Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/37

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A- D. i757» Anno tricefimo Georgii IL C. i. 3 VI. Provided alfo, That nothing herein contained fhall extend to prohibit the Exportation of Beans to Beans m,iv b- the BritiJhFonSj Callles and FacStories in Jfn'c^, or for the JJfe of the Ships trading upon that Coaft, that^^^^P°'«<^jo,^- ufualJy have been fupplied with the fame from Great Britain or Ireland^ fo as the like Security be give, fo^' Security .^"""^ the exporting thereof, as is required by this A(5t to be given by Perfons carrying any of the faid Commo- dities to the ^r/Vi//j Colonies in y/w^r/V^. ^ _ Eaft India Com- VII. Provided alfo, That nothing herein contained (hall extend to prohibit the United Company of pany may export Merchants oi England^ trading to the Eaji Indies., from exporting any of tiie faid Co.'V:modities to any ofan) of the faid their Forts, Fadtories or Settlements, for the Support of the Perfons refiding there, fo as t!;e like Security ^j^°'^^'^°'^'f'"'-^ be given for the exporting thereof, as is required by this A(Sl to be given by Perfons carrying any of the Setlicments "rU faid Commodities to the Britijh Colonies in America. ^ ving Security.* VIII. Provided alfo. That this A (ft, or any thing herein contained, fhall not extend to aiiy Vv'heat, ^vheat, jalt o- Malt or Barley, to be tranfported out of or from the Port of Southampton only, unio the Wands of ^^/yiy Barley may be' and Guernfeyy or either of them, for the only Ufe of the Inhabitants of thofe Iflands. fo as the Exporter exp.>rted from before the lading of fuch Wheat, Malt or Barley, or laying the fame on board, do become bound wi. Southampton to other fufficient Security (which the Cullomcr or Comptroller of the fame Port hath hereby Power to t.ikc, CueTn'e"'^ th in his Majcfty's Name, and to his Majefty', Uie; and for v/hich Security no Fee or Reward fhall be givei. ExporrergiviL or taken) that fuch Vvheat, Malt or Barley, fhall be landed in the faid Iflands of Jerfey and G'uer7:Jty^ o.- Securi-y. one of them, (the Danger ofjhe Seas only excepted) for theUfc of the Inhabitants there, and lliall not be Certifi.3 eof the landed or fold in any other Parts whatfoever, and to return the like Certificates of the landing the fam^ Landmgtobe there, as are herein before required on the Exportation of the faid Commodities to the Britijh Ctlunics in j^"^- withm a Jmerica^ and within the Time for that Purpofe herein after mentioned; and fo as the Quantity of Wheal, ™'^^'^ '^"^^' Malt and Barley, which at any Time or 'Fimes after the palTing of this A(fl:, and before the twenty-fifth ^^""'J ^^ ^^ Day oi December onQ thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fevcn, fhall be fliipped at the faid Port for ^^'y<>' exce Tcooo^ '° 2iX Guernfey^ or either of them as aforciaid, doth not exceed in the whole five thoufand Quarters j any Qjjrters. Thing herein contained to the contrary notvvithftanding. Cenj^j/Tionersof IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the CommifTioners of the Cuftoms for the Curt ms to the Time being fhall, and they are hereby required to give a full and true Account in Writing to both '^y bef^ore both Houfes of Parliament, at the beginning of the next Seffion thereof, of all Corn, Meal, Alalt,_Flour, ^^'^[""^of'^ariia- Bread, Bifcuit and Starch, that fliall before that Time be exported to any Place whatfoever, by virtue or ^/j"Jg^l^."^?"' in purfuance of any of the Liberties or Powers hereby given or granted for that Purpofe. ties ofCor"n, &c.

. txported. 

X. Provided, That nothing in this Ail contained fhall extend to any Malt declared or made for Ex- Malt made or portation on or before the fourth Day oi December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, which fhall Exportation be- be exported; provided the Proprietor or Proprietors thereof fliall produce to the Colledtor or Chief Ofh- '"'^ 4 Dec 17,6, ccr of the Port where fuch Malt fhall be exported, a Certificate or Certificates from the Officer or Oih- l^eVroSr^' cers v/ith whom the Entry of the Corn intended to be made into fuch Malt for Exportation fhall have been produong'a Cer- made, that the faid Malt was adtually declared or made for Exportation on or before the faid fourth Day tificate thereof ci December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix; nor to any other of the Commodities aforefaid ^"'^ ^h; proper which fliall be cleared out of any Cuftom-houfe within Great Britain, before the twenty-hftn Day of ^*"'■• December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix; or out of any Cuftom-houfe in /n'/a«<3' before the ^^'^^'s "^^^^red twenty-fifth Day o( December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty- fix; but that fuch Ships and Veflels ^^^ ^ ^*5 Ihall be permitted to proceed on their Voyages; any Thing herein contained to the contrary in any wife mit'ted top'ro'ce'e'd notwithflanding. on their Voyages. XI. Provided alw^ays, and be it enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe his Majefty at any his MajeRy by Time or Times before the twenty-fifth Day of J^c^^wZ'^r one thoufand feven hund'-cd and fifty-feven, Piockmai-oo, or fhall (in his Royal Difcretion) judge it to he moft for the Benefit and Advantage of this Kingdom, to Oiderii.Coun- nermit the Exportation of Corn and other the Commodities aforefaid, or any of them, that th.n it fhall ^j}' "^^y^"- "y and may be lawful to and. for his Majefty, by his Royal Proclamation or Proclamations to be ijfued, by Deo^i-fc^'^pe^r- and with the Advice of his Privy Council, or by his Majefty's order in Council, to be publilhed in the mit'the Expor-* London Gazette, from Time to Time to permit and fuflFcr all and every Perfon or Perfons, Natives and tationof Corn, Foreigners (but not any particular Perfon or Perfons) at any Tim.e orTimes before the twenty-fifth Day of^^. December one thouiand {even hundred and fifty-feven, to export or carry out of the Kingdoms of Gr^tf^ Britain or Ireland, or out of both or either of them, all or any of the Commodities aforefaid, to all or any other Place or Places, and upon or without giving Security for the Landing thereof in fuch Place or >*laces, and returning Certificates of fuch Landing, as to his Majefty fhall feem meet, and as in fuch Proclamation or Proclamations, or fuch Orders of Council, to be publiflied in the London Gazette, fhall be exprefled and declared; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notvvithftanding. _XII. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That all Certificates of the landing and Times limited of difcharging of the faid Commodities to be exported, other than Coaftwife, fhall be returned v/ithin the '«'""'"g the refpeaive Times following; that is to fav. Where the Bonds are taken in refpedt of anv of the faid Com- S^"^^'/°'n modities to be exported from Great Britain or Ireland, to any of the faid Colonies or Plantations in ^?/.'f- Port7w£e7hc rtca, withm eighteen Calendar P/ionths after the Date of the faid Bonds; and where to Gibraltar, within Com, &c. has and farther hf 34 Gti, &, c, i, and-fa 34 Geo, a. c. 8. nvhich tahs ej' the Frohibftltn, B2 " CAP.