Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/148

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IIJ. Anno tricefiino Georgii II. A.D. 1757W Perfon negle£l- ing 10 pay the Ricef lor 2 Monilis Dsmand, for- feits 5 s. for eve C. 32. cupiers in Rcfpc^'!! thereof {hall be afiefled or rated atj and the Landlords, both n^ediate and immediate, according to their refpedtive Interefts, are hereby required to allow fuch DeducStion and Payment, upon Receipt of the Refidue of their Rents; and that every Occupier paying fuch Allefiment or Race, (hall be acquitted and difcharged for fo much Money as the faid AfTeirment or Rate fhall amount unto, as if the lame had been actually paid to fuch Perfon or Perfons unto whom his, her or their Rent fbould have been due and payable. ' X. And, to the End that the full Sum which fliall be fo rated or afTefTed, may he duly anfwered and

  • paid ; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon fhall refufe or negledt to pay to the

Colledtor the Sum with which he or fhe fliall be refpeitively charged by the Space of two Months, after a perfonal Demand hath been made thereof by the faid Colle6lor, every fuch Perfon fliall forfeit and pay the further Sum of five Shillings for every twenty Shillings which fhall be in Arrear and unpaid, to be if no Diftrefs be found, the Lands to remain a Se- curity for the Tax, &c. Rares liable to the Pa)ment of Creditors may diftrain for Inte reft, if not paid lialf yearly, or XI. Provided iilways, and it is hereby enacted and declared. That in cafe any of the faid Lands and Grounds fhall at any Time hereafter be untenanted or unoccupied, or the Owner or Owners thereof fhall not be found, (o that no fufficient Diftrcfs can be made for levying the faid Rates and Taxes, then the Lands and Grounds chargeable therewith fhall always remain a Security for Payment thereof; and all Goods and Chattels which fiiall at any Time thereafter be found thereon, fhall and may be diftraincd, kept, appraifed and fold in Manner aforefaid, until all Arrears of the faid Rates and Taxes and Charges, fhall be fully paid and fatisficd. XIL And it is hereby further enabled and declared, That the Rates, Taxes and Sums of Money here- by enadted to be alTelFed upon and paid by the Owners or Occupiers of the Lands, Grounds and Premif- thft Money bor- {p aforefaid, fhall be charged and chargable, in the firft Place, with and for the Payment of all and every rowe , c. j^,^.^ g^j^ g^j Sums of Money fo to be borrowed as aforefaid, and the Intereft thereof, from Time to '1 irne, and fhall veft in the refpective Creditors, upon Default of Payment of fuch Principal Money and Intereft, until the fame fhall be fully paid and fatished, together with the Coils and Charges occafioned by the Non-payment thereof. Xin. And, for the more effectually fecuring unto fuch Creditors as aforefaid the regular Payment of all Intereft that fhall, from Time to Time, become due unto them for or in Refpe>5l of any fuch Prin-

  • cipal Money fo to be lent and advanced by them as aforefaid,' It is hereby further enabled. That when

and lo often as any half-yearly or yearly Payments of Intereft fhall become due unto any fuch Creditors as aforefaid, his, her or their Executors, Adminiftrators or Afligns ; and the fame fhall have remained in Arrear and unpaid by the Space of three Months next after the Day or Days on which the fame ought to vTtiJnTMonth: [^^^ been paid. Demand thereof having been firil made of the Receiver or Colledtor of the faid Rates and af(er. Taxes for the 'i'ime being, if there fhould then be any fuch Officer refiding in or within five Miles of the faid Parifli oi IVlggen-hall Sa'uit Mary Magdalen-., then, and in every fuch Cafe, it fliall and may be law- ful to and for every fuch Creditor, his, her or their Executors, Adminiftrators or Affigns, forthwith to raife and levy by Diftrefs and Sale of any Goods, Chattels or Cattle that fliall be found upon any Part of the faid Lands, Grounds and PremifFes, fo charged or chargeable as aforefaid, with the Payment of the i iid Rates and Taxes, all and every fuch Arrear and Arrears of Intereft as aforefaid, together with the Cofls and Charges of raifmg and levying the fame, returning the Overplus to the Owner or Owners of fuch Goods, Chattels or Cattle fo diftrained and fold; and the aforefaid Commiilioners, at their next Meeting which fliall be held after fuch Diftrefs fo taken as aforefaid, fhall and are hereby required, out of the f.iid Rates and Taxes, to reimburfe unto fuch Owner or Owners all and every fuch Sum and Sun^s of Money as fhall have been fo raifed and levied upon him, her or them by fuch Creditor or Creditors as aforefaid. XiV. And it is hereby further ena£ted, That the faid AfUgnments or Securities fo to be made as afore- faid, under the Hands and Seals of feven or more of the faid CommifTioners, fhall and may be aflignable or transferrable by Indorfement on the original Grant or Security thereof or otherwife, without Stamp, to any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever ; and the Perfon or Perfons to whom fuch Transfer or Aflignment ihall be made, fhall from thenceforth be well and fufficiently intitlcd to all the Monies due and to grow due on the faid original Grant or Security. XV. And it is further enacted. That all and every Perfon or Perfons whomfoever, who fhall at any Time or Times hereafter wilfully and malicioully cut, throw down, burn or otherwife deftroy any Bank,. Mill, Engine, Flood-gate or Sluice already erected or made, or which fhall at any Time hereafter be ma- king or creating, or made or erctSled for the draining or improving the faid Fen Lands or Low Grounds, as aforefaid, or any Part thereof, and fhall thereof be lawfully convidted, fhall be guilty of Felony, and lh<tll be fubjcdt and liable to the like Pains and Penalties as in Cafes of Felony; and the Court, by or before whom fuch Perfon fhall be tried, fliall and have hereby Power and Authority to tranfnort fuch Felons for feven Years, in like Manner as other Felons are directed to be tranfportcd by the Laws and Statutes of thir. Realm ; and if any Perfon or Perfons fhall, at any Time hereafter, malicioufly deftroy, ftop, dam up, fpoil or damage any Drain, Watercourfe, Door, Dam, Bridge or other Work or Works already made or cre6led, or which fhall at any 'i ime hereafter be making or ereiting, or made or eredted lor anfwering the Purpofes aforefaid, or fhall lay or let any Nets or other Engines therein, every Perfon or Perfons fo offending, being thereof convidled before two or more Juftices of the Peace for the County oi ^erfcik^ who arc hereby required to hear and detemiiue the lantt, ou the Oatii of one or more credi- ble /(Tignment* tidt.fferrable without Sump. Perfon malici- ftofly dtftroying the Works goilty of felcay Vtthn% tnalici- tiuAy topping «p, tec. any l>r«i(i,&c.