Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/434

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400 C. Anno tricedmo fecundo G e o r g 1 1 11. A. D. 17 5 8, -%-iz. 30c 1. to the Prefi- denr of I'oe Coutt of Sellioi?}!5Col. CO the Chief Barcn ot the Court of Exclie.-.uer; 2Col Qiiecn Akne, CnargcS of Sefliou an-l Julticiary ana ii^xcnequer v^ourt in dcotiana, the leverai :bums or Money roiio^.i'ig^ to the Judges herein after mentioned, as an Addition to, and in Augmentation of their refpec^tivfi SalcU-; s; thai is to fay. The Sum of three hundred Pounds to the Prefident for the Time bein. of tae faid Court of ScfTion > the Sam of three hundred Pounds to the Ci~;ief Baron for the Time bemg of Exclie.-.uer; 2C0J. to •>»-" ^""- ■• '«»"- i^^-jwg ii> i...v- »cii>j -w^u...o ^. ^w^^^.. — ^.- ^... ^j .~.j v..>,.j, . ,, ..i^n jcvi '■""="<- each of ths other Judges and relpcclive Sum^ of Money fhal) be and are hereby charged upon the faid Duties and Rev of the faid Court of Exchequer to for the Time being in the f uer; and the Sum of two hundred Pounds to each of the other Judge^ 1 aid Courts of SelTion and Exchequer rcfpeclively : Which f?id feveralCl /enucs in the faid Courts; to be paid yearly, as the Salaries have accuiloma tily been paid. General liTue. Tre'ile Cofls. 'ces Jprcamblc, and fhali be paid thereout in eyery Year, at iuch Time or Times, and in fuch Manner as the Fv^t-^n Salaries, and other Charges of keepiivg up the faiu Courts, now are or have accuftomarily beeiK' paid fuice the Union of the tv/o Kingdoms, in puriuancc of aiiy A61 or Acts of Parliament. ' >- X'lV. And it is hereby epa6led by the Authority. aforefaid, I hat if any Perfon or Perlons fhallj, at any Time or Times, be fucvl or profecuted for any Thing by him or them done or to be done or executed in 'purfuance of this Att", or of any Matter or Thing in this Acl contained, fuch Perfon or Perfons fliall and may plead the General IlTue, and give the Special Matter in Evidence for his or their Defence; aiid if upon the Trial a VerdiiSl fliall pafs for the Defendant or Defendants, or the PlaintiiF or Plaintiirs Ihall become nonfuited, then_ fuch Defendant or Defendants fhall have Treble Cofts to him or them awarded againft fuch Plaintiff or Plaintifts. CAP. XXXVI. , An A(5l for enabling his Majefby to raife the Sum of one million for the Ufes and Pur- poles therein mentioned j and for further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Sef- fion of Parliament. ]/IoJi Gracious Sovereign, WE your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjefis, the Commons of Great Britain in Par- 1 liament affembled, having taken into our ferious Confideration your Majefl-y's moft gra- cious Meflage, fignifying your MajeRy's Dcfire to be enabled by your faithful Com 'ions to de- fray any extraordinary Expences of the War incurred or to be incurred, for the Service of the Year one thoufand fevcn hundred and fifty-nine, aod to tnkc all fuch Meafures as may be necef- fary to difappoiHt or defeat any Enterprifcs or Defigns of ynur Majefty's Enemies, and as the Exigency of Affairs may require, have refolved to give and grant to your Majefty the Sum of one ' million for that Purpofe; and do therefore moli humbly bcTeech your Majelfy, that it maybe ' ena6led;' And be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Teu poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affem- bled, and by the Authority of the fame, T;iat it fhal! and m<.y be lawful to a .d for the King*^ moft Excellent Majefty, by Warrant or arrants under his Royal Sign Manual, to authorife and impower the Commiffioncrs of his Majefty's Treafurv now or for the Time being, or any three ot more of them, or the Lord High Treafurcr for the Tn^iic being, at any Time or Times before the fifth Day of January one thoufand fcven hundred and fixty, to caufe or direct any Loaris to be taken or received at his Majefty's Exchequer from any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Eor< igners, Body or liodies politick or Corporate, or any Number of Exchequer Bills to be made out there, for any in Tilce Manner as is pre- Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in' and Exchequer Bills together, in the Whole the fcribed by the Land Tax fiiid Sum 6f One million, in the fame or like Manner, Form and Order, and according to the {am<l Aft<fihisStir»cn, c.m- ^^Y jji^g Rules and Dire'Aions, as in and by an Aift of this prcfjnt SclTion of Parliainent, intituJeJi ccrnir.p '^"y-= ""^ ^'^^ An ASl for granting an Aid to his Majcjiy by a Land Tax to be raijed in Great Britain for the Service of chequ.rBiih i en y to '^^ ^,^^^ ^^^^ thoufand fcven hundred and iifty-nine^ are enadcd and prefcribed concerning the Loans or] Exchequer Bills to be taken or made purluance of the laid Act. The CUufes. &c. in the U. And be it further enadtcd by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Claufes, Provi-j faid Aa tdating to tie focs, Powcrs, Privileges, Advantages, Penalties, Forfeitures and Difabilities contained in the faid LoansorE)ich?«{u;rBillr, jgfl. rnentioned Aft relating to the I^oans or Exchequer Bills authoriLd to be. made by the fanw A(St (except fuch Claufes as do charge the fime on the Taxes granted by the fame Act, and excqpik fuch Claufes as limit the Rate of Intercft to be paid for the Forbearance of Money lent on tUs „,. ,n« Credit of the faid Ad:) (hall be applied and extended to the Loans and Exchequer Bills to be mMbl .li., ■ tf'l^e in purfuance of this A£t, as fully and cffedually to all Lntcnts and Purpofes, as if tiie lameLoatol n>«jetorH» lit puiiuance or JLXchcquer Bills had been originally authorifed by the fiiid laft mentioned A6t, or as xi the fim •f tfeivAftj fevc'ral Claufes or Provifoes had been particularly repeated and re-enaclcd in the Body of this A(5t. rfiic'pil an J Intercft, liL And be it further cnadied by the Authority aforefaid, That^ all fuch Loans or Exchequ^. the Charges atrrnJ- Bills, together with the Intereft, Premium, Rate and Charges incident to or attending the fame,! inE» *° ' tof ^j^jj ^j, ^p,j 3^2 hereby charged and chargeable upon, and Ihall be repaid or borne by or out of the' the nc: - - - .- - ... „ _ - ^ .. . . - - _ . rr,.l if r Credit of granted to his Majcfly for 1,000,000 1. Treafury may raife the famchy Loans or Exchc^ quer Bills, w^i YmA -nt be ^^ ^"^^^ " Supplic3 which fnall be granted in the next Seffion of Pa;li_amcnt; and in cafe fufficient '"ly Aids or Supplies for that Purpofe fnall not be granted before the fifth Day of July one thoufand ) (even hundred and fixty, then all the faid Loans or Exchecjucr Bills, with the Intcreli, Premium, '" Rale and Charges incident to or attending the fame, fiiall be and are hereby charged and chargeable upon fuch Monies, as at any Time or Times at or after the faid fii'th Day of Jxdy one thoufand fevci