Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/30

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. 35. An Acl for dividing and inclofing certain open and Common Fields in the Parifh of" Fringford, otherwife Firy'ingford in the County of Oxford. 36. An Acl for dividing, inclofing, and allotting the Moors, Commons and Wafte Grounds, called Fool Common^ in the Manors of Lnnverchidol, and Stret Marcel, otherwife Street AiarfoalU in the Parifhes of Fool and Guilsfield in the County of Montgoinery. 37. An Act for confirming and ertabliihing Articles of Agreement, for dividing and inclofing certain open and Common Fields, in Burton Fidfea., in Holdcrnefi^ in the County of York. 33. An A<£t for confirming Articles of Agreement, for inclofing Common or Wafte Ground within the Manor or Lordfhip of Hcfuiigton in the County of York. 39. An A61 to enable John Earl of Sandwich, JVelhore Ellis Efquire, and Robert Nugent Efquire, to take in Great Britain the Oath of Office, as Vice Treafurer and Receiver General, and Paymaiter General of all his Majefty's Revenues in the Kingdom of Ireland; and to enable JVilliatn Earl of Harrington to take, in Great Britain, the Oath of Office as Cuftomer and CollevSlor of the Ports of Dublin, Skcrrys, Alalahide and TVickh^u in the faid Kingdom; and to enable Ri- chard Rigby Efquire, to take, in Great Britain, the Oath of Office, as Keeper and Mafter of the Rolls of the Court of Chancery in the faid Kingdom, and Clerk, Keeper, or Mafter of the Rolls, Books, Writs and Records of the faid Court ; and to qualify themfelves for the Injoyment of the faid refpe<Slive Offices. 40. An Acfi: for vefting Part of the fettled Eftate of Frede- rick Vifcount Bolingbroke, in the County of Keitt, in Truftees, to be fold, and for fettling an Eftate, in the County of Surrey, of greater Value in lieu thereof, and for impowering him to fell other Part of the faid Ken- tijh Eftate, for the Purpofes therein mentioned. 41. An Act for felling divers Lands and Hereditaments in London, Middlefex, Surrey, Berk/hire and Northanip- ionjhire, devifed by the Wills of Barthclornow Clarke, and Hitch Younge, Efquires ; and for laying out the Money, arifing by fuch Sale, in the Purchafe of other Lands and Hereditaments, to be fettled in lieu thereof, to the Ufes of the faid Wills refpedtively. 42. An Act for vefting the Plantation and Eftate of John fValter Efquire, and Newton his Wife (late Newton Widker Spinfter) in the Ifland of Barbadoes, in l>u- ftces, for raifing Money to be applied in purchafing of Stock, and for other Purpofes for the Improvement of rhe fame Plantation and Eftate. 43.. An A(5t for felling divers Lands and Hereditaments, in the City of London, and in the Counties of Middle- fex, Kent, Buekinghdfn and So?nerfet, devifed by the Will of Sir IVilliarn Dodwell Knight, deceafed, and purchafed in purfuance thereof refpeftively ; and for jaymg out the Money arifing by fuch Sale, in purcha- fing other Lands and Hereditaments, in or near the County of Gloucejhr, to be fettled in lieu thereof, to the Ufes of the faid Will. 44. An Act for vefting the fettled Eftate of John JVilUams Efquire, in the County of EjJ'ex, in Truftees, to be f(j|<j for raifing Money to difcharge Incumbrances, and laying out the Surplus in the i'urcbafe of Lands and Hereditaments, to be fettled to the Ufes limited of the faid fettled Eftate. 45. An A6t for felling a Meftuage and Lands, in Whad- don, in the County of Bucks, fettled by the late Brown /nilii Efqu'nc^ on the Marriage of his Soni and for purchafing another Eftate in lieu thereof, to be fettled to the fame Ufes. 46, An A6t for vefting and fettling the Real and Perfonal Eftate of John Morfe, late Citizen and Goldfmith of London, deceafed, for the Benefit of the fevcral Perfons intitled under his Will; and for the better anfw^ering and effeding the Intents and Purpofes of the fame Will. 47. An A6t for divefting, out of the Crown, the Re- mainder in Fee of the feveral Lands in Ireland, late the Eftate of Martin Dillon Efquire ; and for vefting the fame in Carleton IVhitelocke, of the City of Dublin Efquire, and his Heirs, in Truft for Henry Michel, of the faid City of Dublin Efquire, his Heirs and Affigns. PUBLICK ACTS. Anno 2 Georgii III. 1. AN A£t for enabling his Majefty to make Provi- f^ fion for fupporting the Royaj Dignity of the Queen, in cafe fhe ftiall furvive his Majefty. 2. An A6t to repeal fo much of an A6t pafted in the firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty King George the Third, intituled, An A^ for the Relief ^ Infolvent Debtors, as relates to Creditors compelling Prifoners charged in Execution to deliver up their E- ftates, and to fuch Prifoners being thereupon dif- charged. 3. An A6t for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax, to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundied and fixty-two. 4. An Adt for continuing and granting to his Ma- jefty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry for the Service of the Year one thoufand {etii hundred and fixty-two. 5. An Aift for more effectually preventing the exceflive- Ufe of Spirituous Liquors for Home Confumption, by laying additional Duties upon Spirits made in Great Britain, or imported into the fame j and for better re- gulating and encouraging the Exportation of Britijh made Spirits ; and for fecuring the Payment of the Du- ties upon Spirituous Liquors. 6. An A6t for the Importation of faked Beef, Pork and Butter, into this Kingdom from Ireland, for a limited Time, for the Supply of his Majefty's Ships, Tranf- port and other Ships and V>efl'els, in his Majefty's im- mediate Service and Pay. 7. An A£t for enabling his Majefty to raife a certain Sum of Money towards paying off and difcharging the Debt of the Navy, and towards Naval Services for the Year one thoufand f^v^w hundred and fixty-two. 8. An Act for granting to his Majefty feveral Rates and Duties upon Windows or Lights. 9. An A6t for charging certain / nuities granted in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixty, on the Sinking Fund ; and for carrying the Duties therein mentioned to the fiid Fund ; and for making forth Duplicates of Excheciuer Hills, Tickets, Certificates, Receipts, Annuity Orders and other Orders, loft, burnt or otherwife deftroycd. 10. An A6t for raifing by Annuities, in Manner therein mentioned, the Sum of twelve millions, to be charged on the Sinking Fund ; and for applying the Surplus of certain Duties on Spirituous Liquo'.s, and alfo the Monies arifing from the Duties on Spirituous Liquors, granted by an Adt of this Scflion of Parliament. II. An