Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/664

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63d C. 20. Anno fecundo Georgii III. A. D. 1761, Monies to be levied by LXXXV. Provided alfo, and be it cnacled. That all Monies to be levied by Parilh Rates to be this Act, by Panfli Rates made within the City and County of the City of Brijlol, by virtue of this Ad, (ball be paid, afcer- Hnf'!?>d Tc'^'^s'lh'-^^^^'"^'^' aflefled, raiied, collcaed, levied and repaid, in fuch Manner, and by fuch and the fame Foo/Rate there- "^ Ways and Means, as are prefcribed to be obfervcd in raifing Money for the Relief of the Poor within the faid City and County of the City of Brijlol^ by virtue of any A£t or Acts of Parliament relating and to be additional to thereto; and that it (hall and may be lav/ful for the feveral Perfons authorized to put the laid Aits what IS already aiicho- jn Execution, to caufe to be raifed and levied fuch Sum or Sums, over and above wh;'t thcv are nzediobera,fedthere: ^jj.^.^jy authorized to raife for the Relief of the Poor of the faid City and County, and alfo in the ^'iriSdl'""thrTrea- ^^"^^ Manner, and by the fame Ways and Means, to raife and levy, or caufe to be raifed and levied, furerof the Corporation ^>-'ch further S'jm and Sums of Money as fliall have been advanced and paid by the Treafurer of the o^ theProris to be af- Corporation of the Poor, and {ball caufe the fame to be rv;paid to the Treafurer of the faid Corpora- iViTiJand repaid him; tion j and that all and every Perfon and Perfons, who are by the faid A^ts, any or either of them, ^htre^" '^"^^ "^^b"'!' 'ne required to do any Aci, Matter or Thing for the afcertaining, aflefTing, confirming or altering of iin^eTliklVe'^nahieras Afleffmcnts, Collecting and levying the hums thereby directed lobe raifed for the Relief of the Poor, are prefcrlb.d with re- are hereby required and authorized to clo all fuch and the like A(5ls, Matters and Things, for the lueft to Officers negleft- afcertaining, afieffing, contirming or altering A-iTeflments, colkfting and levying the Money hereby "' "^ T7 ,. ^ , . .■J^if^.^]^ m-)(i {]^-Jl be fubject to all fuch Forfeitiires and Penalties, in cafe of their T" perform the fame, as r tioned AiSts, any or either of them. ing their Duty in Exscu- ji,.e^r^(,j .^ ^,2 raifed, and {IkJI be fubject to all fuch Forfeitisres and Penalties, in cafe of their Negle6l tJiTre"^ ^'""^ ^"^ °^ Refufal to perform the fame, as are impofed upon Officers of the like Nature by the above mea- Where Treafurers fliall LXXXVI. Provided always, and be it cnadted. That the Treafurer of any County, Riding, reiniburfe to Overfcers City, TowH, Liberty, Divifion or Place, within the Part of Great Britain aforefaid, who Ihall, after any Monev on account ^j^^ .^^ ^ j j^ ^^^ reimburfe to any Overfeer or Overfeers of the Poor of any Parifh, Tvthino;, of the weekly Allowance ^T, ' n -^ it i r-ii c c r T T • r r -i rs- ^ r. • ' ^ .-..>>' to the Families of Militia ^ owiilhip, Hamlet or ViU, any bum or bums ot Money, in purfuance of the Directions of this A6t, MenfervinginanyCoun-on accouiit of the Weekly Allowance to the Family of any Militia Man, fervlng in the Militia of ty,othftr than that where- any County, Riding, City, Tovv-n, Liberty, Divifion or Place, other than the County, Riding, City, in fuch dwell, Nown, Liberty, Divifion or Place where fuch Family fhall dwell, fhall deliver or tranfmit an Ac- count of fuch Money as he fliall have fo reimburfed as aforefaid, figned by one or more Juftice or _. ... ty ^ . . . wherein fuch Men lerve, fuch Account fliall have bcen delivered or tranfmitted as aforefaid, (hall and is hereby required to who is to reimburfe them P^y ^° '^'"^ ^*^^'^'"^' '^'^° ^^^^ hzvt (o delivered or tranfmitted fuch Account, the Sum or Sums the lame. fo by him reimburfcd to fuch Overfeer or Overfeers, and fliall be allowed the fame in his Accounts. IL%^utrto'e'rif'or LXXXVII. And be it enaded. That if anyPerfon, being one of the People called ^whrs, fhall provlje"a"ubfthme, the^^ chofen by Lot to ferve in the Militia, iind fliall refufe or neglect to appear, and to take the Oath, Dep Lieutenants may and fervc in the Militia, or to provide a Subftitute, to be approved as aforefaid, who fliall take the provide one, and levy faid Oath, and fubfcribe his Confent to ferve as the Subllitute of fuch Qiiaker; then, and in every the Expcnce by Diftrefs fuch Cafe, any three Deputy Lieutenants, or any two Deputy Lieutenants together with anyone

