Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/301

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%m of Ciet&aitiye, ©W 25im of erc&aniye arto Fiomiffo?? I3ote0/| i. They need not be ftamped, 5 fcsf 6 /if. & M. c 21. § ; . 2. Inland Bills may be protefted for Non-payment, 9 W 10 W. I.e. 17. and for Non-acceptance, 3 ^ 4 Ann. c. 9. § 4. 7 ^*». c. 25. 3. In what Cafe Drawer is obliged to give another Bill, 9 cif 10? W. 3. <•, 17. § 3. 4. Promiflbry Notes affignable, 3 &f 4 /&«. c. 9. § 1. 5. Where Drawer excufed from Payment of Colls or Interelr, 3 & 4 ^»*. c 9. § 5. 6. Where Acceptance of a Bill of Exchange, in Satisfaction of a former Debt, mail be deemed Payment, 3 y 4 ^»». r. 9. § 7. 7. Bills of Exchange how chargeable with Pod Duties, 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. § 51, 52. Bills of Fees, fee 3ttto?nfes, Coals 38. felonies toitbout Clergy 77//* Jfojgerr ano HJobberp, plantations. TSittljis ano C&2i'ffenfaff& Penalty on erefting Offices of Infurance of Births and Chriften- ings, 10 Ann. c.26. § 109. For other Matters, fee ISegiftetr, TSltCttitg* See Bread.; 25tfljopS. r. Bifhops, &c. need not attend the Sheriffs Turn, unlefs efpe- cially required, 52 H. 3. c. 10. 2. None (hall eat or lodge at their Houfes without their Leave, St. Weftm.i. 3 Ed. I. < I. 3. The Order of prefenting and electing Bifhops, St. Weftm. 1. $Ed..c.$. 9 Ed. 2. c. 14. 25 £;/. 3.^?. 6. § 3. 13^.2. ft. 2. f. 2. 25 //. 8. f. 20. § 4, fife. 4. Where Bifhops are aided on Prefentations during Vacancy of See, 13 Ed. ft. 1. c. 5. 5. The King fhall have the Efcheat of their Tenants Lands for Eelony during a Vacation, 17 Ed. 2. c. 14. 6. Their Temporalties not to be feized without jufl: Caufe, 1 Ed. 3. ft. 2. c. 2. 14. Ed. 3.7?. 4. c. 3. 25 .£7. 3. _/?. 3. r. 6. 7. Writs directed to Bifhops to accurfe Felons, tsV. 9 Ed. 3. 8- How a Bifhop's Temporalties fhall be ufed and let during a Vacation, 14 Ed. 3. c, 4 tsf 5. 9. Contempts on Writs of Square non admifit to be punifhed by Fine only, 25 Ed. 3. f. 3. c. 6. 10. Bifhops fhall not fequefter the Fruits of Benefices given to Aliens, 3 is!. 2. r. 3,'$ 2. 11. Bifhops how to be eletted, 2; H. 8. r. 20. § 4. 12. To take Reflitution of fpiritual and temporal profits from the King, 25 H. 8. r. 20. § 6. 13. For the Nomination and Confecration of Suffragans, 26 H. 8. c. 14. 14. Authority of Suffragans to be limited by Bifhops, 26 H. 8. t, 14. § 6. 15. Suffragans may hold two Benefices, 26 H. 8. f. 14. § 8. 16. The King impowered to make Bifhops by Letters Patent, 31 H. 8. e.g. 17. Bifhops difcharged from levying of Tenths, 32 H. 8. c. 22. 18. The Chapter of Litchfield fhall be the Chapter of the Brfhop of Litchfield and Coventry, 33 //. 8. <r. 30. 19. The Diocefes of Chef er and Afo« added to the Province of York, 33 H. 8. 031. 20. The Dean and Chapter of Wells fhall be the Chapter of the Bifhop of Bath and Wells, 34 fcf 35 H. 8. c; 15. 