Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/702

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A. D. 1762. Anno fecundo Georgii III. C. 32. 663 vice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefont Parliament iffemblcd, and by the Authority of the lame, That an A£l made in the fecond Year of his late Ma- AS: of 2 Geo. 2. e. ^fi. jefty's Reign, intituled, 4ii J^cl for the better Regulation and Government of Seamen in //><? ylfar/jfl«/f wl^^ was wntinue.! by- Service^ which was to be in force for five Years, from the twenty-fourth Day^of J?{ne one thoufand j"^^^^^^,'" |j^"^^^"l[^ '" feven hundred and twenty-nine, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament ; ' "" and which A«Sl was, by an A£t made in the eighth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty, further continued until the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament ; and which A6t was, by an K&. made in the twenty-third Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty, further continued until the twenty-fifth Day oi March one thoufand {tvcn hundred and fixty-four, and from thence to the End of the then next Seilion of Parliament, is temporary, and near expiring i Ihall be, and is hereby, made per- petual. II. And be it further enaftcd by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the firftDay of A4ay prnm and nfrcr t 5fiy one thoufand feven hundred and iixty-four, all the Provihons, Penalties, Claufes, Matters andThings i-6j, jlltheProvifKn.s,,. contained in the faid AcX of the ftcond Year of his laid late Majefty's Reign, fnall be, and the lame J'^"^itie,., Matters and are hereby, extended to all his Majefty's Colonies in America and that all Penalcies and Forfeitures ^^^^"(5'J"J^^^J^^^^;^,^j_ to be incurred by the faid A£f, and dire6i:ed to be applied to and for the Ufe of Greemvkh Hojpital, ^^ to his Maicrty's Co- Ihall be paid to fuch Officer or Officers in the faid Colonies, as fhall on that Behalf be appointed by ionics in Amciica ; and 1 to _ - _, . , _ . ^ - , v..^v^.«v„. .- -.»J by tics and Forfeitures which, by the faid A61, are direded to be dedu6ted and applied to and for the the Admiralty ; and Ufe of Greenwich Hojpitul^ and Ihall not pay the Money fo dedu6led to fuch Officer or Officers lb to Mafteis of Ships dcauft- be appointed in the Port or Place in the faid Colonies where fuch Deduction fhali be made, within '"g="^y°f the faid For- three Months after fuch Dedudion ; every Perfon fo negle6ting to pay the Money dedu(R:ed as afore- |^'j',"svTacs ^ faid, fliall forfeit and pay the treble Value thereof to the Ufe of the faid Hofpital ; which, together 3,1^ not dul/piyinpovep- with the Money dedu6ted as aforefaid, fliall and may be recovered by the fame Means and Methods the fame^ forfeit trcbia as any Penalties and Forfeitures can or may be recovered by the faid Adl» t^ Value to theuie g£v- ' the laid Holpital. C A P. XXXII. An A(5t for drai'ning and preferving certain low Lands called The Fens^ Jying on both Sides of the River PFi I hatn^ in the County of Lincoln-, and for reftoring and maintain- ing the Navigation of the faid River, from the High Bridge in the City of Lincoln^ through the Borough of Bojion^ to the Sea.

  • 'fTCT'HEREAS the River IVitham^ in the County of Lincoln^ was formerly nav^able for prearx;.ble>.
  • VV Lighters, Barges, Boats, and other Veflels from the Sea, through Bojion^ to the High Bridge
  • in the City of Lincoln y but, by the Sand and Silt brought in by the Tide, the Outfall thereof into
  • the Sea hath, for many Years laft paft, been greatly hindered and obftru6ted, and is now, in a
  • great meafure, ftopped up, loft and deftroyed, and thereby great Part of the low Lands and Fens
  • lying on both Sides of the faid River (and which contain together about one hundred thoufand
  • Acres) are frequently overflowed, and rendered ufelefs and unprofitable, to the great Lofs of the
  • refpeftive Owners tnereof, the Decay of Trade and Commerce, and the Depopulatioa of the
  • Country: And whereas, in the Judgment and Opinion of experienced Engineers', and Perfons of
  • known Skill and Ability, the Navigation of the faid River Wlthani^ and the Outfall thereof into
  • the Sea, are capable of being reftored and maintained, and the faid low Lands and Fens of being
  • drained, cultivated and improved ; but as the necelTary Works, for the cftefting the good Purpofts
  • aforefaid, cannot be made, done and performed without the Authority of Parliament 5' May it

therefore pleafe your Majefty, that it may be enavSfed ; and Be it enacled by the King's moft Excel- lent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- mons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid low Lands and Fens, Kerein after-mentioned and defcribed, Ihall and may be drained and improved by,, with, and under fuch Powers and Authorities, and fubjedi to fuch Rules, Orders, Direttions and- Provifions, and by fuch Ways and Means, as are herein after-mentioned, direcSted, prefcribed, ap- pointed and provided. II. And, for the better defcribing, fpecifying and afcertaining the low Lands and Fens,, fo intended to be drained and improved. Be it further enaited and declared. That the fame are fituate, lying, and The Bonndans>- of- fh^ corpprifed within the feveral Parifties, Townfliips, Precinfts, Territories and Places herein after- lo^,- Lands aiidrwude* mentioned ; that is to fay. Such of them as are on the South Side of the River IVitharny. do lie in '^^"'^^'^• the City of Lincoln^ Lincoln Common, Cawwick, TVaJhinghorough, Helghlngtony Bran/Ion, Potter Han- luorih. Notion, Duti/hn, ]etherlngha?n, Blankneyy Llmvood, Marton, Thnherland, 'Tlmberland Thorpe,, JValcot, ^IHinghay, Bllllnghay Dales, Dog-dyke, North Kyme Fen, South Kyme Fen, Hirt's- Grounds, Great Beets, Little Beets, Rakes, Heckington Fen, including Lady iv'flZt'r's fix hundred Acres,. Ftverby,, Howell, AJgarby, Great Hale, Little Hale, and fome low Lands in Sivine/Jjead ; Brothertofty Amvicky Rujkington, Dorrin^ton, Digby and Holland Fen; and fuch of them as are on the North, Side of the River tVitham, do lie in Monks, Greetzvell, JVilUngha?n, Fijkerton, Barllms, Stalnfidd, Bardney, South- rev, Tupholm, Bucknall, Horfington, Stixwould, Sivlnejikc, Woodhall, Thornton, Klrljtead, Ta(te7-/ioall Thorpe, Tatterfaall Conlngsby, Marcham^ Hundle-houjt'j Rcvejhy^ Mlddkhani, Moorhoufc, Meerhoothj S lUr^