Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/718

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A. D.I 76 2. Anno Jfecundo Georgii III. C.32. 679 impowered, at any publick Meeting, upon due Proof made thereof, to remove the Perfon fo offend- ing from his Office, and the Commiffioners for Navigation, or any five or more of them, fhall and ^ may appoint another Perfon in his Place and Stead. LXXXV. And for defraying the necefTary Expences of the faid Navigation, and of repairing Tolls vefted in the and maintaining the faid Locks and other Works to be made and ereded as aforefaid, and keeping Commiffioners j them fit and ufeful for the faid Navigation, Be it further enacted, That at fuch Place and Places adjoining to the faid River as the faid Commiffioners for the Navigation, or any five or more of them, Ihall by any Inftrument in Writing under their Hands and Seals direct and appoint, there fhall be paid to the Colle6lor or Colle£lors to be nominated and appointed as herein after is direded, by all and every Perfon and Perfons who fhall carry or convey any Goods, Wares, Merchandizes or Commodities whatfoever, up or dovi'n the faid River, by Tonage or otherwife, fuch Sum and Sums of Money as the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, fliall from time to time think proper to order and appoint, not exceeding in the Whole the Sum of one Shilling and fix Pence a Ton; which refpe£live Sum and Sums of Money fo ordered and appointed to be paid as aforefaid, Ihall and may be demanded and taken in the Name of or as a Toll or Duty ; and the Monies fo to be raifed are hereby vefted in the faid Commiffioners, and fliall be applied and difpofed of in fuch Manner as the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, fhall from time to time order and dired for the feveral Ufes, Intents and Purpofes of the faid Navigation ; and in cafe of Negle£l or may be levied by Diftfer*, Denial of Payment, on Demand, of the feveral Tolls or Duties ordered and appointed to be paid as aforefaid, the Colleftor or Colle6tors to be appointed as herein after is dire£led, is and are hereby authorifed and required to feize and detain any of the faid Goods, Wares, Merchandizes and Com- modities, or the Boats, Barges, Lighters or Vefl'els carrying or conveying the fame, and for which the faid Tolls or Duties ought to be paid as aforefaid ; and in cafe the fame fhall not be paid within Diftrefs maybe fold after the Space of five Days next after fuch Seizure, it fhall and may be lavv-ful to and for the faid Col- ^*« ^^P* ledor or Colle6l:ors to fell the faid Goods, Wares, Merchandizes and Commodities, or the Boats, Barges, Lighters or Veflels carrying or conveying the fame, rendering the Overplus (if any) to the Owners, after the faid Tolls or Duties, together with the reafonable Charges of feizing, de- taining and felling the faid Goods, Wares, Merchandizes and Commodities, or the Boats, Barges, Lighters or Veflels carrying or conveying the fame, fhall be fatisfied and paid. LXXXVL Provided always, and be it enacted. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Tolls to be taken at faid Commiffioners for the Navigation, or any five or more of them, to order and caufe a Chain or Lodowick's Dram. Boom to be laid and fixed acrofs LodowicFs Drain^ at any Place between Lodowick's Gozvt and Gill- Syke^ and to demand and take fuch Duties and Tonnage for all Goods, Wares and Merchandizes carried and conveyed on board any Boat, Barge or Veflel, through Lodowick's Drably as the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them ftall think proper, lb as the fame do not exceed fix Pence a Ton, and fo as fuch Chain or Boom be not continued or ufed for the Purpofe aforefaid, after the new Cut before mentioned fhall have been made navigable from Lodowick's GoiLt aforefaid, as far as Chappel Hill. LXXXVll. Provided alfo. That no Toll or Duty fhall be demanded or taken at the faid Chain inbabitants of the u or Boom for the paffing of any Boat, Barge or Vefl'el laden with any Goods, Wares, Merchan-^^^";;;";^"^^^^^^^^^^ dizes or Commodities belonging to, or the Property of, or configned to any of the Inhabitants of the eleven Towns of Holland Fen^ which fhall pafs through Lodowick's Drain only. LXXXVIII. And it is hereby further enacted. That the Navigation to be formed by virtue of Free Navigatipn. this Adt upon the River IVitham, or any adjoining Lands from the Sea through Bofion, to the High Bridge at Lincoln^^ fhall be publick, open and free to all his Majefty's liege Subjefts, to pafs, repafs, travel and go with Boats, Barges and other VefTels, fubjedl: only to fuch Duties, Tolls, Reftric- tions and Regulations as are herein provided, declared and exprefled concerning the fame. LXXXIX. And be it further enaded. That the faid Commiffioners for the Navigation, or any Commiflioncrs may fcor- feven or more of them, fhall have fuch and the fame Powers to raife Money for defraying and pay- "w Money on the loiu. ing the Charges of the faid Navigation, as well by mortgaging the faid Duties and Tolls, as by granting Annuities chargeable upon, and payable out of the fame, but by, with and under fuch and the fame Rules, Orders, Direflions and Reflri£tions as are herein before direfted, provided and declared, for, about and concerning the raifing Money for the general Works of Drainage of the faid low Lands and Fens by virtue of this Aft, and for the affigning the Securities thereof. XC. And be it further enabled, That when and as the Money advanced and lent for the Pur- Tolls may be leiTene^, pofe of the faid intended Navigation, on the Credit of the faid Tolls and Duties, or a competent Part thereof fliall be paid off and difcharged, then the faid Commiffioners for the Navigation fhall and may, and they are hereby authorifed and impowered, by and with the Confent of the Mortga- gees and Annuitants, to lower or reduce the faid Tolls and Duties ; and they are hereby authorii'ed and impowered to raife and increafe the fame, from time to time as Occafion fhall require, and as to them, or any feven or more of them, fhall feem requifite and neceflary for the Purpofes ot this Act, fo as the fame do not exceed the Tolls or Duties herein before granted. XCI. And be it further enaded. That the faid general Commiffioners for the Drainage, or any Commiflloners ;m power. five or more of them, or the faid Commiffioners for the faid refpeaive Diftrids, or any five or more ^^ topiirchaieLaruis,&c, of them, or the faid Commiffioners for the Navigation, or any five or more of them refpedively, fhall have full Power and Authority to agree with the Proprietors of, and Perfons interefled in, any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, which the faid refpe(5tive Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, fhall judge necefTary to be cut, digged, pulled down, or otherwife made ufe of, for the Purpofes