Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/94

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6o C. 20. Anno tricefimo Georgii II. A. D. 1757.

  • XXVIII. Aid in order to make Provifion in that Part of the United Kingdom called Scotland^ for any

i:i the Com- * Expence that may attend the Execution of this Service j' Be it enabled by the Authority aforcfaid, That irifTioae s of the it may be lawful for the Commiflioners of the Land Tax,' and they are hereby impowered to aflefs their ^r"f^T^*r^'° refpe<i^ive Counties, in a Sum not exceeding fifty Pounds for each County, to be levied and collected tie! to defray'the '" ^^^ ^^"^^ Proportions, and according to the fame Rules, with the Land Tax ; and which Sum the re- Eipence of :'Lch fpe£iive Colleftors of the Land Tax for each County are hereby required to colle£l and iifue by order of Seivjce, the refpecStive Juftices of the Peace, or the major Part of them, aflembled at the Qiiarter-Seflions or Ad- journment thereof. Method of Re- XXIX. And it is hereby further enacSted, That wherefoever any Perfon fliall, for any OfFence to be covery of peci:- hereafter committed againll any Law now in Being relating to the preventing the fpreading of the aiary Pcnaiuia. pjftemper which now rages amongfl the horned Cattle in this Kingdom, be liable or fubjedt to pay any pecuniary Penalty or Sum of Money upon Conviction, before any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, it fhall and may be lawful for any other Perfon whatfoever, either to proceed to recover the faid Penalty, by Information and Conviction, before any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, in fuch Manner _ a> is diredted by this Adt, or to fue for the fame by A6tion of Debt or on the Cafe, Bill, Plaint or [n- v-tnK,n:*^eoto formation, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record, wherein no Efl'oin, Protection or Wager of Law, lioubie Cpi-s. or more than one-Imparlance fhall be allowed, and wherein the Plaintiff, if he recovers, {ball likewife have his double Cofts. Limitatijn of XXX. Provided, That all Suits and Aftions to be brought by virtue of this A£t, (hall be brought be- ASuQOi. fofg j[^e Yai^ of the next Term after the Offence committed ; and that no Offender againft any of the Laws now in Being for the preventing the fpreading of the Diftemper which now rages amongft the Kerned Battle, fhal! be profecuted twice for the fame OfFence. CommlfTioners XXXL And be it further enacSted by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Commiiflioners of the Land or the Land Tax, and Pv.ectors or Vicars who are rated to the Land Tax for one hundred Pounds per Jnnum, (hall, ^r and Vi-' '" their refpective Parifhes, and they are hereby impowered to grant Certificates of Health for Cattle, ia cars', rated for ^^ full and ample Manner, as any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace are impowered in any Manner what- 100!. per Ann. foever to do, for which faid Certificates no Fee or Reward whatfoever fliall be taken. are to grant Cert.ficaies of Health for Cattle. Perfons granting XXXIL And be it further ena£led by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the firft Day of Certificates, are Jung cne thoufand feven hundred and fifty-feven, all Perfons. whatfoever taking upon them to grant Til t'hei/offiw ' Certificates in purfuance of this A6t> or his Majefty's Orders relating thereto, ftiall fet forth in every fuch Certificate by virtue of what Office he grants fuch Certificate, whether as Juftice of the Peace for any on Penalty of County, City or Borough, CommiiTioner of the Land Tax, or otherwife ; and in Cafe any Perfon Jcl. fliall negledt fo to do, fuch Perfon fhall, for every fuch OfFence refpedtively, forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain^ for every fuch Negledl:, to be recovered by Adtion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejhninjhr^ with full Cofts of Suit, wherein no Eflbin, Privilege, Protedion or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance fhall be allowed. Pm"seir.o^o ^^^^11^' A"^ ^ it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Juftices of the Peace 3opolnt^in°"* '° ^^'^^^^ their refpective Divifions, at their Petty SelTions, or the major Part of them then and there af- ^^©rs. fembled, within that Part oi Great Britain cMcd England, fhall have full Power and Authority to ap- point any Perfon or Perfons to be Infpedtor or Infpcdtors of any Houfes, Buildings, Grounds, Fields and Cattle within their faid Divifions, to be AfTiftant to the Conftables, Churchwardens and Ovcrfi^ers of the Poor, in fuch Manner as the Juftices of ti^e Peace at their General Qiiarter-SefTions are by his Majefty's faid Order in Council, dated the fecond ol March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven, imDowsred fo do. Cettificares are XXXIV. Provided, That no Seller or Buyer of any fuch Cattle fhall be obliged to take out either of no: neceffary y^p f-id Certificates, where both the Seller and Buver live in the fame Parifh, or in the next adjacent Par- wnere the Djver . - „, i • r * i -i -r-v .1 /- 1' 1 a^cf Seller live rifh Or Place, or wjthm hve Miles l^iltance of each other. wi'hin five Miles bt tictt oriiex j provided the other Regulations are complied with. XXXV. Provided, That the Seller of fuch Cattle has been in the PofT^flion of the Cattle fo to be foKI forty Days at the Icaft before fuch Sale, and fo as the Buyer keeps the faid Cattle three Months at the leaft, from the Time he purchafes the fame, and fo as the Diflemptf that now Rages amongft the horned Cattle in this Kingdom, be not withiji the Space of ten Miles of the Seller's Abode, and that the Seller ^nd Buver hve in the fame County ; any Thing in this Acl to the contrary notwithfiandiog. ' XXXVI. And whereas the Magiftrates ot fome Corporations fituated within Counties at large, have

  • in fome Places prefumed to hold Fairs and Markets for the Sale of horned Cattle, Nvhen the Juftices of
  • ■ the Peace for the County at large have prohibited Fairs and Markets to be holden in the faid County,

1*h» prohibitiott * which in a great Meafure fruftratcs the faid Prohibition, and Occauons many Difputes 5' Be it there- ity aforefaid. That from and after the faid firit Day of y?/w in the Year idred and fifty-feven, where the jultices of the Peace for any County tter think proper to prohibit Fairs aiui Markets to be holden for the ill Si!r ot' hoinc_

  • dC*tclc, is to extcad to all Coiporatloas wjthii), or conxiguous to, fuch Coiuityj^
