Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/122

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72 C. i. Anno : quarto Georgii III. A. D. 1763. fequent Loans or Exchequer Bills be made to alter the Courfe at firfr appointed for prior Loans or Ex- chequer Bills, at the Time of" taking in, or making out, fuch prior Loans or Exchequer Bills ; any thing herein before contained ,to the contrary notwithstanding, and to appoint XXX. And it is hereby further enacted, That all the faid Bills fhall be prepared and made with fuch Cheques, &c Cheques, Indents, or Counterfoils, as fhall be directed by the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or by the high Treafurer or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being ; and that the Perfon or Perfons appointed, or who fhall be appointed to pay off the fnid Bills in Courfe, fhall, from Time to Time, have the Ufe and Cu;lody of one Part of all the Cheques, Indents, or Counterfoils of the faid Exchequer Bills, to be prepared and made by virtue of this Act, from which the faid Bills fhall have been cut, to prevent his or their being impofed upon by . counterfeit or forged Bills ; and that the Undertakers or Contractors for exchanging or circulating the faid Bills, or fuch of them as fhall be current, fhall from Time to Time, have the Uie and Cuitody of one other Part of all the faid Cheques, Indents or Counterfoils of the faid Exchequer Bills, from which the fame fhall have been cut off, as aforefaid, in order to prevent their being impofed upon by any counterfeit or forged Bills ; and that all the faid Parts of the faid Cheques, Indents, or Counterfoils, fhall be deliver- ed back into the Exchequer when the faid Bills to be made forth by virtue of this Aft mail be paid off, can- celled and difcharged. The Bills to be XXXI. And it is hereby enacted, That the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of theT-cc.hequtr'" ^em now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhall, and they are hereby refpectively authorized and impowered to caufe fuch Bills as fhall be prepared by virtue of this Act, to be placed as fo much Cafh in the refpective Offices of the Tellers of the faid Receipt of Exchequer, each and every of which Tellers fhall be feverally charged with a Proportion of the faid Bills, which fhall be fo placed in his Office refpectively. ~*n<3 to be iflua- XXXII. And it is hereby alfo enacted and declared, That the faid Bills in the Hands of the faid Tel- bie tbereout in lers fhall be locked up and fecured as Cafh, according to the Courfe of the Exchequer; and fhall be taken ct ? lm ° n wuh and efteemed as fo much in part of the Remains in real Money wherewith each of the faid Tellers fhall, ot er ome>-, f rom Time to Time, ftand charged, and fhall, in common with other the Monies in the faid Exchequer, . be iffuable and re-ifi'uable thereout, to any Perfon or Perfons defiring to receive the fame, for and in lieu of fo much Money as the Principal Sums contained in the faid Bills, with the Intereft due thereon at the Time of fuch iffuing or re-iffuing thereof, fhall amount unto ; any Law or Ufage to the contrary not- wiihftanding. and to be current XXXlII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the faid Exchequer Bills the Revenue, to be made forth by virtue of this Act, or fo many of them as fhall, from Time toTime, remain undifcharged and uncancelled, lhall and may be received and taken, and fhall pafs and be.^urrent to all and every the Recei- vers and Collectors in Great Britain of t-he Cuftoms, Excife, or any Revenue, Supply, Aid,- or Tax whatfoc- ver, already granted, due or payable, or which fhall or may hereafter be granted, due or payable, to his Majefty, his Heirs, and Succeffors, and alfo at the Receipt of the Exchequer, from the laid Receivers or Collectors, or '. from any other Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate whatfoever,. making any Payments or Loans there to his Majefty, his Heirs, and Succeffors, for or upon any Account, Caufe, or Occafton whatfoever, ac- I cording to the Purport and true Meaning of this Act ; and that fuch of the fame Bilk as fhall be received at the . Exchequer, fhall and may be locked up and fecured as Cafh, according to the Courfe of the Exchequer,fetJed Receivers to ex- and eftablifhed by Law, for locking up and fecuring Monies received in Specie there; and that all and change Bills for every the Receivers ana Collectors in Great Britain of the Cuftoms, Excife, or any Revenue, Aid, Tax, -ready Money. or Supply whatfoever, already granted, due or payable, or which fhall or may hereafter be granted, due, . or payable, to his Majefty, his Heirs, and Succeffors, .fhall, and they are hereby directed and required', out of any current coined Money, as fhall then be in his or their Hands, of fuch Revenue, Aid, Tax, or Supply, to pay fuch of the fame fhall be brought to them, refpectively, -by any Perfon or Perfons de-". firing to have Money for the fame: And in cafe any fuph Receiver or Collector .fhall refufe or neglect to exchange fuch Bill or Bills for ready Money, for the Space of twenty-four Hours, .then the Perfon or .Per- fons demanding the fame, fhall and may bring an Action of Debt, or on, the Cafe, for the Principal and Intereft Monies due upon fuch Bill or Bills, againft fuch Receiver or Collector, having Money in his Hands, as aforefaid ; in which Action the Plaintiff fhall. or may declare, that fuch Receiver or Collector is indebt- ed to the Plaintiff in the Money demanded upon every fuch Bill, according to the Eorm of the Statute,, and hath not paid thei'ame, which fhall be fufficicnt ; and the Plaintiff in every fueh Action fhall recover I againft the Receiver or Collector not only the- Monies fo neglected or refufed to be paid, but alfo his Full Cofts of Suit ; and fuch Receiver and Collector fhall be fubject or liable thereunto; and in fuch Action, no Effoin, Protection, Privilege, or Wager of .Law, fhall be allowed, or more than one Imparlance ; and upon Payment of the Monies fo to be recovered, the Plaintiff, his Executors, or Affigns, fhall deliver up fuch Bills to the Defendant; his Executors, or Affigns. Tallies to be k- XXXIV,, And be it further enacted, That if any of the-faid Bills fhall at any Time or 1 imes hereafter vied tor BHis lent within the refpective limes, during which they fhall be current purfuant to this Act, be paid or lent into into the Exche- the Exchequer, by any of his Majelty's Receivers, . or pther Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corpo- ' "*""• rate, making :iny Payments or Loans at that P^eceipt, . the Officers there fhall caufe Tallies levied, and delivered to the Payers or Lenders, as amply and effectually, to all Intents or Purpofes, as if they had made fuch Payments or Loans in Specie. Intereft to conti- XXXV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid,. That the Intereft which fh all, from Time to •

  • ue till Payment. Time, be due upon any of the Bills to be current as aforefaid, fhall be allowed to all Perfons,

Bodies Politick and Corporate, paying the fame, to any Receiver or Collector, Receivers ox Collectors, of' any