Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/686

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666 C. 15. Anno vicefimo nono Georgii II. A. D. 1756. curity to the Colleaor or Cuftomer of the Port, in the Penalty of double the Value of the Goods in- tended to be exported, and one hundred Pounds (which Security every fuch Collector or Cuftomer is hereby impowered and required to take ia the Name, and to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Sucfeirorsj tiiat fuch Linens fo (hipped or intended to be fliippi-d, or any Part thereof, (hall not be re- landed or brought on Shore again in any Port or Part of Great Britain, Ireland, or T^e IJle of Alan -y and Oati. ko be and (hall alfo, before he receives any fuch Bounty, make Oath (which Oath the proper Otlicers of the ni.ideoitiieVa- Cuftoms have hereby Power to adminifterj- of the Value of fuch Linens, and that the fame, were made K,.andManu- -.^ Qreat Britain ox Ireland. T' I ■ ilL And in order to prevent Abufes in obtaining the faid Bounty, Be it further enafled by the Au- c-"mine ilL thority aforefaid, 'Lhat it fliall and may be lawful to and for any Searcher, or other proper Officer, after Goods aga-c xt t ntry of any Linens, as being intitled to the iaid Bounty, and before or after the ihipping thereof, rnd'cc'arel^' to open and ftridtlv examine any Bale, Trufs, Chefl; or other Package, to fee if the Goods are right irnght.iiuy' entered and endorfed on the Cocquet ; and if, on fuch Examination, the fame (hall be found to be arc to be re- jjaht entered and endorfed, the Searcher fliall at his own Charge caufe the fame to be repacked ; which packed at his (j'j:,j,.„g i^-^jj ^^ allowed to the faid Officer by the Commiliioners of the Cuiloms if they think it rcalonable. Linens entered IV. And be it further enai^edbythe Authority aforefaid, Tliat if upon View ar.d Examination by for the Bounty {^g proper Olncers of the Cuftoms it (hall appear, that all or any Piece or Pieces of Linen which fhaJj °ha^iTr6dp"JT be entered for Exportation, as intitled to the Bounty hereby granted, is or are of greater Value thaij Yard, to be" de- one Shilling and fix Pence p^r Yard, then, and in fuch Cafe, the Exporter, or Seller of fuch Linen for livercdcnDe- Exportation, flial!, on Demand made in Writing by the Culfomer or Colledor and Comptroller of the Kfn--s"ware! Por' vi'here fuch Goods or Merchandizes are entered, deliver, or caufe to be delivered, fo many Pieces hou4 " of fuch Linen as (hall be demanded by the faid Officer, into his Majefty's Warehoufe at the Port of Exportation, for the Ufe and Benefit of the Crown ; and upon fuch Delivery, the Cuftomer or Col- lefior of fuch Port, with the Privity of the Comptroller, fltall, out of any Money in the Hands of fuch Cuftomer or Collector, arifing by Cuftoms or other Duties belonging to the Crown, pay to fuch Ex- and IS. 7ti. per porter, or Seller for Exportation, the Value of one Shilling and feyen Pence per Yard, taking a Re- Vard to be paid j,g;p[ f^j. j|,g f^^g liQvcv fuch Exporter or Seller for Exportation, in full SatisfaJtion for the faid Goods» g' d "b" ^^ '^ *^^^y ^^'^ ^^^'^ regularly fold ; and the refpeetive Commiffioners of the Cuftoms ihall caufe the faid aft^rwa'r^ds foM Goods to be fairly and publickly fold for the beft Advantage ; and out of the Produce thereof, the PLoUckiy, Money fo paid or advanced as aforefaid, fliall be repaid to fuch Cuftomer or Colledor, with the Privity to replace the ^f ^j^g (jomptroUer, to be replaced to fuch Funds from whence the fame was borrowed ; and if any piqiTrFunds,^ Overplus (hall remain, after defraying the Expences of fuch Sale, and the necelTary Charges incident Overplus how to thereto, one Moiety of fuch Overplus ihall be paid into his Majefty's Exchequer, to be made Part of be apiihed. the Sinking Fund, and the other Moiety to the proper Officers who (hall have fearched and examined fuch Linens. Linens entered V. And be it further enacfled by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons (hall enter fuV"andr"fufed ^° Exportation any Linen at any Value, not exceeding the Value of one ShiHing and fix Pence per to be given up; Yard, and which, upon the View and Examination ot the proper Officers of the Cui^oms, fhall be thought to be of greater Value than one Shilling and fix Pence per Yard, and fliall, on Demand made in Writing by the Cuftomer or Colledlor, and Comptroller of the Port where fuch Linen is entered for Exportation, refufe to deliver, or caufe to be delivered, all or any of the Pieces of fuch Linen into his Majefty's Warehoufe at fuch Port, for the Ufe and Benefit of the Crown, and to receive from the faid Officers of the Cuftoms at the faid Port the Value of one Shilling and feven Pence per Yard for aird alfo Linens fuch Linen, in full SatisfacStion for the fame ; or if the proper Officers of the Cuftoms (hall, upon View rnide'?- the'vaiue ^"'^ Examination, find any fuch Linen which fliall be entered for Exportation, at the Value of fix of 5d. or 6d. Pence per Yard, or above that Value, not exceeding eighteen Pence /^r Yard, to be under the Value ptrYardrefpec- of fix Fence per Yard, or which (hall be entered at the Value of five Pence per Yard, or above that irTQuaii^ity or Value, and not amounting to the Value of fix Pence per Yard, to be under the Value of five Pence Brea3th, than per Yard; or if fuch Linen (hall be lefs in Quantity than fliall be exprelled in the faid Indorfement on required by the the faid Entry or Cocquet, or fliall not be of the Breadth of twenty-five Inches at the leaft; or if the o- trd d f^'^^ 'li^ll be entered and indorfed under a wrong Denomination, whereby the faid Bounty, or any- a wrongDcno-"^ P^rt thereof, would have been fraudulently obtained ; that then, and in every fuch Cafe, all fuch Linen siination, which (hall be fo refufed to be delivered, or that fliall be under the Value of fix Pence per Yard, or live Pence /!£>• Yard refpet5tive!y, or fhall appear to be lefs in Quantity than exprelTed in fuch Indorfe- ment, or be under the Breadth of twenty-five Inches, or entered and indorled under a wrong De- tobe forfeited nomination, and alfo all the Goods contained in all and every the Package or Packages indorled on Tg^ '^^ ^'"^^' ^^ '^^'^ Entry or Cocquet, (hall be forfeited and loft, and (hall and may be li^ized by any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms ; and the Owner or Merchant fliall lofe the Benefit of receiving the Bounty for fuch Goods. VI. And which the Bounty Ihall have been given or claimed, fliall be relanded in Great Britain, Ireland, or The »o"bTfo'rfidt"cd y- ^nd^be it alfo further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Briti/!} or IriJ}} Linen for withis. jjer Ijlc of Man, the fame fhall be forfeited; and every Perfon concerned in bringing back or relanding "" ■ the fame, fliall forfeit one SJiilling for every Yard lb brought back or relanded. Striped and Che- Yil. Provided always, T'hat nothing in this Ail contained (hall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to Vc'IIwaIT' S'^*^ ^"y Bounty on ajiy Linens that aie ftriped or chequered, or printed or painted, or made into Buck- ^ ' rams or TiUetings. VUL