Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/21

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the TITLES of tk S T A T U T E S. the fald River, and in the Streets, PafTages, and Ken- nells, in London, and in the Suburbs thereof in Mid- dleJeXi and in Wejlmlnfter, and fuch Part of the Dutchy of Lancq/ier zs is

Middle/ex, and for allowing a cer- 

tain Quantity of Dung, Compoft, Earth, or Soil, to be yearly fliipped as Ballaii; from the Layftalls in London on Board any Collier or Coafting Veffel. 17. An Act for obviating a Doubt with refpecH: to the fummoning of Perfons for Offences committed againft, or Forfeitures incurred by, the Laws of Excife. 18. An Acl to continue fo much of an Adt made in the nineteenth Year-of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, as relates to the further Punifhment of Perfons going arm- ed or difguifed, in Defiance of the Laws of Cuftoms or Excife ; and to the Relief of the Officers of the Cu- {loms in Informations upon Seizures ; and to appro- priate certain Penalties mentioned in an A61 made in the laft Seflion of Parliament, for the due Making of Bread ; and to regulate the Price and Affize thereof; and to punifli Perfons who fhall adulterate Meal, Flour, or Bread. 19. An Aft to explain and amend an A£l pafled in the thirtieth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, for grant- ing to his Majefty feveral Rates and Duties upon In- dentures, Leafes, Bonds, and other Deeds ; and upon News Papers, Advertifements, and Almanacks ; and upon Licences for retailing Wine ; and other Purpofes in the faid A<ft mentioned ; fo far as the fame relates to fome Provifions with regard to Licences for retailing Wine; and to preferve the Privileges of the two Uni- verfities in that Part of Great Britain called England^ with refpeft to Licences for retailing Wine. 20. An A£t for enforcing the Execution of the Laws re- lating to the Militia ; and for removing certain Diffi- culties, and preventing Inconveniencies attending or which may attend the iame. 21. An AcSl for applying the Money granted in this Sef- fion of Parliament, towards defraying the Charge of Pay and Clothing for the Militia, from the thirty-firft Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty- eight to the twenty-fifth Day of iW^r^/j one thoufand feven hundred and hxty. 22. An A61 for adding certain Annuities granted in the Year one thoufand (even hundred and fifty-feven, to the Joint Stock of three per Centum Annuities, confoli- dated by the A£ls of the twenty-fifth, twenty-eighth, and twenty-ninth Years of his prefent Majefty's Reign ; and for carrying the feveral Duties therein mentioned f to the Sinking Fund ; and for charging the Annuities -^6n fingle Lives, granted in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-feven, on the Produce of the faid Fund. 23. An A61 to continue feveral Laws therein mentioned, relating to the allowing a Drawback of the Duties upon the Exportation of Copper Bars imported;' to the En- "*ccuragement of the Silk Manufaftures ; and for taking

  • -cfF feveral Duties on Merchandize exported, and re-

ducing other Duties; to the Premium upon Mafts, Yards, and Bowfprits, Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine; to the encouraging the Growth of Coffee in his Ma- jefty's Plantations in America; to the fecuring the Du- ties upon Foreign made Sail Cloth, and charging Fo- reign made Sails with a Duty ; and for enlarging the Time for Payment of the Duties omitted to be paid on thclndentures and Contracts of Clerks, Apprentices or Servants ; and alfo for making Affidavits of the Execu- tion of Articles or Contrails of Clerks to Attornies of - SoUicitors, and filing thereof. z4. An A61 to amend an A€t made in the laft Seffion of Parliament, for repealing the Duty granted by an A6t made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his late Ma- jefty on Silver Plate, and for granting a Duty on Li- cences to be taken out by all Perfons defiling in Gold or Silver Plate, by permitting the Sale of Gold or Sil- ver Plate ill fmall Quantities without Licence ; and by granting a Duty inftead of the Duty now payable upon Licences to be taken out by certain Dealers in Gold or Silver Plate ; and alfo a Duty upon Licences to be taken out by Pawnbrokers dealing in Gold or Silver Plate, and Refiners of Gold or Silver. 25. An A61: to explain and amend an A£l made in the twenty-ninth Year of his prpfent Maj^^'ly's Reign, in- tituled, Jn JSi for the Encouragement of Seamen, end the ?nore fpeedy and ejfedual Manning his Majejlys N/ruy j, and for the better Prevention of Piracies and Robberies by Crews of private Ships of War. 26. An A61: for applying a Sum of Moiiey granted in this Seffion of Parliament towards carrying on the Works for fortifying and fecuring the Harbour of Milford

the County of Pembroke ; and to amend and 

render more effedlual an Aft of laft Seffion of Parlia- ment, for applying a Sum of Money towards fortifying, the faid Harbour. 27. An Aft for continuing, amending, explaining, and making more effeftUal, an Aft made in the nineteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign intituled, Jin A£f more ejfeSiualh to prevent the Frauds and Abufes commit- ted in the Admeajureynent of Coals within the City and Liberty ^Weftminfter, and that Part of the Dutchy of Lancafter adjoining thereto, and the feveral Parifjes of Saint Giles in the Fields, Saint Mary le Bon, and fuch Part of the Parifi of Saint Andrew, Holborn, as lies in the County ij/'Middlefex. 28. An Adt for the Relief of Debtors with refpeft to the Imprifonment of their Perfons ; and to oblige Debtors, who fliall continue in Execution in Prifon beyond a certain Time, and for Sums not exceeding what are mentioned in the Aft, to make Difcovery of, and deliver upon Oath, their Eftates for their Cre- ditors Benefit. ,,.: t ... 29. An Aft for further r^egulating the Power of taking Samples of Foreign Spirituous Liquors by the Officers ■ of Excife ; and alfo for impowering the Traders to take fuch Samples before the Duties are charged. 30. An Aft for making Compenfation to the Proprietors of fuch Lands and Hereditaments as have been pur- chafed for the better fecuring his Majefty's Docks, Ships, and Stores, at Chatham^ Portfmouth, and Ply- mouth, and for better fortifying the Town of Portf- THGuth^ and Citadel ox P!y?nouth, in purfuance of an Aft of the laft Seffion of Parliament; and for other Purpofes theiein mentioned. 31. An Aft for granting to his Majefty certain Sums of Money out of the Sinking Fund ; and for applying certain Monies remaining in the Exchequer for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred ancf fifty-nine ; and for Relief of Samuel Taylor, with refpedl to a Bond entered into by him for fecuring the Duties • on Tobacco imported. 32. An Aft for thamore effeftual preventing the fraudu- lent Importation of Cambricks and French Lawns. 33. An Aft to explain and amend an Aft made in the laft: Seffion of Parliament, intituled. An A £f for granting to his Majefty feveral Rates and Duties upon Offices and Pen- fons ; and upon Houfes ; and upon Windows or Lights ; and for raifmg the Sum of five millions by Annuities and a Lottery