Waters, Cyder or Metheglin, by Retail, to be drank in Houfes, other than and except the Houfe or Houfes of' any Diftillers, who. keep Houfes or Places of diftiiling Brandy g . ^. and Strong Waters, and the Houfe of any- Shop-keeper, whofe principial Dealings fliall be more in other fliners Houfes-' Goods and Merchandizes than in Brandy and Strong Waters (fo as fuch Diftillers and Shop-keepers do orShop-keep- not permit or fuffer Tippling in his or their Houfes) and in no other, and private Houfes what- ^"^6 Ho'uie'-"" fdever, without the Confent of' the Occupier i nor fliaU any more Billets at any Time be ordered, than there are effedtjve Marines prefent to be quartered ; and if any Conftable, Tithingman, or fuch like ^™J,'^[ °" Officer or Magiftrate as aforefaid, (hall prefume to quarter or billet any fuch Officer or private Man in qu'uterinj'ot-' any fuch private Houfe, without the Confent of the Occupier ; in fuch Cafe fuch Occupier fliall have ficersorMcn in his or their Remedy at Law againft fuch Magiftrate or Officer, for the Damage that fuch Occupier fhall Fi^'ate Koufes, fuftain thereby ; and if any Marine Officer fhalttake upon him to quarter private Men otherwife_ than is . '" . ; limited and allowed by this A61, or (hall ufe or oifer any Menace or Compulfion to any Mayors, Con- Penalty on of- Ifables or other Civil Officers before-mentioned, tending to deter and difcourage any of tbern from per- ^'^^^^ 3.""^' forming any Part of their Duty hereby required or appointed ; fuch Marine Officer lliali for every fuch "ont'iary to tiiu" Offence (being thereof eonvifled before any two or more of the next Juftices of the Peace of the Aft, &c. County, -by the Oath of two credible Witnefi'cs) be deemed and taken to be ipfofaifo caftiiered, and ihall be utterly difabled' to have or hold any military Employment within this,Kingdom, or in his Ma- jefty's Service ; provi.ded the faid- Con Viition be affirmed at the next .Quarter-Seffions of the Peace of the faid County, arid a Certificate thereof be tranfmitted to the Judge Advocate, who is hereby obliged to certify the fame to the next Court-martial ; and in cafe any Perfon Ihall find himfelf aggrieved, in Perfon saggriev- that fuch Conftable, Tithingman or Headborough, Chief Officer or Magiftrate (fuch Chief Officer or edniaycom- Magiftrate not being a Juftice of the Peace) has quartered or billeted in his houfe a greater Number pf juflices.^" Marines than, he ought to bear in Proportion to-his Neighbours ; and ihall complain thereof to one or tnore Juftice or Juftices of the Peace of the Divifion, City or Liberty, where fuch Marines are quar- tered ; or in cafe fuch Chief Officer or Magiftrate fhall be a Juftice of the Peaice^ then ou Complaint made to two or more Juftices of the Peace of fuch Divifion, City or Liberty ; fuch Juftice or Juftices refpedively fliall have, and is or are hereby declared to have Power to relieve fuch Perfon by orderin_g fiich and fo many of the faid Marines to be removed, and quartered upon iuch other Perfon or Perfons as they fhall fee Caufe ; and fuch other Perfon or Perfons mail be obliged to receive fuch Marines ac- cordingly. ■■ ■ XVIL Provided neverthelefs, and it is hereby enafted, That the Marine Officers and private Rlen Officers and fo quartered and billeted as aforefaid, fliall be 'received and furniflied with Diet and^ Small Beer by fumUj^eVat'^the the Owners of the Inns, Livery-ftables, Ale-hou;'es, Vielualling- houfes and other Houfes in which Rates herein fet, they are allowed to be quartered and billeted by this Act ; paying and allowing for the fame the feveral Rates herein after-mentioned to be payable out of the Subfiftence-money for Diet and Smajl i Beer. XVIII. Provided always. That in cafe any Innholder or other Perfon on whom any Non-commiffion ^J'j'^^'/".']',"'^' Officers or private Men fliall be quartered by virtue of this Act (except on a March, or employed in Me^'quartered Recruiting ; and likewife except the Recruits by them raifed, for the Space of feven Days at moft, for on tiiem, in- fuch Non-commiffion Officers and private Men, who are recruiting, and Recruits by them raifed) fliall G^adoi Meat; be defirous to furnifh fuch Non-commiffion Officers or piivate Men with Candles, Vinegar and Salt, and with either Small Beer or Cyder, not exceeding five Pints for each Man per Die??!, grdiis, and al- low to fuch Non-commiffion Officers or private R'len the Ufe of Fire, and the neceffary Utenfils^ for dreffing and eating their Meat, and fliall give Notice of fuch his Delire to the Commanding Officer, and fliall furnifti and allow the fame accordingly ; then and in fuch Cafe, the Non-commiffion Officers and private Men fo quartered fliall provide their own Vidfuals ; and the Ofiicer to whom it belongs to receive, or who Ihall actually receive the Pay and Subliftencc of fuch Non-commiffion Officers and pri- 4 M 2 - vats