Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/293

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afltonment.' aflife. SCttaimier. affi'gtiment 1. Where Affignee /hall have the Benefit of a LefTee, 32 H. 8. <■. 34. 2. Eftates of Freehold or for Years not aflignable but by Deed, 29 Car. 2. c. 3. For other Matters, fee T&illG Of flB^Crjaitge and $I0mtU"b ?P $oteg 3 flUnil 16. 2l5anfez. OIBanferutits 8. JRcplctoin amfe* 1. Affifes fhall be taken in the Counties once a Year, M. C, 9 jfY. 3. c, 12. 2. Shall be adjourned to the Bench propter difficult atem, M. C. 9 H. 3. c. 12. 3. Of Darrein Preferment fhall be taken before the Juftices of the Bench, M. C. 9 H. 3. c. 13. 4. Affizes may be taken in Adventand Lent, St. Wejlm. 3 Ed, 1. c. 5. 5. In Affife of Novel Diffeifn, Alienee of Diffeifor to pay Da- mages, 6 Ed. I, r. 51, 6. Proceedings in Aflife, St. Wall. 12 Ed. i.fol. 80, 81. 7. Affifes fhall lie of Eftovers of Wood, fcfr. S/. H^ftw. 2. 13 £V. I. <r. 25. 8. Shall lie againft a Tenant for Years and his Feoffee, St. Wejlm. 2. 13 Ed. 1. r. 25. o. A Defendant pleading a falfe Plea fhall be adjudged a Diffeifor, St. Wejlm, z. 13 £</. 1. f. 25. and mail pay double Damages, tiff. #iA 10. Remedy by Certificate of Aflife where the Defendant has a Releafe, cifc. St. Wejlm. z. 13 £</. 1. c. 35. ii. Juftices of Affife fhall be affigned whoihall affociate Knights, &c. St. Wejlm, 2. 1 2, Ed. 1. c. 30. 12. Affifes .of Mortdancejler may be adjourned into the Bench, St. Wejlm. 2. 13 £V. 1, c. 30. 13. Of Darrein Prefentment, &c. may be taken before the Juf- tice and one Knight in their proper Counties, 13 Ed. 1. c. 30. §2. 14. The Creditor after Execution on a Statute Merchant may main- tain an Affife, C5 'c. Stat, de mercator. 13 Ed. . Jl. 3, 15. The Proceedings when Jointenancy is pleaded in Abatement, St. de conjuntlim feoffatis, ^^Ed. i.ft. I. 16. Tenants in Aflife of Novel Diffeifn may plead by Attorney or Bailiff, St. Ebor. 12 Ed. 2, ft. , c. 1. 17. Writs of Nufance may be in Nature of Affife, 6 R, 2. c. 3. 18. juftices of Affi{e (hall hold their Seffions in principal Towns, 6 R. 2. c 5. The Chancellor and Juftices fhall appoint where, II P. 2. c. II. 1 9. An Affife in confinio comitat, of a Rent out of Lands in two Counties, 7 R. 2. c. 10. 20. Writs of AMs in a Franchife where abateable, 9 H. 4. r. 5. 8 #. 6. <■ . 26. Ji. A Copy of the Panel {hall be delivered to the Defendant fix Days before the Seffion of the Juftices, that he may inform the Affifers of his Title, 6 H. 6. c. 2. 22. The Sheriff fhall not be named Diffeifor or Tenant where he is not fo, 11 H.6. c. 2. 23. Plaintiffs may abridge their Plaints, zi H. 8. e. 3. For other Matters, fee Abatement 1 1 . CojtliDaU 2- ©if* continuance of ^jocefs, JDiffeiOn 3, 6, 7. ©ffoin 8. ^Limitation, KewDS 4. Affife Of OBjeatU See Bread. Sfftfe Of SFettJCL See Fewel. 