Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/72

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3^ C. i8. Anno tricefimo Georgii II. A. D. 1757. What Duties are upon the Exportation of the fame Goods ; that is to fay, For all fuch Goods (except Wines and Vine- payable on gar, and fuch Goods as are herein after enumerated) of the Growth, Produdl or Manufa£ture of France y Goods, if taken or any of the Dominions belonging to the Crown oi Frafjce, taken as aforefaid by any of his Majelly's by tlie Kings Shjpg of War, the Half of the old Subfidy granted by the Ad of Tonnage and Poundage pafTcd in the 'r'-, twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second; and the whole of the further Subfidy of 21 G '".'^cX. Poundage granted by an A61 palled m the twenty-firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, being what it" taken' what is commonly Called 77;f 6V//^^ ofie ihoufatid fevgn hundred and forty-feven and for the like Goods by Pr.vateers. if tnlccn by any private Ship of War, the Half of the faid old Subfidy, and no more ; which Duties fliall CuftomaryAl- be colledted, paid and applied in the fame Alanner, and to the fame Purpofes, wheieunto they are by lowances and Law appropriated, fubjed neverthelefs to the cuilomary and legal Difcounts and Abatements, and Allow- made" " ° ^ "<nces for Damage ; and for every Ton of French Wine and Frtnch Vinegar taken as aforefaid, either by Diuie's on French his Majefty's Ships of War or Privateers, the Sum of three Pounds ; and fo after the fame Rate for any Wine and Vine- greater Or lefTer Quantity ; to be paid into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, as Part of the Duties g-^""- arifing by an Ad pafibd in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled. An A^for 18 G. 2. c. 9. granting to his Mnjejiy fevcral additional Duties upon all JVines imported into Great Britain ; and for raijing a certain Sum of Money by Annuities and a Lottery^ in Manner therein mentioned .^ to be charged on the faid addi" tional Duties. Ehitv to be paid H. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That the Half of the old Subfidy granted by ad Valorem, up- the faid Ad of the twelfth of Charles the Second, and the whole of the further Subfidy of Poundage, on the Goods granted bv the faid Ad of the twenty-firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, which is diredted. enumerated. ^^ ^y^^ j^'^-r^ ^^ ^^ p.^jj f^^ j-^^j^ p^j^^, Goods taken by his Majefty's Ships of War ; and the Half of the old Subfidy granted by the faid Ad of the twelfth of Charles the Second, which is direded by this Ad to be paid for fuch Prize Goods taken by private Ships of War, fliall be payable ad Valorem^ and no othcrwife, upon the Oath of the Captors or their Agents, upon the following Goods ; that is to fay. Upon all Sorts of Woollen and Silk Manufadures, and Hats, Handkerchiefs, Checks, Knives and Nails, notwithftanding the fame may have been rated in the Book of Rates of the twelfth Year of the Rc-ign of Charles the Sccciid, or the additional Book of Rates of the eleventh Year of the Reign of his late How the fame Majefty King George the Firft ; and that the faid Duties ad Valorem refpedively on the Goods before are to be levied, enumerated, fhall be levied and colleded by the fame Rules and Regulations, and under the fame Penal- ^^' ties and Forfeitures, as are direded and prefcribed in and by an Ad of the eleventh Year of the Reign of ji G, I. c. 7. }^i3 ]ate Majefty King George the Firft, intituled. An A^for rating fuch unrated Goods and Merchandizes as are ufually imported itito this Kingdom., and pay Duty ad Valorem, upon the Oath of the Importer; and for afccrtaining the Value of all Goods and Merchandizes not inferted in the former or prefent Book of Rates ; and for repealing certain Duties upon Drugs and Rags j and for continuing the Duty upon Apples ; and for afcertaining the Method of admeafuring Piilures imported. Military or Ship ^^^- Provided always. That no Duties or Cuftoms whatfoever fhall be demanded or taken for any Prize Stores excmpttd Goods confifting of any Military or Ship Stores j any thing in this or any other Ad contained to the from Duty. contrary notwithftanding. Prize Goods ta- IV. And it is hereby further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That any Prize Goods of the Growth, ken fince the Produd or Manufadurc of France ^ or any of the Dominions belonging to the Crown of France , which Declaration of i-^2 be rcccivcd into any Warehoufe in Purfuance of this Ad, or which are now remaining in any expoi'ted/ '^ Warchoufe in this Kingdom, where they have been fecured, under the King's Locks, by the Permiflion upon Payment of °^ the Commiflioners of the Cuftoms , ihall and may, upon Payment of the refpedive Duties before di- the Duties of reded by this Ad (if the fame have been taken fince the Declaration of War) be exported at any Time this Aa ; dircdly from thence, either by the Captors or their Agents, or by any other Perfon or Perfons without and fuch as were paying any further Duty of Cuftoms or Excife for the fame ; and if fuch Goods fhall have been taken be- taken before, fore the faid Declaration of War, the fame fliall and may be exported in like Manner, without Payment niay be ex:X)rt«d of any Duty of Cuftoms or Excife whatfoever ; the Perfon or Perfons exporting the fame giving fuffici*. Tny Duty^-^'tlfe '^^^ Security in double the Value of the Goods, before the Delivery thereof out of the Warehoufe, that Exporter g'iving the fame fhall be really and truly exported, and not brought back again or rclandcd in any Part of Great Security. Britain., or the Iflands of Guerrfyy Jerfey, Alderney, Sark, or Man ; which Security the Cuftomer or CoUcdor of the Port from whence the fame are intended to be exported, is hereby required and authorized to take in his Majefty's Name, and to his Majefty's Ufe. Goods taken cut V, Provided always, and it it hereby further enaded by the Authority aforefiiid, T'hat if any Goods of thcWa.chouie{y)j^]j j^g taken out of any Warehoufe, wherein they are fecured as aforefaid, to be con. fumed in this fum^tiTn ^io"pay Kingdom, the Perfon or Perfons fo taking out the fame, fliall hrft pay up the Remainder of the Duties the^Dl'tie's pay- which would have been due and payable to his Majefty thereon, if the fame had been regularly im- aile onlirporta- ported by way of Merchandize into this Kingdom ; and fuch Goods fliall, in all other Refpeds, be liable .tion. to the fame Rcftridions and Regulations to which th:y would have been fubjed, if this Ad had not been made. Damaged Winei, VI. Provided neverthelefs, That nothing in this Ad fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to charge if given «'Mo'^*>« any wine with the before-mentioned Duty of three Pounds per Ton, which fliall at the Time of landing ^ "Lb.^ t^The ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ damaged, corrupt or unmerchantable, and which fliall be given up by the Captors or their Duty©/ 3 1. per Agents, to the Officers of the Cuftoms, to be publickly fold, in order to be diltilied into Brandy, or to Ton, be made into Vinegar, in the Manner directed by an Ad pafl'cd in the twelfth Year of the Kcign of »»0. I.e. z8. his late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled. An Ait for the Improvement ofhiiMojejifi Revenues of Cujlomsj E.xcile and Inland Duties. VII. Pro-