Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/179

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A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Georgii III. C. 6, 7, 129 CAP. VI. An Ad to continue,, for a limited Time, the free Importation of Tallow, Hogs Lard, and Greafe, from Ireland, HEREAS the permitting the free Importation of Tallow, Hogs Lard, and Greafe, from P'ramiie, Ireland, into this Kingdom, hath been found ufeful and. beneficial, and that the Time al- ' lowed for that Purpofe is near expiring, and it is expedient that the fame fhould be prolonged/ May it therefore pleafe your Majefty, that it may be enacted ; and Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and . ' Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That an Act made in the tbirty-fecond Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Secdnd, ' intituled, Afl,3a.Geo.,z;, ei is. An Act to difcontirme, for -'a limitedfime, the Duties payable upon Tallow i?fiporfcdfrorn Ireland ; and alfo • - ■■ '■ "art Act made in the firft Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, for extending the faid firft-mentioned anJ 'Geo. 3 . c . to. Act to Hogs Lard and Greafe ; which have Continuance till the firft Day of May cjne thoufand feven f ^ h "f° atimti - t0 }. hundred and fixty-four, and to the Fnd of the next Se'ffion of Parliament, fhall be and the fame are ay I7 9> hereby further continued, from the Expiration thereof, until the firft Day oi May one thoufand feven hundred andfixty-nine, and to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament. C A P. VII. An Act to explain and amend fuch Part of an Act made in the lafl: Seffion of Parliament, (intituled, An Act for granting to his Majefty fever al' a dditignal Duties upon Wines i?u- ported into this Kingdom, and certain Duties upon all Cyder and Perry, and for raifing the Sum of threes millions five hundred thoufand Pounds, by way of AmtuiU&s and , Lotteries, to be, charged on the faid Ditties) as relates to Cyder and Perry made/in this Kingdom. , e "IT7HE R E A S by an Act made in the laft Seflion of Parliament, intituled, An Ac! for granting Preamble, recieinz W to t>is Majefty feveral additional Duties upon Wines imported into this Kingdom, and certain* Dm- Claufes in the Cyder ties upon all Cyder and Perry, and for raifmg the Sum of three millions five hundred thoufand Pounds, by A £, ot ffijf? St ff<°'»> way of Annuities and Lotteries to be charged on the faid Duties ; a Duty of- four Shillings per Hoglhead 3 -'"' ?! V '"' was, from and after the fifth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-rthree, granted upon all Cyder and Perry which fhould be made in Great Britain, to be paid by .the-Maker thereof,! over and above all other Duties then payable for Cyder or Perry : And it was thereby dire&ed, that the Amount of the faid Duty {hould be paid within the Space of fix Weeks, to be computed from the; Time of making theCharge, in manner therein mentioned, by the Officer or Officers of Excite ; and all Makers of Cyder and Perry were thereby authorized to compound. for ,the (aid Duty, after, . the Rate therein mentioned, in refpect of the Cyder and Perry to be con-fumed in their own private Families only, in fuch Manner, with fuch Exemptions, Privileges and Advantages, and under fuch Regulations, as are in the faid Act allowed and provided : And whereas it Would be a great Relief to the Perfons fubject to the faid Duty, or to the Compofition in .lieu thereof, many of whom are induftrious Perfons with large Families, if the Time for Payment of the fajd Duty were enlarged, and the Compofition of five Shillings, authorized to be made by the faid Act, were lowered ;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty t by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent. Parliament af-. fembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the fifth Day of July one thoufand The Time limited by feven hundred and fixty-four, in lieu and inftead of the Time of fix Weeks, limited by- the faid- Act the former Aa foriPay, for the Payment of the faid Duty on Cyder and Perry, the Space, of fix Calendar Months ifhall be ™£ d ° f ' ^> ei0-! and is hereby allowed for the Payment of the fa-id' Duty-, to be computed from the Time of making ten -*.. t ? . .° nt .*}r' theCharge thereof; and the faid Duty {hall, from and after, the Expiration of the faid Six Months', when they may bei-e- be recovered and levied in fuch Manner, as the fame could or might have. been recovered and levied covered and levied/ as' ! by virtue of the faid former Act, at or after the Expiration of the laid Time therein limited for Pay- thereb y direfled; - ment thereof. II. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the fifth Day of July one, thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four, when any Perfon, being a Maker of Cyder , or. Perjy In Iicu °{ th = former within this Kingdom, fhall be. defirous of compounding for the faid Duty, on .Cyder and Perry to be ^^'^^^O^Vf -r confirmed in the private Family of fuchPerfon only,, it {hall be lawful, for the-Commiffioners of Ex* rized'to compound yvftli! cife for the Time being in England and Scotland reipeftively, as, or the, major PaftprWwe Fancies, ' . t of fuch refpeftive Commiffioners, or fuch Perfon or Perfons as they,; ^r' the major part. 0f, thenfj lhall refpectively appoint for that Purpofe, and J in. default of .fuch Appointment, -th.en.for the Col- at theiRateof as. per. lector and Supervifor for the Diftrict and Divifton within which the Perfon defiring to make fuch ^ c a h d £" ^"of'TVear : Compofition doth or fhall inhabit (and the, fajd. CommifTioners- of txeife, and the Perfons fo ■ to be *$ **■ J 1 ^" ° d , Sj ;( ,*f^ appointed by them, and in default thereof fuch Collector and Supervifor as aforefaid, arehereby Lifts delivered in 'to Vol. IX. S refpec- them.