Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/63

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A. D. . Anno tricefimo Georgii II. C. ir, ^g therefore em&td by the Authority aforefaid, That the commanding Officer of Marines in any Town or Commsnding Place where fuch Marine Forces are quartered, fhall and he is hereby declared to have Power, from ^^^'" "^^y.'f- Time to Time, to exchange any Marine or Marines quartered in fuch Town or Place, for any other f^^"J^ Mannej Marine or Marines quartered in the fame Town or Place; provided the Number of Men do not exceed Itrs/"^ the Number at that Time billeted on fuch Houfes refpedtively where fuch Men {hall be exchanged ; and Conflables to the Conftables, Tythingmen, Headboroughs, and other Chief Officers and Magifrrates of the Cities, biiiet the famB Towns and Villages, or other Places, where any of the faid Marine Forces (hall be quartered, are hereby accordin;,iy. required to billet fuch Men fo exchanged accordingly. XXI. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the twenty-fifth Day no Paymafler, of March one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-feven, no Paymafter or othe- Officer or Perfon v/hatfoeve'r &c. to make Pe- fhall receive any Fees, or make any Dedudions whatfoever out of the Pay of any Marine, either Officer duaionsout ot or private Man, in his Majefty's Service, or from their Agents, which fhall grow due from and after the ^^""'^^Pf,'; faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-feven, other than the ufual Deduc- "^^'^ '^" '^ ^^' tions for Clothing, and tv/elve Pence in the Pound, to be difpofed of as his Majefty fliall think fit, and Exceptitns. the one Day's Pay in the Year for the Ufe of the Royal Hofpital at Cheffea, and fuch other neceliary Dedudions as fhall from Time to Time be diredted by the faid Lord High Admiral, or three or more of the Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral for the Time being, by Order in Writing under his or their refpeStive Hand or Hands. ' XXn. And that the Quarters both of the faid Marine Officers and private Men, while on Shore as Cfficfrs to girc ' aforefaid, may during the Continuance of this Ad, be duly paid and fatisfied, and his Majefly's Duties Notice o inn-

  • of Excife better anfwered,' Be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid, T'hat from and after the twenty- I^'«P"s of Sub-

fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-feven, every Officer cr other Perfon, to wlio'm [niheuHanZ it belongs to receive, or that fliall adually receive, the Pay or Subfiftence-money for one or more parti- cular Company or Companies of tlie faid Marine Forces or otherwife, fhall immediately, upon each Re- ceipt of every particular Sum which fliall from Time to Time be paid, returned, or come to his or their Hands, on Account of Pay or Subfiftence, give publick Notice thereof to all Perfons keeping Inns or other Places where Officers or private Men are quartered by Virtue of this Ad; and fhall alfo appoint the faid Inn-keepers and others, to repair to their Quarters, at fuch Times as they fhall appoint for the Diftribution and Payment of the faid Pay or Subfiftence-money to fuch Officers or private Men, which fhall be within four Days at the farthelt after the Receipt of the fame as aforefaid : And the faid Inn* keepers and others, fhall then and there acquaint fuch Officer or Officers with the Accounts or Debts (if any fhall be) between them and the Officers and private Men fo quartered in their refpedive Houfes ; which Accounts the faid Officer or Officers is or are hereby required to accept of, and immediately pay the fame, before any Part of the faid Pay or Subfiftence be diftributed either to the Officers or private Men : Provided the faid Accounts exceed not, for one Marine Commiffion Officer under the Degree of a Rates of Sub- Captain, for fuch Officer's Diet and Small Beer, ^er Dicniy one Shilling; and if fuch Officer fnall have fiftence to be a Horfe or Horfes, for each fuch Horfe or Horfes, for their Hay and Straw per Diem, fix Pence ; nor for P^'^i to inn- ' ' ■ "^ ■ , ^ .. -r^ ^ ■ ^ -r^ . , .^ „ ^, keepers, &c. for Marinas Quar- ters. - . . . ■ r /~ ' ' ■ ^ Officers not gi- next Quarter-Seffions for the County or City wherein fuch Quarters were (which Oath the Juflices of ving Noticeof the Peace at fuch Seffions are hereby authorized and required to adminifter) the Paymafter, or Perfon for Subfifience-nio- the Time being authorized to pay the faid Marine Forces, is hereby required and authorized (upon Cer- "^y^^"'* P^yns tificate of the faid Juftices, before whom fuch Oath was made, of the Sum due upon fuch Accounts, and ^"'"^' the Perfons to whom the fame is owing) to pay and fatisfy the faid Sums out of the Arrears due to the Payn^^^ to fa- faid Marine Officer or Officers ; upon Penalty that fuch Paymafter or Perfon fhall forfeit their refpedive tee* e?sVu't"o'f Place or Places of Paymafter or otherwife, and be difcharged from holding the fame for the future ; and the Cwrl'p'a-jv'a in cafe there fhall be no Arrears due to the faid Officer or Officers, then the faid Paymafter or Perfons for next Pay. the Time being authorized to pay the faid Marine Forces, is hereby authorized and required to dedu6t the Sums he fhall pay, purfuant to the Certificate of the faid Juftices, out of the next Pay or Subfiflence- money of the Company to which fuch Officer or Officers fhall belong; and fuch Officer or Officers fliall a»d Officer tola for fuch their Offence, or for negleding to give Notice of the Receipt of fuch Pay or Subfiftence-money "^'^='^' as aforefaid, be deemed and taken, and are hereby declared ipfo faclo cafliiered. And where it fiiall hap- pen that the Subfiftence-money due to any Marine Officer or private Man, fhall by Occafion of any Ac- cident, not be paid to fuch Officer or private Man, or fuch Officer or private Man fliall negled to pay the fame, fo that Quarters cannot be, or are not paid, as this A6t direds ; in every fuch Cafe it is hereby further enaded, That every fuch Officer fiiall, before his or their Departure out of his or their Q^iarters, ^^ n-.r/vrngfrom where fuch Company.fhall remain for any Time whatfoever, make up the Accounts as this Ad direds, Sl^"^'"^' ^^^ with every Perfon with v.'hom fuch Company fliall have quartered, and fign a Certificate thereof, and ^ ^"'" '^° '^^'^^. give the faid Certificate fo by him figned to the Party to whom fuch Money is due, with the Name of fuch gu-e Certificate" Company, to which he or they fliall belong ; to the End the faid Certificate may be forthwith tranfmit- for Moey due, ted to the proper Paymafter of the Marines, who is hereby required immediately to make Payment thereof ^<^- to the Perfon or Perfons to whom fuch Monies fliall be due, to the End the fame may be applied to fuch ^'aymafter to p^y Company, under Pain as is before in this Ad direded for Non-payment of Quarters. thcSum certified. XXIIl. And be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That it fliall and may be lav/ful to quarter Of- Officers, &c. t» ficers and private Men of his Majefty's Marine Forces in Scotland^ in fuch and the like Places and Houfes, i>e quartered in as Officers and private Men of the Land Forces might have been quartered in, by the Laws in Force in Scotland as the Scotland at the Time of the Union ; and that the PofTeflbis of fuch Houfes fnall only be liable to furnifh !r^7, '" ^""""^t* •* - ^ , tlie Unian dir«i>» tne