Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/403

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A.D. 175^* Anno tricefimo lecundo Ge OR Gi I IT. C. 26. 369 twenty-ninth Year of his Majefty's Reign, or of this Acl; that then and in fuch Cafe, the Judge of fuch Court of Admiralty ihall and may, at the Requeft, Cofts and Charges, either of the Captor or Claimant, or of the Claimant only, in Cafes where the Privilege is referved in Favour of the Claimant by any Treaty or Treaties fubfifting between his Majefty and Foreign Powers, make an Order to have fuch Capture appraifed, unleis the Parties (hall otherwife agree upon the Value The Capture may be a?« • thereof, and an Inventory taken, and then take Security for the full Value thereof, and thereupon f"'^^fv^n"be d-r^'f-d' caufe fuch Capture to be delivered to the Party giving fuch Security, in like Manner as by the faid "o^thrParty^- former A61 fuch Judge ought or could have done, before Sentence given, notwithftanding fuch Ap- peal : And if there fliall be any Difficulty or Objeftion to the giving or taking of Security, the faid and if there (Tiall le any Tudge (hall, at the Requeft of either of the Parties, order fuch Goods and Effe61s to be entered, Difficulty or Objection landed, and fold by publick Audion, as Prize Goods now are, under the Care and Cuftody of the sLuntv'the7ue m^ proper Officers of the Cuftoms, and under the Diredion and Infpedion of fuch Perfons as fliall be order the Good" to^be"^ appointed by the Claimants and Captors ; and the Monies arifing by fuch Sale {hall be depofitcd in hniei and fold by Auc- the JBank of England^ or in fome publick Securities, and in the Names of fuch Trufteqs as the Cap- tion, tors and Claimants fhall jointly appoint, and the Court fball approve, for the Ufe and Benefit of the an'i the Money to bede- Parties who fhall be adjudged to be intitled thereto: And if fuch Security (hall be given by the p™);'/^'^^.^^^^^^^ Claimants, then it is hereby alfo ena6ted. That fuch Judge fiiall give fuch Capture a Pafs, to pre- the Ciaimant!/ joTge vent it's being taken again by his Majefty's Subje£ls in its deftined Vovage. to give.the capture a Pafs. XXV. Provided always, and be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That this A£l fliall Act to be in Force du- continue in Force during the prefent War with France, and no longer. nng the preient War tj 1 ^ o ^,jj^ France. See farther 33 Geo. 2. c, ^9. and 2 G«. 3. c, 16. CAP. XXVI. An A61 for applyhig a Sum of Money granted in this Seffion of Parliament towards carrying on the Works for fortifying and fecuring the Harbour of Milford in the County of Pembroke ; and to amend and render more effedual an A£t of laft SeflTion of Parliament, for applying a Sum of Money towards fortifying the faid Harbour. WHEREAS by an AS: pafied in the thirty-firft Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, inti- Preamble, recitmfe «  tuled. An JSf for applying a Sum of Momy granted in this Seffion of Parliament towards ^^arrj- ^'^"'^ '" -^^ 3 ' Geo. ai ing on the Works for fortifying and fecuring the Harbour ii/'Milford in the C^ww/y c/'Pembroke ; it was '^' ^ ' enacted. That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies granted to his Majefty for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-eight, there fhould and might be iilued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding the Sum of ten thoufand Pounds, towards carrying on the Works for fortifying and fecuring the Harbour of Mi if rd in the County of Pembroke : And whereas a further Sum of Money is neceflary for that Purpofe :' May it therefore pleafe your Majefty, that it may be enabled ; And be it enaded by the King's nioft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That out of all or any the Aids or Sup- 10,000 1. to be IfTued out plies granted to his Majefty for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-nine, of the Supplies granted there fhall and may be iflued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding the Sum of ten ^^'^.^j^^^^^.^'^^^u * thoufand Pounds, towards carrying on the Works for fortifying and fecuring the Harbour of ii^/^^^r^Haibourof M^fford^, in the County of Pembroke. ' II. And whereas by the faid recited A61 the Principal Officers of his Majefty's Ordnance, and

  • the Juftices of the Peace for the County of Pembroke for the Time being, are appointed Commif-
  • fioners for putting the faid Adl in Execution ; And whereas it may be inconvenient at this Time
  • for the faid Principal Officers of his Majefty's Ordnance to give their conftant Attendance to fuch
  • Commiffion ;' Be it therefore further enacSled by the Authority aforefaid, That the Principal Of- Commi/Tioners for put-

ficers of his Majefty's Ordnance, and the Juftices of the Peace for the CoxxntY of Pembroke for the *'."S '1^"-^^ »"E"*»- Time being, together with JViUiam Skinner Efquire chief Engineer, and the chief Engineer for the *'°"' Time being, DavidWatfon, John Henry Bajiide^ Charles Hubert Herrict, and Thomas IFclker, Efquires, jihall be, and they are hereby appointed Commiffioners for putting the faid recited A6t and this pre- fent A<St in Execution. ' III. And whereas by the Diredion of the faid Principal Officers of his Majefty's Ordnance,

  • Surveys and Plans have been made of proper Places for ere6ling Fortifications in the faid Harbour
  • of Mi ford : And whereas Pater-Church-Point, IVcfi-Lanyon-P'jint, and Ney land-Point., v.'ithin the
  • faid Harbour, have been reported by the Engineers employed for that Purpofe to be the moft pro-
  • per and beft fituated Places for fortifying the interior Parts of the faid Harbour j' Be it therefore

further ena£^ed by the Authority aforefaid. That Fortifications ftiall be eredted on or near the faid Fortifications to be efcc- fcvcral Points Q?tA Pctter -Church-Point, JVef-Lanyon-Point, and Neyland-Point, under tJ^e Direc- J^^^^'^^*';^ ^^'^^ *'^':= tion of theMafter General and principal Officers of his Majeftyi| Orclnance for the Time being, or |^aion"of thrMlft^'" any Perfon or Perfons that he or they, or any three or more of them fhall appoint to cairy ort, General and other of- fuch Work, as foon as the Lands neceflary for building thereof fhall be fet out, defcribed and pur-ficersof theOrdaaiKc Vol. VIII. B b b chafed,