Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/295

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Stttojnment aootojin 'Bail. 40. Quakers may be admitted on their Affirmation, 1 2 Geo. 2. c. 13. §8. 41. Attornies not to begin any Suit while in Prifon, 12 Geo. 2. c. 13. §9. 42. Affidavits to be made of the Articles and Service of Clerks, 22 Geo. 2. c. 46. § 3. 27 Geo. 2. c. 16. § 6. 28 Geo. 2. c. 19. ^5. Z9 Gee. 2. f. 32. § 4. 30 Gtc. 2. <r. 19. § 76. 43. Penalties on afting without being admitted, or on Behalf of Perfons not qualified, 22 Geo. 2. c. 46. § 12. 44. Exception of Attornies in Wales and Counties Palatine, 22 Geo. 2. c. 46. § 13. 4;. Clerk of the Peace and Underlheriff not to pra&ife at the Seffions, 22Geo, 2. c. 46. § 14. 46. Solicitors may be admitted Attornies without Stamp or Fee, 23 Geo. 2. c. 26. § 15. 47. Attornies, l3'c. fubje£t to the Court of Confcience for Weft- minfter, 24 Geo. 2. c. 42. 48. Attornies, &c. imbezilling their Clients Money, excepted out of the Infolvent Debtors Acl, 28 Geo. 2. c. 13. § 23. 49. Attornies not to be Commiffioners of the Land-Tax without poffeffing 100/. a Year, 4 Geo. 3. c. 2. § 90. 50. Where Perfons indemnified who have omitted Affidavits of Execution of Contra&s to ferve as Clerks to Attornies, 33 Geo. 2. c. 16. 51. Attornies imbezilling their Clients Money excluded from Adl of Infolvency, 1 Geo. 3. c. 17. For other Matters, fee^pptHlS 12. HWi'fe 16, <Httai'rtt 17. Cevtiojart 2?. Cofts 10. 3Debt, £sJV, n. JDtflcitm 5. ©ecleOattical Courts, csV. 35. £>utlato?t> 23, &c. Stamps, Title SJlttojneE. Warrant of 2Httojtte£, attorney ©enetai* 1. Shall be paid his Wages at Eafler, &c. 10 H. 6. 2. His Refidence difpenfed with, 2 H. l.Jl. 1. c. 4. 3. Shall have Conufance of Fines, and Inrolment of Deeds, 32 H. 8. c. 20. § 5, 6, attornment 1. They who claim by Recovery may avow without Attornment, 7H. 8. c. 4. 2. Grants to be good without it, 4 Ann. c. 16. § 9. 3. Attornment of Tenants except to a Mortgagee, csfc. void, 11 Geo. 2. r. 10. § 1 1. % ^Fincs 25. atHlitO? Of tlje fitter* See King, Debt to and from the King. Auditor . of the Receipt of Exchequer, fee Ex- chequer. Augmentations Refervations in Church Leafes for the Augmentation of poor Livings eftablifhed, 29 Car. 2. c. 8. Slulnage. 1, The Subfidy difcharged for three Years on Cloths of fmall Value, 1 H. 4. c. 19. 2, May be let to Farm, 4 H. 4. c. 24. 3, Aulnage Duties taken away, 1 1 dif iz W. $'. c. 20. See JDjapetp, ^Bion* See Rivers. SltJOtD?^ 1. Recoverers in a Recovery may avow for Rent, 7 H. 8. c, 4. § 2. 2. An Avowant recovering fhall have Cofls, 7 H. 8. c. 4. § 1. 21 H. S.c. 19. 3. The Lord may avow upon the Land as within his Seigniory, without naming his Tenant, 21 H. 8. c. 19. § 2. 4. The Avowant mull alledge Seifin within 50 Years, 32 H.S. f. 2. §4-' 5. Writs fhall go to inquire of the Sum in Arrear, and the Va- lue of the Diftrefs, on Nonfuit of the Plaintiff, or Verdidt, or Judgment on Demurrer againft him, 17 Car. 2. c. 7. § 2, 3. 6. ijCar.2. extended to Wales and the Counties Palatine, 19 Car. 2. c. J. 7. They who diftrain for Rent or Services may avow generally, 1 1 Geo. 2. c. 19. § 22. See ULimttations, 9urtim Eeginae, A Provifo that it fhall not run upon a Grant made by the Com- mons, 15 Ed. 1. ft. y. c. 6. 31 Ed. i,. ft. 1. c. 13. 3llt&0?S See Books. atuato* Where a Submiffion to an Award may be made a Rule of Court, 9 cif 10 W. 3. <-. 15. For other Matters, fee IRefetetKe, B. Xablacf)* See Coventry. "Bacon ano Po?fe. 1. The Importation thereof how formerly prohibited, 18 Car, 2, c. 2. 20 Car. 2. c. 7. 2. What Price they mult, be at when exported, 12 Car. 2. c. 4. § 11. 3. Any Perfon may export them, 22 Car. 2. c. 13. § 4. 4. Pork may be exported to Alien Friends Duty free, $W,& M. c. 8.

. Duties upon Bacon imported, 4 W. & M. c . 5 . §2. 5 W.

cj M. c. 2. § 4. 6. What Allowance to be made for falted Pork exported, 3 Geo. 2. c. 20. § 16. 5 Geo. 2. c. 6. § 4. •Bangers of Coin. 1. Where exempted from the Punifhment of an IngroiTer., 5^6 Ed. 6. c. 14. § 7. 2. To be licenfed by the Juftices, 5 EL c* 12. 13 El. c, 25. § 20. 25ai'I ano ^ainp?i?e* 1. What Perfons are bailable, and by whom, 3 Ed. 1. r, ir. 3//. 7. r. 3. l&zPb.&M. c. 13.- 2. Where required /a CeJ/avit, 6 5V. 1. r. 4. 3. Accountants where not bailable, 13 Ed. 1. c, 11. 4. Penalty for bailing or not bailing unduly, ibid. & 27 Ed. 1, ft. l. CI,. 5. The Marfhal of the King's Bench not to bail Felons, 5 2<V. 3. c. 8. 6. The Bail anfwerable for Delay of Appearance of the Defen- dant, 7 JR. 2. c. 17. 7. Where required before granting Writ of Sulfcena, 15 i/. 6. r. 4. 8. Sheriffs and Gaolers fhall let all Perfons to Bail that are in their Cuitody upon Mefne Proce/s, 23 H. 6. c^g. 9. Juftices of Peace may bail Perfons arrefted on Sufpicion of Felony,