Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/245

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A. D. i757« Anno tricefimo primo Georgii II. C. 21. 211 ' and fifty-fix, were thereby referved and made payable, for or upon Account of every Horfe, Coach, Clia-

  • riot Kearfe, Berlin, Landau, Cakifh, Chaife or Chair, paflin? over the faid Bridge, and alfo by the Owner
  • or Owners of every Hoy, Barge, VefTel, Lighter or other Craft, having any Goods on Board, except as
  • therein is excepted, every Time fuch Hoy, Barge, Veflel, Lighter or other Craft ftiould pa(s through any

' of the Arches of the faid Bridge ; and fuch Tolls or Sums of Money were vcftcd in the Alayor and Corn-

  • monalty, and Citizens of the City of London., for the Purpofes of the faid A6t : And whereas in purfuancc
  • of the Powers given by the faid Ail, a ccnfiderable Progrefs hath been made in taking down the Houfcs
  • on the faid Bridge, and two of the Arches under the fame, in order to lay them into one j and alfo a

' Temporary Wooden Bridge was at a great Expence erefted to preferve a Publick. Paflage to and from the

  • . faid City, which faid Wooden Bridge hath been entirely confumed by Fire, and mufl neccfiarily be re-
  • built, at a further confiderable Expence : And whereas it hath been found by Experience that the faiJ

' Tolls, or Sums of Money, will not be fuiScient for effe^ling the Ends and Purpofes for which the fame

  • were granted and made payable: And whereas a Sum not exceeding fifteen thoufand Pounds hath becrv
  • granted to his Majefly this Seffion of Parliament, to be applied for rebuilding of London B?-ia^f :' May it

therefore pleafe your mod Extellent Majefly, that it may be enabled ; and be it enacted by the King's moft 15,010!. to be -ig'it, ^ - - - . . - - thoufand Pounds, without Account, to be applied for rebuilding the faid Brivige. Londoi IL Provided alv/ays. That all and every the faid Tolls or Sums of Money made payable by the faid recited Toils granted by A£l', fh?.ll continue cmd be in Force until the tv/enty~fourth Day of jfu/ie one thoufand (c'<:n hundred and 'he former Aft fiftv-cieht, and no longer ; any thing in the faid recited A6t contained to the contrary theieof in any wife ^° '°'^""'"'= '" ' • 1 ,1 ',. 0'-'° •' ■' i± June nxt, notWlthlrandnig. _ _ ^ ami no longer. IlL And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That the Charges and Expences of obtaining char'esof paiT- and pafTing this prefent Aft, ihall be paid out of any Money which has been or {hall be railed and received imthis A£t how by virtue of the faid former and this Ait. to be paid. IV. And it is hereby further enaded. That all and every the Powers, Claufes, Provifoes, Matters and Continuation f«^ Things contained in the faid former A61:, except fuch as are hereby difcontinued or altered, {hall remain, luch PowerE.&t. continue and be in full Force, and be executed, as well for the Purpofes of this Act, as of the faid former of '^c Ac>, as amply and effeftually as if the fame were in and by this A6t, exprcfly re-enadled. and declared to ^^ ,^^ r'.^ ""."^ •, '-^A- r-. ^ ', , ■ -r- •' ■' T r J hereby ciilconli- take Effect and be m t orce. _ „j,ej or altered. V. And be It further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid. That this A6t and all the Powers and Authorities ^ herein contained, ihall com.mence from and after the twenty-firfl Day of Jpri I one thoufand {"even hundred ot°ihis Aiil' " and fifty-eight. VL And for the more efFeftually preventing any Perfon or Perfons from burning or deflroying the faid „ , . ., Bridge ; Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fliall unlawfully, wilfully f^iySt^aghig and malicioufly fet Fire to, burn, blow up, pull down or deflroy the faid Bridge, or any Part thereof, or any o defiroying the Works or Buildings which now do or fball belong thereto, or in any v/ife direct or procure the fame to be Bridge, or any done, every fuch Offender or Offenders being lawfully convicted, {liall be deemed guilty of Felony, and {hall "'^^^^ vvcrks fuffer Death as a Felon, without Benefit of Clergy. ^ '^'^'^°^> Dea h. VII. And be it alfoenadted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Chamberlain of the City o( London {ha] Account of the lay an Account of the Application, as v/ell of the faid Sum of fifteen thoufand Pounds, as of all other Application of Monies received by virtue of this and the faid former A6t, before both Houfes of Parliament, vv'ithin tv.'enty cp'^fij'ro'be'ialil Days next after the opening of every Se{rion of Parliament, in the fame Manner as is directed by the fai3 annually iicfo^re formdr Act. Parliament. VIII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Action fliall be brought, or Suit com- Limitation of menced againfl: any Perfcn or Perfons for any thing done in purluance of this A6t, or in relation to the Pre- Adtions. mittes, or any of them, fuch Action or Suit fhall be laid or brought within fix'Months next after the Fa6t dvne, and fliall be laid or brought in the City of London or County of Surry., and not elfewhere ; and the Defendant or Defendants in fuch Action, may plead the General Iffue, and give this ASt and the Special General OTie. Matter in Evidence, at any Trial to be had thereupon ; and that the fame was done in purfuance and by Authority of this Act ; and if the fame fnall appear to have been fo done, or if any fuch Adtion or Suit fhall not be brought within the Time before lim>ited, or fhall be brought in any other County or Place than as aforefaid, then the Jury fhall find for the Defendant or Defendants ; or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs fhall be<:ome nonfuitcd, or fufjer a Difcontinuance of his, her or their A6tion or Actions ; or if a Verdidt fhaU pafs againft the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs ; or if upon Demurrer, Judgment fhall be given againfl the Plaintiff or Plaintiff:5,"" the faid Defendant or Defendants fnall have Treble Cofts, and fhall have fuch Remedy for re- Treble Cofls. covering the fame, as any Defendant or Defendants hath or have for Cofts in other Cafes by fyaw. IX. And it is hereby further enaded. That this A<St fhall be deemed a Publick A£t ; and fhall he taken Publick A(?^. Notice of as fuch, by all Judges, Juftices and other Perlbns whatfoever, without fpecially pleading the fame. CAP. XXL An A£t for, allowing further Time for Inrolmcnt of Deeds and Wills made by Papids ; and for Relief of Proteftant Purchafers. E X P. Farther Time given for inroUing Deeds and IVilh of Papijs till i January Co„rer>,<n Pi i7;9- -^^A'" ^° 3 Geo. I. C. 18. ^^ p'fi.l'ile%raer "" - 33 6fo, 2. c. I J, ■2, Ceo. 3. c. 2,0. E e 2 CAP.-