Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/612

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^jS C. :^'—5, Anno fecundo Georgh III. A. D. 1761. Majeily, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons The compuMve Cia-.fe in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the ill ri.e recited A(ft repeal- nineteenth Day o^ Nove?uber one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-one, fo much of the faid recited "• A£l, as relates to Creditors compelling Prifoners charged in Execution to deliver up their Eflates and to fuch Prifoners being thereupon difcharged, fhall be, and the fame is hereby, repealed, to all Intents and Purpoles whatioever. STrr^To'ttcirt' nd" "• Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this A£l {hall not extend, ins fuch Repeal, may ^^ be conftrued to extend, to pardon, mdemnify, or difcharge ?ny Perfon who hath incurred, or, be^fued tor, before the faid nineteenth Day ot Novrmh^r one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-one, fhall incur, any Penalty or Forfeiture, by committing any Oftence againfl: the faid Adt made and paffed in the and the OfFend.-rs are faid firft Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign ; but that every fuch Offender fhall be liable to the For- m Ida liable to the Pe- fcitures and Penalties incurred, or, before the faid nineteenth Day oi November one thoufand feven chSy'mcr°S'*""'" hundred and fixty-one, to be incurred, under the fltid Aa, made and palled in the faid firft Year of his prefent Majelly's Reign, as if the faid Ait had not been repealed, and had continued in full Force. CAP. III. An AcV for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Ser- vice of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-two. EXP. CAP. IV. An A(Sl for continuing and granting to his Majefty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder, and Perry, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven. hundred and fixty-two. EXP. CAP. V. An A(5l for more effc;6lL]ally preventing the excefllveUfe of Spirituous Liquors for Home Confumpcion, by laying additional Duties upon Spirits made in Cj'eat Britain, or im- ported into the fame -, arKJ for better regulating and encouraging the Exportation of Britijh made Spirits ; and for fecuring the Payment of the Duties upon Spirituous Liquors. Preamble. ' K7 ^ ^ RE A S by an A(B: made in the thirty-third Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King -ilGto.i.c.a. * VV G'i?3.'_2'^ the Second, intituled, Jn Jt5i for preventing the excejfive Ufe of Spirituous Liquors, by Fir form-:r Lanvs concern-^ laying additional Duties therion for^ Jhortening the Prohibition of making Loiu JVines and Spirits from 'vgJSpr]tMUiL]ju:n,rc- Wheat, Barley^ Malt, or other Grain, and from Meal, Flour, and Bran-, for encouraging the Expor- fcr to z Car. 2. f. 23 Gf ' iation of Britifli made Spirits j and for more eff equally fecuring the Duties payable upon Spirits, andpre^ fy er^nf'"fl ^' '^' ^' ^' venting the fraudulent Relanding or Importation thereof ; additional Duties were laid upon Spirituous Gf a V ' i- ^'0 "^'s '■'^' Liquors, and other Provifions were eftabliflicd, in order by continuing the high Price of fuch Li- 9^^. 3.f.^io. ^ i'o£f m' quors, to prevent the exceiTive Ufe thereof for Home Confumption, at the fame time that the Ex- /^'. 3, f.4 i«f 21. li' portation of Spirituous Liquors was intended to be encouraged : And whereas fome of the Provi- PV. 3. f. II. 1 A-m.ji.<' fions made by the faid A6i- do no lefs tend to enhance the Price of Spirits made for Exportation, ^' ^'^'4^^"' - *"-' than the Price of thofe made for Home Confumption : And whereas the prefent Method of fub- C(c. z.'/.L. ' 6 G,c 1 j^cl:'"g Spirits made for Exportation to the Payment of Duties, and in confideration thereof grant- e. 21. ZGeo. 1, c. is.' ing Drawbacks or Allowances upon Exportation, has been found to be attended with many In- 11 6V3. 1. 1. 30. 2 Geo.^ conveniencies : In order therefore more effe£lually to carry on the wife and falutary Purpofcs of the 2.f. 2'3. eCeo.z.c. t-j.t. f^ij p^^^ by providing a more convenient Method of encouraging the Exportation of Spirituous »• c'z^'^ioGc-^^'^^ Liquors, and at the fame time effectually guarding againft any Jncreafc of the Ufe thereof for 17. * i Geo. 7.!°). 7.6.* Home Confumption ; May it therefore pleafe your Majefty, that it may be enabled j' And be it 15 Geo, 2. <:. 25. i6ena6lcd by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Ceo.z. c. 3.^ 17^'0-2-Spiritual and Temporal, and Comn ons, in this prefent Parliament alTenibled, and by the Authority jo'cm ^^^'^^ '" "^'^"'^^ ^^^ ^^"^^J That from and after the twenty-firft Day of y^/zw^rj one thoufand feven hundred and Gio.z.c~AQ. 26 c^'^f'^^^y-two, there ftiall be raifed, lcvi(.d, colle£ted, and paid unto his Majefty, his Heirs and Succef- 2. c. 13. iTGro. 3. f!fors, tliroughout the Kingdom of Great Britain, for the feveral Kinds of Spirituous Liquors herein II. 31 G-J3.Z. c. 36. after mentioned, fpecihed, and enumerated, which (hall be made in Great Britain for Home Con- 32 C«-2. f. 29. fiimption, or imported into Great Britain from Parts beyond the Seas (not being the Produce of the The additional Duties _^^/>;yi Colonies) over and above all Duties, Charges, and Impofitions by any former Acl or A<fts tuourLiott^rj.'^m'.d'-or ^^ Paiiiamcnt thereupon refpedively {ct, rated, and impofcd, the feveral additional Rates and Duties imported into CrcatBii- of Excifc herein after mentioned and expreffed ; that is to fay, tain, no: being tIjL Produce of' the Britifh Colonies ; to ta!ie IMacefrom and after 2 i, 1762. The Duties, IL Tor every Gallon of Low Wines, or Spirits of the firft Extraction, made or drawn from any Sort of l3rink or Wafti brewed or made from any Sort of Malt or Corn, or from Brewers Wafli or Tilts, or any Mixture with fuch Brewers Walh or Tilts, to be paid by the Diftillcrs or Makers thereof, one Penny. III. For every Gallon of Strong Waters, ox Aqua Vita, made for Sale of the Materials afore- (aiil, or any of them, to be paid by the Diftillcrs or Makers thereof, three Pence, 2, LV. Foi>