Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/337

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A.D. i757» Anno tricefimo primo G E o R G 1 1 II. C. 40. 303 IV. And be it further en aded by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons employed r'crfons employed to biml '■ to liind Hay or Straw, fhail not bind up and make the fame into Bundles or Trufics of fuch Weight ^'y f"' ^^"'f "^ "^°".-

and Quality as is direded by this Aa, every fuch Perfon fo ofF.nding fliall forfeit and pay the Sum ;;;[;7^;°;,';^,f "J," °',

of three Pence for every Bundle or Trufs of Hay or Straw, not being of fuch Weight and Quality ; iruff, the Owner ob- ! provided the fame be objected to by the Owner thereof within twenty-four Hours after the fame jednng withia a4 Hours^ ' Ihall be fo bound or made up, and before the fame fhall be rem.oved.

V. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty- Salefman buying, after

[ ninth Day of September, no Perfon fhall ad; as a common Salefman in felling Hay or Straw for any ^9 September, Hav or other Perfon, for Gain or Reward, or bv Commiilion, in London, or within the faid Limits of the ^^""^ °" his own Ac- faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, fhall directly or indireaiy buy any Hay or Straw on his own Ac- °"' ^° *^"' count, other than what he fhall purchafe to fpend for his own Ufe ; and that if any fuch Pei fori who fliall fo aa as a Salefman of Hay or Straw fhall, after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September, buy any Hay or Straw on his own Account to fell again ; or fhall fell in London, or within the faid ° f'-ll'"?. af;er 29 Sfp-

Limits of the faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, any Hay or Straw which fhall have been bought by '^iTh "he Wc"k!y B,n,

' him on his Account, he, fhe or they, on being convided thereof in Manner herein after mentioned, Hay or Straw bought by Ihall for every fuch Ofience, forfeit and pay the Sum of one Shilling for every Trufs of fuch Hay hm on bis own Ac- er Straw which fhall be fo fold by or for him. count, forfeits is. per VI. And in order to prevent any undue Praaiccs between the Ovvners or Salefmen of Hay or Trufs. Straw, and the Servants of the Buyers thereof; and to the End it may be known at what Price ■ Hay or Straw fold v»?ithin the Limits aforefaid, fhall be actually fold Be it further enaaed by the a Re?ifter to be kept in i Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September, there fhall be kept the H^y Markets withrn

in the Hay Market in the City of London, and at every other Hay Market within the Limits of the London, and the Week-

' faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, where Hay or Straw is or fhall be allowed to be fold, a Book or '^ ^^^' Regifter for entering and regiflering therein an Account of all Hay and Straw which fliall be fold in ' any fuch Hay Market refpedively ; and that fuch Book or Regifter fhall be kept in London by the in London, by the proper ' Hay Weigher, who fhall be appointed by the Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of the faid City Hay Weigher j of London, to weigh the Hay brought for Sale into the faid City, or his Deputy or Deputies ; and a"d i" other Places by out of the faid City of London, within the Limits of the faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, by the the cie.k or Toll- • Clerk, or Toll-gatherer of every Hay Market within the faid Limits, or his or their Deputy or De- S«herer. ^ i puties; and that every Perfon who fhall fell any Hay or Straw

London, or within the Limits of Vender, within a limi- 
the faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, his Servant or Agent, fhall within fix Hours after any Hay or ted Time, to make aw
Straw fhall, at any Time, be fold in any publick Hay Market in London, or within the faid Limits ^"'fy therein of tfce

' of the Weekly Bills of Mortality and vi^ithin feven Days after every Sale of Hay or Straw in London, ^^y or Straw fold by or within the faid Limits of the Weekly Bills of Mortality, fl:iall be made, out of any fuch Hay '""' i Market in London, or in any Place within the Limits of the faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, make an Entry in the Book or Regifler of the Hay Market, in vv^hich any fuch Hay or Straw fhall be ' fold ; or where the fame fhall not be fold in any fuch Hay Market, then in the Book or Regifter [ of the Hay Market which fhall be mofl contiguous to the Place in London, or within the Limits of the fiaid Weekly Bills of Mortality, in which any fuch Hay or Straw fhall be fold ; diftinguifhing diftingui/hinp the Names I therein the Names and Places of Abode of the Owners and Sellers of any fuch Hay or Strav/, and and Places of Abcde of I the Names and Places of Abode of the refpeaive Buyer or Buyers thereof, and alio of the Perfon ^^^ Owners, Sdhrs, and or Perfons for whom or for whofe Ufe any fuch Hay or Straw fhall be fo bought, and alfo the Day urrthefamewaVbou'"ht i in which fuch Hay or Straw fhall be fo bought, and the true Price at which the fame fhall be really with the DateTnd p"rfce j I fold J and every Perfon who fhall fell any fuch Hay or Straw, his Servant or Agent, fhall fign his and to fign the faid En-' Name, or fet his Mark, to every fuch Entry which he fhall fo make or caufe to be made, and fhall t^y, and pay id. Fee to pay for the fame to the Hay Weigher, Clerk, or Toll-gatherer of the Market, who fhall keep fuch 'j^^ '^'"'*' f *^-. ^ „ : Book or Regifter as aforefaid, the Sum of one Penny; and every fuch Hay Weigher, Clerk, or f/f ,%^2n on pfy Toll-gatherer of the Market, or his Deputy or Deputies, fhall at all feafonable Times in the Day- ing zq. time, and during the Market Hours herein after mentioned, permit any Perfon to have Reccurfe to, and infpea any fuch Book or Regifter which fhall be fo kept for any fuch Hay Market ; the Perfon fo defiring to infpea the fame, paying for every fuch Infpeaion the Sum of one Halfpenny ; and if Vender negiefiing to the Seller of any fuch Hay or Straw in London, or within the Limits of the faid Weekly Bills of ""^J^e fuch Em-y, *■•<:. Mortality, his Servant or Agent, fhall not make fuch Entry as aforefaid in fuch Book or Regifter, within the faid Space of fix Hours after any Sale fhall be made of any fuch Hay or Straw in any public Hay Market in London, or within the faid Limits of the Weekly Bills of Mortality, and within the faid Space of feven Days after every Sale of any Hay or Straw in London, or within the faid Limits of the Weekly Bills of Mortality, out of any fuch Hay Market, or fhall not fign his Name or put his Mark thereto, or fhall refufe to pay for making any fuch Entry, or fhall give in or giving ins faife or up- or caufe to be entered in any fuch Book or Regifter, any falfe or untrue Account of the Quantity true Account, forfeirs of Hay or Straw fold, or of the Price at which the fame was really fold, or of the Name of Place ^f «^"^<*'ng 20 s. nor of Abodi of any Buyer of fuch Hay or Strav/ ; every Owner or Seller of any fuch Hay or Straw, '* ' ^" ^° his Servant or Agent, who fliall fo ofrend, (hall, on being conviaed thereof in Manner herein after mentioned, for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding twenty Shillings, nor lefs than ten Shillings ; and if any Hay Weigher in London, or Clerk or Toll-gatherer of any Hay and Hay Weigher or Market within the Limits aforefaid, or his or their Deputy or Deputies, fhall omit or neglea to Cle.k, '&c. mgieai/ii: keep fuch Book or Regifter, or fhall delay or refufe to let any Entry hereby direaed to be made ^'s Duty in th? rrcmit- therein, or fhall demand any greater Price than one Penny for making any fuch Entry, or one Half- ^^^ '^°'^='" '" lii^e penny for permitting fuch Book or Regifter to be at any Time perufed or examined, or fhall knowingly