Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/662

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642 C. 7. Anno vicelimo noiio Georgii II. A. D. 1756. Times of Pay- greater or lefs Sum ; Be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That all fuch Contributors who have ni ;nts in refpeil j^ mad^ the fald Depofit often Pounds per Centum, in Part of the Sums by them feverally fubfcribed, '^-oacoo'"" as a Security for their making their future Payments, fliail make the fame accordingly at or before the rubfciBed'to- rcfpedive Divys or 'I'imes, and in the Proportions in this A61 limited in that Behalf; that is to fay, •wards Annul- jj.^ refpect of their proportional Share of the faid Sum of one million five hundred thoufand Pounds, "^ fifteen Pounds per Centum wi. or before the thirtieth Day of Alarch one thoufand levcn liundred and hfty- iix ; twenty Pounds per Centum on or before the fifteenth Day of May then next cnfuing ; twenty Pounds per Centum on or before the iixteenth Day of 'July then next enfiiing ; twenty Pounds per Centum on or before the fixtcenth Day of September then next enfuing ; and the remaining fifteen Times of Pay- Pounds per CeMum on or before the thirtieth Day of October then next enfuing ; and in rcfpect of inent in a-fpca: their proportional Share of the laid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pouiids, twenty Pounds per Centum ^^oJ,oOTr.'"o°-^ o" ° before the twenty-fecond Day of April one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix; twenty Pounds wards tiie Lot- pfr Centum on or before the fixteenth Day of 'June then next enfuing ; twenty-he Pounds per Centum r=r/. on or before the fourteenth Day of AugiiJ} then next enfuing ; and the remaining twenty-hve Pounds Annuities to per Centum on or before the twentieth Day of Oilober then next following; aiid that all fuch Con- tear 3!. los. per ti-jbutors for and in refpedl: of three Fourths of the Sums fo by them fubfcribed, fliall be intitled Cent, intereft ; j.^ (.j.,„;j. pj-oportional . Share of Annuities after the Rate of three Pounds ten Shillings per Centum per and Tickets 3]. yf,7?H/wr; and for and in refpeift of the remaining fourth Part of the Sum fo fubfcnbed, to as many percent. Lottery Tickets as the faid fourth Part of the Sum fo ftibTcribed Ihali purchafe, after the Rate of ten Pounds for each Ticket ; and that every fuch Contributor or Adventurer, for every Sum of ten Pounds fo advanced for the Purchafe of a Lottery llcket, (hall be intitled to fuch Lot, and to fuch Annuity, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per 4nnum, as is herein after directed and ap- pointed. - Annuities to HI- And be it further enafied by the Authority aforefaid, That the Annuities which fliall become commence from due and payable to the feveral Contributors, their Executors, Adminiffrators, Succeilbrs and Alligns, II Feb. 1756. after the Rate of three Pounds ten Shillings per Centum per Annum, in refpedt of the faid Sum of one million five hundred thoufand Pounds, Part of the faid principal Sum of two millions, (hall commence Firfl Payment of and be computed from the eleventh Day of February one thoufand kvtn hundred and fifty-fix ; and diat Intereft to be on fg j-jjuch of the faid Annuities, as after the faid Rate of three Pounds ten Shillings per Centum per Annum and^'afterwards fl"'all be due on the fifth Day of January one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-feven, fhall be then paid ; to be paid half- and that the Annuities which fhall from and after that Time be due, fliall be paid half-yearly on the yearly. flfjj-, Y)zy of July and the fifth Day of January, by even and equal Portions ; and that the Annuities which fnall become due and payable to the faid Contributors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Suc- ceflbrs and AfTigns, at the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per An-nuni, in refpect of the faid principal Intereft on Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, Refidue of the faid principal Sum of two millions, (hall corn- Tickets tocom- mence and be computed from the fifth Day of January which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one tliou- i7^57"and pay"- '^'^d feven hundred and fifty- feven, and fhall from time to time be paid half-yearly on the fifth Day of ble half-yearly. July and the fifth Day of January, by even and equal Portions ; the firff Payment thereof to be due and payable for the half Year ended the fifth Day of •^a/|'- which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thou- fand feven hundred and fifty-feven. Cafhier to give IV". Arid be it further enacfted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Cafliier or Calhiers who fiiall Receipts for have received, or (hall receive any Part of the Suins fo paid by way of Depofit, or otherwife, in refpeifl tiielamemlde ' °^. ^^"^ .'^ Annuities, after the Rate of three Pounds ten Shillings per Centum per Annum, fiial! fortii- aflignabie. ' with give Receipts in Writing, figned by himfelf or thcmfelves, to every fucli Contributor for all Inch Sums, and that the Receipts to be given for any Sums paid in refpect of the laid Annuities, after the Rate of three Pounds ten Shillings per Centum per Annum, fhall be aifignable by Indorfement thereupon made at any Time before the thirtieth Day oi Oiiober one thoufand fev^en hundred and fifty-iix, and 110 longer. ■ , Cafliier to give V. Provided alvvfays, That fuch Cafhier or Cafliiers fliall give Security to the good Liking of any three .Sctyiricy ; or luore of the Commilhoncrs of the Treafury now being, or the High Treaiurer, or any three or more ct the COmmilTioners of the Treafury for the time being, for duly an(vering and paying into the Re- ceipt of Itis iMajelfy's Exchequer for the publick Ufe, all the Monies which "they (hall have already re- ceived by way of Depofit, or otherwife, or (hall hereafter receive, from time to time, of or for the laid Sum of two millions, and- for accounting duly for the fame, and for Performance of the 'Erufls Iverebv

,ndtopayin in them repofed ; and (hall, from time to time, lb pay all fuch Monies as foon as they (hall receive

theSequ'er.°*',^/^'"'^.' oi". a»y Part thereof, or within li.e Days afterwards at the farthell, and (hall account for all Monies lb received by Irim or them, in the Exchequer, according to the due Courfe thereof, deducting thereout fuch Sums as (hall have been paid by him or them in pur.'uance of this Ad', in Manner herein after mentioned ; for which Sums fo paid,. Allowance (hall be made in his or their Accounts. .. Treafury to ap- VL And be it further ^ennfted by the Authority aforefaid. That it (hall and may be lawful to and for ply the Monies the CommifFioners of his Majefly's Treafury now beins:, or the High Treafiircr, or any three or more v'.td'by7he" o^ ^^^"^ Commiflioncrs of the Treafurv-for the time being, from time to time, to ilTue and apply all fuch Commons. '^^^"^ Of Money as (hall fo be paid into the Receipt of his Majelfy's Exchequer bv the laid Cafhier or Calhiers, to Inch Services as (hall then have been voted by the Coihmons of Great Britain in this Seflion of Parliament. - , . Contributors VII. And bc it further enailed by the Authority aforefaid. That in the Office of the AcconiptantGe-. ^n'credm 1° "er^'l "^ ihe faid Governor and Compan' of the Bink of En^^land for the tinu beins;-, there (hall bs pro- Book; " '^^^" ^"^ -"^cpt a Book or Books, in which (hall be fairly entered the Names of all fuch Co.atriputors as