Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/40

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C.5. Anno tricefimo Georgii II. A. D. 1757. Bo'iks to be preii.ired for 14 Ci .fles, with 2 Columns, CO etc'n of which 'III. And be It further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the fnid Managers or Dire£^ors, or fo manv of them as ihall be prefeiit at any fuch Alceting, or the major P;ut of them, fhall caufc other Hooks to be prcpaied, in whicl every Li.'at ihall be divided or diftinguifhed into two Columns, and upon the inncrmoll of the faid two Columns there Ihall be printed fourteen other Clalles of Tickets, each Clafs 6& 66*- T^klts containin<^ fixty-fix thoufand fix hundred and fixty-ieven Tickets, to be numbered, and alphabetically tu'be (riateJ, marked AS aforei'aid, and upon the outermolt Column of the faid Books there (hall be printed another Rank or Series of Tickets, of ths fairx Number with thofc in the laid innermoft Columns, which Tickets ih'211 Icverally be of an oblong P'igure, and the faid Books Ihall be joined with oblique Ivines, Flourifhes- and other Devices, in fuch Manner as the faid Managers or Direi^lors, or the major Part of them then r efcnt ftiail think molt fafe and con-venient j and that every Ticket in the outermoft Columns in the fa-d Books (hall have written or printed thereupon (befides the Number of fuch Ticket) the fame Words as are before in this A(5t du-eclcd to be writteji or printed upon the other fixty-fix thoufand fix hundred and fixty-fevcu Tickets, tiilt herein mentioned and direiled to be prepared, and {hall alfo be fii^ncd as aforel nd. _ • "]X. And whereas it is intended that the Chance of every Ticket, in the faid fourteen ClafTes refpcc- tively herein before defcribed, whether, thi fame fb-dl happen to be a Prize or a Blank, (hall be deter- n.incd by the Drawing of the Tickets in the firft Clafs in tiie aforefaid Books with three Columns ; It io hereby further enacted by the Authority afoiefaid. That the Chance of every Ticket in the faid four- teen CUiik'S in tl^ laid Books refpectively containing two Columns, whether the fame Ihall happen to be a Prize or a Blank, Ihall be detcrn Jned by the Drawing of the I'ickets in the other Books containing three Columns, fo that in every Cafe where any numbered Ticket in the faid Books containing three Columns, fhall upon the Drawing thereof be intitled to a Prize or Benefit in principal Aioney, the Ticket of the like Number in the faid fourteen feveral ClaiVcs refpeftively, in the Books containing two Columns, ihall be intitled to a Pi ize or Benefit of like Value in principal Money ; and in every Cale where anv. numbered Ticket in the Books containing three Columns fhall not be a Prize, the Ticket of the like Number in the fourteen Clalies refpectively, in the Books containing two Columns, fhall likewife be deemed an unfortunate Ticket. X. And it is hereby further enadled, That the faid Managers or Dire^Slors, or fo many of them as fhall be prefent at any fuch Meeting, or the major Part of them then prefent, fhall carefully examine all the faid Books, with the Tickets therein, and that the fame be contrived, numbered and made, accor- ding to the true Intent and Meaning of this Acf, and Ihall deliver or caufe to be delivered the fame theCad-.ier, «nd Books, and every or any of them, as they fhall be examined, to the Cafliier or Cafhiers, or fuch other Receiver or Receivers, taking from fuch Cafhier or Cafhiers, or other Receiver or Receivers, an Ac- Chanres cf the Tickets in the 14 Claffcs to be determined by drawing the Tickets in the Bcoks with 3 Columns. Managers to examine the Books with the Tickets, and del.ver them to take a Receipt for the fame. knowledgment in "Writing under his or their Hands, importing his or their Receipt of fuch Book or Cafhier to give a gooks and fo many Tickets therein as fhall be delivered to him or them ; and fuch Cafhier or Cafhiers, Tickec^for every ^j. Qjj^^j. j^j.^gj^,gj. or Receivers, is and are hereby diredted and required, upon his and their receiving every or any entire Sum of one Guinea, in full Payment of a Ticket from any Pcrfon or Perfons contri- buting or adventuring as aforei'aid, to cut out of the faid Book or Books fb to be put into his or their Cultody, through the fame oblique Lines, Flourifhes or Devices, indentwiie, one of the Tickets in the faid extreme Columns, and he or they fliall permit the Contributor or Adventurer, if it be defire^, to Sum of I 1. IS paid in. and Fetmit the Adventurer to write his Name oa the corre- fpondiog Ticket write hi: CalTiier fo re- or her Name or Mark on the correfponding Ticket in the fame Book, and at the fame Time the faid Cafhier or Cafliiers, or fuch other Receiver or Receivers, fhall deliver to the faid Contributor or Adventurer the Ticket fo cut ofl", which he or fhe is to keep and uie for the better afcertaining and fc- curing of the Interell which he or fhe, his or her Executors, Adminiltrators or Afligns, fhall or may have for the Monies fb by him or her contributed or adventured. XI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Cafliier or Cafhiers, or fuch deliver the Bcoks Qt^cr Receiver or Receivers, on or before the firft Day of Augiift one thoufand feven himdred and fifty- to'thc Managers, ^^ygj^^ ^^^ij redeliver to the f^iid Managers or Directors, at their faid Office or Place of Meeting, fuch by I Augui , ^^. ^j^^ j^^. J gQ^j^3 J^5 {vi? have been delivered to him or tnem refpedtively, and therein fuch of the Tickets which the faid Cafhier or Cafliiers, or other Receiver or Receivers, fliall not have cut out and difpofed of to the Contributors or Adventurers for the Monies as aforefaid, and fhall then and there alfo deliver to the faid Managers or Directors, a true and jult Account in Writing under his or their Hand or Hands, of all Sums of Money received by him or them rcfpedtively, for the Tickets difpofed of purfuant to this Act, and how the fame, or how much thereof, fliall have been adtually paid by him or them into the Receipt of the Exchequer, for the Purpofes in this A6t cxprelfed j and that the faid iManagers or Di- rectors, or the major Part of them, which ihall be prelent at a Meeting as aforefaid, fhall forthwith caufe all the faid i'ickets in the faid outermoft Column contained, which ihall not have been difpofed of to Contributors as aforefaid (if any fuch be) to be delivered into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, there to be retained and kept as Cafh to be ifTued and difpofed of for the Purpofes of this A<5t, in fuch Manner as the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the CommiiTioners of the Treafury for the Time being fhall dirca. Tickets of the XII. And be it further cnatSted, 7"hat the faid Managers or Directors, or the major Part of them njuaie Column ^hjfh fhall bc prelent at a Meeting as aforefaid, fhall caufc iixty-fix thoufand fix hundred and ilxty-feven to be roJlsd^op,^ ^pj^j^^^^^ ^^ y^^ taken from the middle Column, in the Books made out with three Columns as aforefaid, off indenVoicw.'ie -ind to be carefully rolled up, or made faft with Thread or Silk ; and the f^iid Managers or Directors, or the major Part of them as aforefaid, fliall in their Prefence, and in the Prefence of fuch Contributors or ed with the AdvcntuTcrs as will bc there, caufc all the faid Iixty-fix ihoul'and fix hundred and fixiy-feven Tickets, Later (.; 2 which and account for the Sums re- ceived. Tickets un^if- pofed of to be returned into th& Lxdtetjucr.