3ffife Of tljC f C?eu See Foreft. 9flQCfate& See Juftices of Affife. atroa'atfoiu 1. Affociation for the Security of King William's Perfon efta- blifhed, and required of all Perfons in Office, 7 & 8 W. 3. c. 27. 2. Made void, 1 Ann.Jl. 1. c. 22. § 3. aHUCailCe* See Infurance. aiftimpfit See Frauds. attachment* 1 . Perfons taken upon an Attachment for a Contempt, c3r. not to be difcharged without a lawful Superfedeas, 13 Car, 2. ft. 2. C 2. §4. 2. Attachment for Contempt in not paying Cofts on Certiorari, 5 Geo, 2. c. 19. § 3. .for o/for Matters, fee Confpt'ratOjS 3. 3Lft>C«iC6, f^t>= CCfS I, 3. jfojefffit ^ttacfjment. 1. Members of the Bank, their Stock not fubject to foreign At- tachment, 8 £5" 9 W. 3. c. 20. § 47. 2. Stock of Eaft India Company exempted in like Manner, 8 cif gW. 3. <:. 20. §74. 3. Stock oi South Sea Company alfo exempted, g Ann. c. 21. § 42. 8 Giro. 1. c. 21. § iz. Sttafitoer. 1. Of the Archbifliop of Tori, and others, 11 R. 1. c. 1. Con- firmed, 20 i?. z. c. 6. 2. Reverfal of Attainders. 1 H. 4. <•. 5. 3. The Attainder of Owen Glandourdy confirmed, 9 H. 6. c. 3. 4. Of JMa Cade, 29 77. 6. c. 1. 31 //, 6. c. 2. 5. Of Elizabeth Barton, and others, 25 #. 8. <r. iz. 6. Attainder of Treafon by Common Law {hall be of as much Force as by Parliament, 33 i/. 8. c. 20. 7. Queen Katherine Howard, ISc. attainted, 33 H. 8. e. 21. 8. Debts accruing by Attainder to be declared for generally, 33 H. 8. c. 39. § zj. 9. Attainder of Sir William Sherrington, a great Coiner, 2 ^ 3 Ed. 6. r. 17. His Reftitution, 3 ^4 Ed. 6. c. 13. 1 o. Of Thomas Lord Seymour, z £? 3 £</. 6. *■. 1 8. 1 1 . Of the Duke of Northumberland, and others, i Mar. ft. 2. c. 16.- z. Of the' Earl of Weftmorland, and others confirmed, 13 EL c. 16. 18 El. c. 4. 13. Of Lord Paget, and others confirmed, Z9 El. c. 1. 14. No paft Attainder of Treafon fhall be revcrfed after the Ex-» ecution of the Party, 29 El. c. 2. 15. Confirmation of the Attainder of Sir Francis Englefeld, 35 El. c. 5. 16. Attainder of the Traitors in the Gunpowder Treafon, 5 Ja. 1. c. 2. 17. Of Oliver Cromwell, and others, 12 Car. 2. c. 30. 18. Pains and Penalties of certain Regicides, l$c. 13 Car. 2. ft. I, c. 15. 19. Reverfal of the Earl of Strafford's Attainder, 13 C5f 14 Car. 2, r. 29. 20. Attainder of Thomas Doleman, and others, 17 Car. z. f. 5.

  • l. For baniftiing the Earl of Clarendon, 19 Car. 2. c. 10.

22. Attainder of the Duke of Monmouth, 1 fa. 2. c. 2. 23. Of Sir John Fenwick, 8 W. 3. <■. 4. 24. Of the Traitors in the Aljaflination Plot, 8 W. 3. c. ;. 9 JT. 3. <r. 4, lot? II ^. g. c. 13. 1 Ann.Jl. I. c Z9. Z5. Of the pretended Prince of Wales, l^W. 3. c. 3. z6. Of Lord Bolinbroke, I <?«?. l.y?, z. r. 16. Enabled to take certain Manors, l3c. according to a Settlement by a Private Aft, 1 1 Geo. 1 . B 2 27. Of