Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/283

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1. Writ of Dower Unde nihil habet, where abateable, 3 Ed. 1. c. 49.
2. Where an Appeal shall abate for not being brought in time, 6 Ed. 1. st. 1. c. 9.
3. Writs abated during the Circuit of Justices in Eyre, may be amended, 13 Ed. 1. c. 10.
4. Writ of Ravishment of Ward not to abate by the Death of the Party, 13 Ed. 1. c. 35.
5. View not to be granted after Abatement of the first Writ, where there was a View upon the first Writ, 13 Ed' 1. st. 1. c. 48.
6. Nontenure, or misnaming of a Town, is a dilatory Abatement of Assize, ibid.
7. Where a Writ shall abate for Jointenancy, 34 Ed. 1. st. 1.
Where, by Exception of Nontenure, the Writ shall only abate for the Parcel, 25 Ed. 3. st. 5. c. 16.
8. Where a Writ shall not abate for Villenage, 37 Ed. 3. c. 17.
9. If the Declaration allege the Contract to be made in another County than that in which the Writ was brought, the Writ shall abate, 6 R. 2. c. 2.
10. There may be Execution upon a Statute Merchant once shewn in C. B. though the Process be discontinued, 5 H. 4. c. 12.
11. Writs of Assife in Franchises where abateable, 9 H. 4, c. 5. 8 H. 6. c. 26.
12. Where Writs, Indictments, &c. shall abate for want of an Addition, 1 H. 5. c. 5.
13. Writs purchased by or against the Wardens of Rochester Bridge, shall not abate by the Death of some of them, 9 H. 5. st. 1 H. 5. c. 5.
14. Certain Suits not to be abated for Acceptance of Knighthood, 4 H. 6. c. 4.
15. Where a Sheriff is named one of the Dsseissors in an Assise, and it is found he is not, it shall abate, 11 H. 6. c. 2. ib.
16.Attaint shall not abate, though one of the Plaintiffs die, or be nonsuit ; nor for the Death of any of the Petty Jury, so that two of them be living, 11 H. 7. c. 21.
17. Actions shall not abate by the Execution of the Possession to the Use, 27 st. 8. c. 10. § 15.
18. Writs shall not abate by reason of a new Commission, &c. or the Plaintiffs or Commis sioners taking a new Name of Dignity, 1 Ed. 6. c. 7. § 2, 3, 4, 6.
19. The Heir may pursue a Writ of Error to reverse a Fine, notwithstanding the Death of the Ancestor, 27 El. c. 9. § 4.
20. Suits in the Name of the Clerk of the Peace against the Inhabitants of a Hundred not abated by his Death, 27 El. c. 1 3. § 3.
21. Commissioners shall proceed to Execution, though Bankrupt die, 1 Jac. 1. c. 15. § 17.
22. Writs not abated for using the Stiles of the Usurpation, 2 Car. 2. c. 3. § 3.
23. Death of a Party between Verdict and Judgment, not to be Error, provided Judgment be entered within two Terms, 17 Car. 2. c. 8.
24. Plea to an Information not to abate by Death of the King, 4 & 5 W. & M. c.18. §7.
25. Death of the Party after Interlocutory Judgment not taabate, 8 & 9 W. 3 c. 11. §6.
26. Death of one Plaintiff or Defendant, where there is another surviving, not to abate, 8 & 9 W. 3. c. 11. § 7.
27. No Plea of Abatement in Suits for Partition, &c. 8 & 9 W. 3. c. 3I . § 3.
28. Certain Processes not to abate by the Death of the King, 1 Ann. St. 1. c. 8. § 5.
29. No dilatory Plea without Affidavit, 4 Ann. c. 16. § 11.
30. Commission of Bankrupt does not abate by Death of the King, 5 Geo. 2. c. 30. § 45.
For other Matters, see Addition,Attaint 14. Bankrupt 3, 23. Discontinuance of Process, Dower 5. Error 9, 14, 15. Feofaits,Justices of peace 13. Indictment 8. Information 13. Judgment 4, 5. partition 3. Trespass 3.

Abbey Lands and Abbot. See Monasteries.}}

Abbdication of King James 1 W. & M. sess 2. c. 2. § 7.


A Duty of Excise granted to the Town, 11 Geo. 2. c. 4.}}

Aberdeen. 1. The Records of the Court destroyed by Fire to be supplied, Geo. 1. c. 28. 9 Geo. l. c. 25.
2. A Duty of Excise continued to the Town, 4 Geo. 2. c. 13,

Abettors See Accessary, Principal.


  1. Deerstealers that cannot find Sureties, shall abjure the Realm, H. 3. st. 2. c. 10. 3. Ed. 1. c. 20.
  2. Persons abjured not bailable, 3 Ed. 1. c. 15.
  3. 3. Ancient Provisions concerning the Abjuration of Felons, 9. Ed 2. st. 1. c. 10& 15. 21 H. 8. c. 2. 22 H. 8. c. 14. § 1, 2. 28 H. 8. c. 1.
  4. Popish Recusants, how to abjure the Realm, 35 El. c. 1 & 2, § 8, 9, 10.
  5. 5. Sanctuaries abolished, 1 Ja. 1. c. 25. § 34. 21 Ja. 1. c. 28. § 7.
  6. 6. Where Nonconformists to abjure the Realm, 13 & 14 Car. 2. c. 1. § 2.