  • "° » Juftice of the Peace, or any one Deputy Lieutenant together vv'ith any two juitices of the Peace,

iliall, if they think proper, upon as reafonable Terms as may be, provide and hire a fit Perfon, who fhall take the faid Oath, and fubfcribe his Confent to ferve in the faid IVlilitia for the Space of three Years, as the Sublticute of fuch ()uaker; and any three Deputy Lieutenants, or any two Deputy Lieutenants together with any one jullice of the Peace, or any one Deputy Lieutenant together with any two Juftices of the Peace, are hereby impowered and required to levy by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of fuch Qiiaker, by Warrant under their Hands and Seals, fuch Sum or Sums as fhall be ncceilary to defray the Expence of providing and hiring fuch Perfon to ferve in the Militia, for the Space of three Years, as the Subllitute of fuch Quaker, fo refufing or neglecting, as aforefaid; rendering the Overplus, if any, after dcdu6ting the Charges of fuch Diftrefs and Sale, but if any oppreffiv* to fuch Qiiaker, upoii whoiTi fuch Diftrefs fhall have been made as aforefaid : And in cafe any Mea- Meafures be uicd in fures fhall be ufcd in making Diftrefs as aforefaid, which may be by any fuch Quaker thought op- l»iaking(uch Diitrj^fF^hepj.g|jr^,g^ jj. ^y^^jj ^^ lawful for fuch Qiiaker to complain thereof to the Deputy Lieutenants and Complaint made'byh^rn:j["'^^^s ^^ the Peace, at their next Meeting, who are hereby impowered and required to hear and finally determine the fame. And where any Quakers LXXXVIIL Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in ftiall refufe to pay to the g^,gj.y p^j.|^^ Tything or Place, or two or more Parifhes, 'Lythings or Places, {o added together as Adr^to"be°rrudc the '* aforefaid, in which any Aich Rate fliall be made, where the Churchwardens or Overfeers fliall make jofticcs, upon Complaint Complaint to a Julticc of the Peace, that a Quaker or Quakers refufe to pay the Sum or Sums of

  1. the Churchwardens, Moiicy he or thcy fliall bc rated at, fuch Juftice may and fhall order fuch Coft and Charges, for levy-

may order reafonable jpg f^^^-h Difticfs as he fhull think reafonablc, not exceeding the Sum of ten Shillings on each of the Coft and Charges or e- ^j-^jj Qiiakcrs whcre there are no more than two of them, and, where there are a greater Number, win? the Uiltrels, in ^ r /: oi n- c r • i r y proportion to the Sums H^t cxccciJing hve bluUings OH cach of the laid Qiiakers. bwe aiiowed. h^X^iVA. And bc it cnadted and declared. That it may and flinll be lawful for any Deputy Lieu- Dep, Lieutcnan?^ and tenant or Juftice of th'; Peace to atSt in the Execution of this Act, in any and every Subdivifiou jdftia-t may irt in any v/itliin the County, Riding or Place for which he is or fliall be conimiflioned; and that each and every

  • heC*^*nt^"o^wlfich°*^^^^^'^ Deputy Lieutenant and Juftice of the Peace hath and fliall have the fame Power and Authority

U»py artTuminjifjonld. therein, as is by this A<5t given to any Dcnuty Lieutenant or Juftice of the Peace, within the Subdi- viiion to which he is or fhall be particularly appointed. XC