Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/109

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A.D. 1762. Anno tertio GEORGri III. C. 23; 59 VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and maybe lawful to They may alfodireflthc and for the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, from time to time, to direct and caufe Courfesof the Gutters the Courfe of any Gutter or Channel running in or through any of the faid faid Squares, Streets to be turned; and Lanes, to be turned or altered in fuch Manner as they fliall think proper; and to direfl seters^be'removed the Grates already placed, ox hereafter to be placed, over any Sewers, to be removed and replaced and "plawd*- "uTof the in fuch Manner, and at fuch Place and Places as they (hall think oioft proper; all which fliall, from Money appro'priatd for time to time, be done at the Expence of the faid Commiffioners, and paid for out of the Money the vie ( ,f this ASt. ariiing by virtue or appropriated to the Ufe of this Ad; any Law, Ufage or Cuflom to the contrary notwithftanding. VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Signs, Sign-Irons, Polls, ah Signs. Sign-Ironsj Boards, Spouts or Gutters, or any Encroachment or other Annoyance whatever, already built, Ports, Spouts,- Cut ers, placed or hung in any of the faid Squares, Streets, or Lanes, which fliall be begun to be paved or other Annoyances, by virtue of the faid former Aft, fhall be, at the Expence of the faid Commiffioners, fixed or placed may be removed, and on the Fronts of fuch Houfes reflectively whereto the fame fliall belong, or may, from time to time, comnlffff'ners 3 '- '^ be removed and placed in fuch Manner as the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, ' ' fliall think moll proper and convenient, in order to prevent the fame occafioning any Obftruction or Annoyance; and that for the future all Signs, Boards, Spouts or Gutters fliall be placed or and for the future, a!! fixed on the Fronts of the Houfes, Shops, Warehoufes or Buildings, whereunto they refpectively Signs, Spouts, and Gat- belong, and not otherwife : And if any Perfon or Perfons fliall, at any Time hereafter hang, place, ^"'| * c Fr * n e J° ^pJ*"* erect or build, any Sign, Sign-Poll or Iron, Board, Spout, Gutter, or any other Annoyance, or Houfes the y tielong'to • caufe the fame to be done, in any other Manner than as aforefaid, every fuch Perfon fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds, to be levied and recovered in fuch Manner as on Penalty of 5 1. Penalties are by the faid Act directed to be levied and recovered. IX. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any or any Such Parts of any of the Part of any fuch Sign, Sign-Iron or Poll, Board, Gutter or Spout, fhall remain unufed after the fa.d s.gns, &c. as (hall Alteration made thereto as before directed, the fame fliall be returned to, and be the Property of, Alteration to bferTturW- the Perfon to whom the fame belonged before fuch Removal or Alteration. ea to the Owners. X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in making the Rates authorized Corner Houfes how to Jw by the faid former Act to be made, the faid Commiffioners fliall have regard to Lands, Houfes or rate( i. other Buildings, fituate or being at the Corner of any Square, Street or Lane, whereon the Rate fliall be laid or aiTefled, or where Part of any Houfe, Building or Ground, fliall extend into, or abut upon, any other Square, Street or Lane; and that no more fliall be charged in fuch Rate in refpect to any fuch Land, Houfe or other Building, than in Proportion to the Part of fuch Land, Houfe or other Building, which fliall be fituated in the Square, Street or Lane, where- on fuch Rate fliall be made and laid; any thing in the faid former Act to the contrary not- withftanding. XI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Rates or AfTeiTments, au- The Rates to be paid by thorized by the faid former Act, to be laid, raifed and levied, fliall and may be laid, raifed and the Inhabitants. levied, on the refpeclive Inhabitants of any Part or Parts of any fuch Square, Street or Lane, as foon as the Pavement of any fuch Part or Parts fhall be completed, by virtue of the faid former Act; any thing in the faid former Act contained to the contrary notwithftanding. XII. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Commiffioners, or any Commiffioners may or- three or more of them, fliall have full Power and'Authority, from time to time, to caufe all or der the 'Streets to be any Part of fuch Squares, Streets and Lanes, to be well watered as often as there fliall be Occa- watere > fion, and to be done in fuch Manner as the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, fhall direct; and to defray the Expences arifing thereby, out of the Money to be raifed by virtue, or ap- propriated for the Purpofes, of the faid former Act. XIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that the faid Commiffioners, or any and tIle Names of the three or more of them, may order and direct to be engraved, painted or otherwife defcribed, on j^" anJ? qu c rfs tobe Stone or Wood, to be affixed on a confpicuous Part of fome Houfe or other Building, at the End Houfes!" 1 ' C gr "" or Corner of each Square, Street or Lane, the Names by which fuch refpedtive Square, Street or Lane, is ufually or properly called or known; and if any Perfon or Perfons fhall wilfully or ma- licioufly deftroy, pull down, injure, obliterate or deface, any fuch Name or Description, or any Part thereof, or caufe or procure the fame to be done, and fhall be convicted thereof, by his, or her own Confeffion, or by the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or WitnelTes, before one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Wejiminjlcr, which Oath the faid Juftice or Juftices is and are hereby impowered to adminifter, every fuch Perfon fo offending, fhall, for ' Jena,ty of " der " ac;n? or every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of forty Shillings; tobe levied, recovered and ap- de(tr °y in 3 ^e (am ej 4.0 3 . plied, as the Penalties and Forfeitures are by the faid former Act directed to be levied, recovered and applied. XIV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful for any Per- No Inclofure maybe fon or Perfons to erect or fet up, or caufe to be erected or fet up, in any of the faid Squares, Z^^bZfm^J?*' Streets, or Lanes, which fhall be completed by virtue of the faid former Act, any Inclofure, Ports, pafrfog^withourEeaw."" Bars or Rails, or other Matters or Things for the Purpofe of making Mortar, and depofiting Bricks, Lime or other Materials for building or repairing any Houfes, buildings or other Works; every fuch Perfon and Perfons firft obtaining Leave under the Hand of the Surveyor for the Time being, I 2 to