21. The five new eredled Bifhops to pay their Tenths, &c. 34 c^ 35//. 8. r. 17. 22. All Bifhops to be appointed by the King, 1 Ed. 6. c. 2. 23. A Method of making Bifhops to be devifed by 12 Perfons, 3 Eif 4 Ed. 6. c. 12. 24. The Bifhoprick of Durham re-eflablifhed, 1 Mar-/. 3, c. 3. 2;. The Queen impowered to take Lands of vacant Bifhoprick, in exchange for Impropriations, &c. 1 El. c. ig. 26. Alienations by Bifhops made void, 1 El. c. 19. § r. 27. The Manner of electing and confecrating Bifhops, confirm- ed, S El. c. 1. 28. Their Remedy for Dilapidations againft PredecjTor's AT- fignee by Fraud, 13 El. c. 10. § 2. 29. Secret Appeals, &c. of deprived Bifhops, 39E/. c . 8. 30. Eftablifhment of the Bifhoprick of Norwich againft a con- cealed Title, 39 El. e. 22. 31. Bifhops difabled from conveying their Lands to the Crown, 1 Ja. .c. 3. 32. Ordinary Jurifdidtion of Bifhops, &c. reftored, 13 Ca»v 2. Jl.:c. § 1. For other Matters, fee USaftatt) 2. Contempts 2. (EuSoS= iRotulofiun 4- €cclefiaftj'cal Courts 1, 69, 72, is. <£fcheat 4, &c. ©tefttcit of Wi(t>opa, «Bjecoitti«um'ca= tton to, fcfr. -ffttft Jrtrits, i^ofpitals 1. jjrelano, aicafcs 6, 15, &c. sJKJarrages, €>jm'uatton, f5jcmu* nt'te, |5jobatc of mills, Wkceifcers 7. IBecufants 10, csV. ISome 5. Vertices 6, 8,, tiff, ©tears, fcfr. 17. catafte. Slacks ano I3(acfc 35, 9 (?«>. 1. c. 22. Xlacfc IeaH» See Lead, Mines. Carrying it where Felony, 43 El. e. 1 3. § 2. OSlatfmep $a&eri* See Fifh. 'Blacfcfoeri $aH. 1. Cloth fealed muft not be fearched in Black-jiell Bull Market, during the Time of fuch Market, 4 i^ 5 Ph,& M. c. 5. § 26. 2. Cloths brought to London to be fold, fhall be brought into Blackivell Hall to be fearched dry, ig El. c. 20. § 12. 3. The Market at Blackiudl Hall reftored and regulated, 8£ffg W. 3. f. 9. 4. Buyer how to give Notice to the Seller of wetting the Cloth, l Geo. .ft. 2. c. 15. § 4. 5. And in what Cafe the Buyer may prove the Cloth in the Ab- fence of the Seller, 1 Geo. . ft. 2. c. 15. § 4. 6. The Keeper of Blackivell Hall how to afcertain and certify the Meafure, 1 Geo. l.ft. 2. c. 15. § 4. 7. Certificate to be the Rule of Payment to the Buyer, 1 Geo. 1. ft. z.c 15. §4. 8. A Table for meafuring Medley Broad Cloth, how provided,. 1 Geo. l.ft. 2. c. 15. § 3. For other Matters, fee 2Djapert», 5B!at1t!f02tJ f 0?lilll 'm Dorfetfiire. For rebuilding the Town, 5 Geo. 2. c. 16. OlManW a no Cofcerlettf* May be made in any Place where they were ufed to be made, 4 fa. I. c. 2. § 16. OBInfpIjeiitp ano IPiopOanenefk What to be deemed Blafphemy, and how punifhable, 3 J a. 1. f. 21. 9^ lolf, 3, f. 32, O5jeni)efm.*t[)0Ufe«  1 . The Honour of Wood/loci granted to the Duke of Marlborough, in Reward of theViftory at Blenheim, and a Penfion of 5000/. />er yf,/». out of the Poft-Onice, fettled on his Family, 3 13 4 ^f»», c. 6. 5 /?»». <•, 3 £5" <:. 4. 1 C 2 2. None