Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/32

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. one Year, beglnr.Ing the twenty-fifth Day of March out thoufand feven hundred and fixty-two. 36. An AvH: for better fecuring the Payment of the Sums of Money directed by an A(9t made in the thirty-fecond Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Second, to be applied in Augmentation of the Sa- laries of the Puifne Judges in the Court oi King's Bench ^ the Judges in the Court of Common PUas^ the Barons of the Coif in the Court oi Exchequer at IVeJlminJier^ and the Juftices of Chejier and the Great SelTions for the Counties in Wala for the Time being. 37. An Acl for vefting certain Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, upon the Sea Coafts, in the Counties of Kent, Siijjex and Southampton, on which Forts and Batteries have been erected for the Defence of the faid Coafts, in Truftees, for certain Ules; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 58. An A(£l for the more eafy and fpeedy Recovery of fmall Debts, within the Town and County of the Town of King/ion upon Hull. N PRIVATE ACTS. jfnno Aft for naturalizmg z Georgil III. Anna Maria Tliornton, jt. Wife oi O flavins Thornton Merchant 2. An Aft for dividing and inclofing certain Common Fields and A'leadows, in the Parifli of Holy Crofs, in Perjhore, in the County o{ JVorceJier. 3. An Acl for naturalizing Philip Jacob Krauter, and John Paris. 4. An Act for naturalizing ^fsZ^w Bercns. 5. An A£t for eftablifhing and confirming certain Arti- cles of Agrement for the dividing and inclofing feveral Common Fields, Meadows and Paftures, in the Townftiips of Elvaflon and Thuljlon, in the County o( Derl'v. 6. An A(Sl for naturalizing Francis Rodolph Fatio, John Le Coq, 'John Henry Cazenove, and Henry Peter Kuhff. 7. An Act for dividing and inclofing two Pieces or Par- cels of Open and uninclofcd Lands, called The Town Hill, and The Burroughs, in the Borough and Manor of Szuarfea, in the QouniY oi Glamorgan. 8. An Act for dividing and inclofing the Common Fields, Aleadows, Paftures and Wafte Grounds, in the Tov/nfliip of J/lon upon Trent, in the County of Derby. 9. An Act for dividing and inclofing the Common Fields, Common Meadows, Common Grounds, and Commonable Places, in the Parifla of Swanburne, in the County of Bucks. 10. An A£t for dividing and inclofing feveral Common Fields, Meadows, Paftures, and Wafte Grounds, in the Parifti of Barrowhy, in the County oi Lincoln. 11, An Act to enable the molt t^ohQ Francis Duke of Bridgeicater to make a navigable Cut or Canal from Longp.rd Bridge, in the Townfliip of Stretjord, in the County Palatine of Z,ff«t(7/?i7-, to tz.vQv Merfy, at a Place called The Hemp Stones, in the Townfliip of Hal- ton, in the County of Che/lo Mar/Ion or Nunny, in the County of Somerfet, devifed and limited by the Will of Sir William IVyndham Baro- net, deceafed, and for laying out the Money arifing by fuch Sale in the Purchafe of other Lands and Heredita- ments to be fettled to the fame Ufes, except as therein mentioned. 14. An Adi for confirming and eftablifliing a Partition between Samuel Blunt, Henry Humphery, James Clithe- roiv, Efquires, and others, of feveral Eftates in the Counties of Sujfex, Surrey and Kent, and for vefting and fettling the entire Premiftes to the feveral Ufes therein mentioned. 15. An A6t for incorporating the Truftees, named in the Settlement and Will of Chriflopher Tancred Efquire, deceafed, and to enable them to take the Eftate late of the faid Chrijlopher Tancred, to them and their Succef- fors, in Perpetuity, for the charitable Ufes in fuch Set- tlement and Will, and for the better Management of the Charity. 16. An Act for vefting a Piece or Pieces of Ground in Kenfmgton, in the County of Middlefex, Part of the fet- tled Eftate of Rohert Phllimore Gentleman, in Tru- ftees, to be fold, and for applying the Money, arifing by fuch Sale, in the Purchafe of Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, to be fettled and limited to the like Ufes as the faid Ground now ftands fettled. • I 7. An Act to enable the Right Honourable the Lady Frances Hanhury Williams, to take upon her, and ufe, the Surname of ConingeJl>y, purfuant to a Provifo in a Settlement made by her Father Thomas Earl Coningejhy, deceafed. 18. An A£t to enable John Hafe Efquire, and his Heirs Male, to take and ufe the Surname and Arms of Lonibe. 19. An A(5t for naturalizing Henrietta Frederique Vif- countefs Stormont, Wife of the Right Honourable Da^ vid Lovd Vifcount Stormont. 20. An A£t for naturalizing Philip Schumacher and Ni- cholas Brandt. 21. An Act for naturalizing Jacob Wolffe Efquire, com- monly called Baron JVoljf'e. 22. An Act for naturalizing /'WJ^f^'/rnVr. 23. An A6t for naturalizing James Repinder. 24. An A(ft for naturalizing Jean Charnaud. 25. An A£t for dividing and inclofing the Open and Common Field, Common Meadows, Common Pa- ftures, Common Grounds, and Commonable Lands^ within the Hamlet and Liberties of Princethorpe, in the Townftiip and Parifti of Stretton upon Dunfmore, in the County of JVarwiek. 26. An AcSt for dividing and inclofing a certain Moor, oX Common, called Middle-wood Moor, or Ujhaw Moor, within the Manor of Lanchejlcr, in the County of Durhatn. 27. An A6t for dividing and inclofing the whole Year Lands, ajid Pa(iure Cjrounds, Common Fields, half Year Inclofurcs, Shack Meadows and Commons, in the Parifti of 6'/76////^i?w, in the County of A'!?//??/^. . 28. An A6t for dividing and inclofing the Open Fields in the Parifli of Hungerton, in the County of Lcicejivr. 12. An Adt for authorizing and enabling John Woods, 29. An AcSt for dividing and inclofing the Open Fields of Wilfir'm Woods, and John Challcn, Merchants, to ere6t and build one or more Tide Mill or 'lidc Mills for grinding Corn and (jrain, upon a Creek or Channel, in the Manor and Parifti of Bijhopllon, in the County of Svjfex. 13. An A£l for Sale of certain Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, in the Pariftics of Wilhani^ Frary^ Thuniicijlon, in the Parifti of Bclgrave and Barkby, m the County of Leice/ler. 30. An Act for dividing and inclofing the Open and Common Fields and Common Grounds in Whijjondiney in the County of Rutland. 31, An A6t for vefting. certain Lands, Tenements and hereditaments, heretofore given, in Truft, for the Bc- 3 ncfit