Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/145

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A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Georgii III. C. 2. -95 of the faid Salaries and Profits than they were in the faid Year; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. *?!!^ p f LXVIII. Provided always, That out of the Sum to be aflefled on the Officers of the faid Hofpital for °££ A on e t {J™ fick and hurt Seamen, there Shall be paid to the Collectors of the Land Tax for the Parifh of Eajt Stone- faid Officers, in hcufe, the Sum of twenty Pounds, to be applied in Aid of the ASTeflment to be laid upon the faid Parifh by Aid of theAflViT- Virtu'e of this Aft. mcntnnF.aft- LXIX. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Water- btonetum * c - works in the Borough of Soutlnvark fhall be rated and aflefled in the faid Borough of Southwark, and not ^^3™'^ I" elfewhere, by the Commiflioners and Afleflbrs of the County of Surrey, and not by the CommiiTioners and aiibin-d'm Surrey! Afleflbrs of the City of London, and that the faid Water-works be aflefled according to the clear yearly Profits thereof ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. LXX. Provided always, and be it enacted. That the Waterworks in the City and Liberty of Wejlniin- Water-wor.ks in Jler fhall be rated and aflefled by the Commiflioners and Afleflbrs of the City and Liberty of Weftminflcr, Weftmirifter to and not by the Commiflioners and Afleflbrs of the City of London ; any thing herein contained to the con- be a ' kffed j*«. trary notwithstanding. LXXI. Provided always, That all Offices and Places, which were rated and aflefled within the Palaces ° ffices - & " c - !n of Whitehall, and Saint Jcnnes, in and for the Years one thoufand feven hundred and three, and one thou- st^L^es'*"?* fand feven hundred and four, or either of them (except fuch as are exempted by this Act) fhall be rated be 'there afliiiid. and aflefled within the faid Places, and in no other Place whatsoever. LXXII. And be it enadled and declared by the Authority aforefaid, that the refpective Perfons who have re- Collectors of the ceived or collected, or fhall receive or collect, the yearly Profits of the Water- works within the Town of Col- Water wurks m chcfer, in the County of EJ/ex, for the Time being, fhall be, and are hereby charged and chargeable with the ^ h ^ r Payment of the Tax that fhall be aflefled on the faid Profits reflectively by this Act, to be levied in fuch man-- cnarsea e ' ner as other Aids and Afleflments in and by this Act are directed ; and the refpective Perfons fo charged as aforefaid, and paying the fame, fhall be allowed the fame on their refpective Accounts by their refpective Employers or Proprietors for the Time being; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding;. LXXIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that fuch Per Con or Perfons as- collect Collectors for the- and receive the yearly Profits of the Water-works within the Borough of New Windfor in the County 6f Water- works in Berks, fhall be, and are hereby charged and chargeable with the Payment of the Tax that fhall be aflefled ion New Windtor the faid Profits, to be levied in fuch manner as other Aids and Afleflments in and by this- Act are directed char s eable - and appointed. LXXIV. And it is hereby declared, That in all Places where any the Patent Officers of the feveraf Patent officers Bifhops, or any of them, in England and Wales, were aflefled, and did pay for their refpective Offices or t0 Bi/hopricks Employments of Profit relating to the faid BiShopricks, unto or for the faid Aid of four Shillings in the ' { °I * y . wh g fe af ~ Pound, in the Year one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-three, the fame refpective Offices and Employ- m ' 93 * rnents of Profit, under the prefent Bifhops, or relating to the faid BiShopricks, or any of them, and the Patent Officers therein, fhall be aflefled and chargeable in the fame Parishes and Places respectively, and none other, towards the Sum to be raifed by this Act, to his Maj t Sty's Ufe. LXXV. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, That the Proportion, which at the firft General Commiflioners Meeting of the Commissioners for the County of Middle/ex, fhall purfuant to this Act be laid upon that appointed to aft,. Part of~the Parifh of Saint Andrew Holbourn, which is in the faid County, Shall be equally raifed therein, without fubdi- without being fubdivided into two Proportions, or making any Distinction between, that Part above the v ' dl " g theP ' u ' l ' !1, Bars, and- that Part below the Bars : And that in the Subdivifion of Commiflioners to act for the feyeral Hcdbourn 7n" Hundreds and Divisions in the faid County, a Number of Commiflioners Shall be appointed to act accord- MiddieiW. ingly for all that Part of the Said Parifli of Saint Andrew, which lieth in the faid County. LXXVI. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, that the Parifh of Saint George Hanover Square, TheP '(h f<Jr within the City and Liberty of Wejlminjler, fhall, in the Execution of this Act, be chargeable with a diftindt Sum George" Hanover* ox Quota, Separate from that of the PariSh of Saint Martin in the Fields : And if any Controverfy Shall arife Square to be among the CommiiTioners concerning the faid Quota, and the apportioning thereof out of the joint Quota c }™rged with n of the faid two Parifhes ; the Commissioners who are Inhabitants of, or have any Concern or Interest in, d ' Ama Q~ ot * either of the faid two Parishes, Shall have no Voice, but Shall withdraw at the Time of the Debate of 0? St! Martin fuch Controverfy, until it be determined by the reft of the Commissioners ; and in default thereof, the in the Fields. Commissioners then prefent, who do not inhabit, nor have any Intereftor Concern in either of the faid two Debates ariiing" Parifhes, fhall have Power, and are hereby required, to impofe fuch Fine or Fines as by them fliall be 5 onccrnin 's the thought fit, upon every fuch Commissioner fo refilling to withdraw, not exceeding twenty Pounds ; and td'SS"' the caufe the fame to be levied and paid as other Fines to be impofed by virtue of this Act are to be levied and who are 'inhabit- paid. tantsof either Pari/h to withdraw, or to be fined a Sum not exceeding aol. LXXVII. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Parishes of The Pari/hes of Saint John, Saint Peter, and Berchington, in the ISle of Thanet, within the Liberty of Dover, fhall be St > John, St. re- deemed and taken to be a diftindt Divifion within the faid Liberty ; and in execution of this Act, fhall be te r,andEerching- charged towards making up the whole Sum charged on the Town of Dover and the Liberty thereof, ac- l °" d ' : '° Doverl/' cording to the Proportion which was afleffed on the faid Parishes, by virtue of an Act of Parliament paSTed berty, according in' the fourth Year of the Reign of their late Majeflies King William and Queen Mary, intituled, An Ac! totheAfleflmene for granting to their Majefties an Aid of four Shillings in the Pound, for carrying on a vigorous War again/l 4 W. & Mw . France, and not otherwife. And all CommiiTioners, Collectors, Head-collectors, and Receivers, are hereby required and enjoined to apply themfelves with all Diligence to the molt Speedy and effectual Execu- tion-;