Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/308

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CaHicoeg. Camtyfcfcg. Canoleg, Gf<?. TBuyimj; ants Veiling of Offices?* See Officers. 23upfnff nnti ®eHfoB of Cftlejs. See Champerty. Julius, 1. By-Laws retraining Freemen of London to go to other Mar- kets, void, 5 H. j. c. g. 2. By Laws lh.all be approved by the Chancellor, Treafurer, find Chief J unices, or by the Judges of Affife, 19 H. 7. c. 7. 3. Shall not be made in Restraint of fuing in the King's Courts, 19 H. 7. c. 7. For other. Matters, fee CoaC^CS, C0Jt>0J«1ti0n£, ^Slattta^ ti'one, aatatennen. c. €aMej6f, $alte, Coj&ap ami Cable^attt. 1. For the making of Cables at Bur fort in DorJetJInre, 21 H. 8. r. 12. 2. None to make Cables with overworn Stuff, 35 El. c. 8. 3. Cable-yarn and Cordage imported, to what Duties liable, 2 W. iff M.fejf. z. c. 4. § 33 iff 40. 4. No Drawback on Exportation of foreign Cordage, or Cable- yarn, 6 /Inn. c. 19. § 13. 5. Twenty Pounds Weight mail be accounted to the Stone, 21 H. 8. c. 12. § 4. CaUi?. The Payment of Confute there enforced, 9 Geo. 2. r. 25. <£alafe. 1. Provision for the Repair of the Works there, 21 R. 2. <■. 18. 2. The Revenues of the Place mail be applied to the Repairs, 1 H. 5. c. 9. 3. For the Payment of the Quit-Rents there, 11 H. 7. r. 16. Calendar* 1. Eftablifhment of the New Stile, 24 Geo. 2. c. 23. 2. The opening Commons, and doing of other things depending on any moveable Feaft, mull be according to the new Calen- dar, 25 Geo. 2. c. 30. See 3DagnJ in ^asifc, Scotland. Callicoeg. 1. Of what Length they are to be, 4. M. c. 5. §11. 2. Duty on Callicoes llained, iffc. in the Indies, 1 1 W. 3. r. 3. 3. Wear of printed Callicoes, Cifr. prohibited, 11 iff 12 J^. 3. r. 10. 7 G^. 1. c. 7. 4. Duty on White Callicoes, 3 Eff 4 A». c. 4. § 8.— Made per- petual and Part of Aggregate Fund, I Geo. 1. c. 12. 5. What (hall be deemed painted Callicoes, 12 JF. 3. c. 11. § 14. t. Duty on Callicoes, y<r. ftained in Great Britain, 10 Ann. c. 19. §69. z Ann. fi.2. e.g. b. 7. Callicoes within one Eighth of a Yard of Yard-broad to pay as Yard-broad, o Ann. c. 19. § 99. 8. Entries to be made by the Printers, I Geo. 1. r. 36. § 21, 9. Painted Silks, Callicoes, iffc. found unftamped forfeited, 5 Geo. 1. r. 11. § 1 5. jo. Time for Sale of Callicoes, iffc, enlarged, 7 Geo. 1. c. 21. §11. 1 1 . Mixed Stuffs of Britijh Manufa&ure may be worn if the Warp be Linen, 9 Geo. 2, c. 4. For other Matters, fee 3lntlia @>OOt>0: CalUegi See Cattle. Cambjfcfc. 1. A Duty on foreign Cambricks, 1 5 Geo. 2. c. 29. 2. Penalty on wearing Cambrick or French Lawn, S Geo. 2. c. 36. 21 Geo. 2. c. 26. 3. Importing Cambrick or French Lawns reltrained, 18 Geo. 2. c. 36. § 4. 4. May be imported for Exportation, 1 8 Geo. 2. c. 36. § 6. 5. How the Wearer may bedifcharged of the Penalty, 21 Geo. 2. c. 26. 6. Penalty on the Wife to be levied on the Huiband, 21 Geo. 2. c. 26. § 4. 7. Cambricks how to be imported, 32 Geo. 2. c. 32. 8. Manufactory at Winchelfea in Suffex how eftablifhed, Geo. 3. «•■ 37- 9. The Englifh Linnen Company incorporated, and may raife a Capital of 100,000/. 4 Geo. 3. f. 37. § 2, 3. 10. Members not liable to Bankruptcy, 4 G*o. 3. c. 37. § 13. See felonies iuithout Cletgr, TV/A Jfo?series, And Hitmen, Camtyioge. 1. A Rent given to the Knights of the Shire inftead of their Wages, 35 iff 35 H. 8. c. 24. 2. The Town of Cambridge fhall be paved, 35 #. 8. c. 15. 3. The Vice-Chancellor and Mayor may adl as Juftices for the County without the landed Qualification, 7 Geo. 2. c. 10. 18 Geo. 2. c. 20. § 15. 4. The Land-Tax how to be raifed there, 4 Geo. 3. c. 2. § 122. For other Matters, fee 3U-ntJ)etfltie6» Canoieis anti C|jant>Ier^ d. 1. Claufes charging every} Hundred Weight ofC TallowCandles import- C ed, with J 2. And every Pound im- ) ported, with J And 3. Andevery Pound made 1 x in Great Britain, with j 2 And ■ ■ ■ . o of 4. And every Pound of Wax-Candles import ed, with — — — And . ■ — 100 zW. iffM.feJJ. 2.r. 4. § 37. O Oi o oi i- 4 o 4 8 Ann. c. 9. § I. 9 Ann. c. 6. § 11. 8 Ann. e.g. § 1 . 9 ^»». f. 6. § 11. 8 ^»». f. 9. § 1. 9 j#»». f . 6. § 1 1 . 5. And every Poundmade 7 8 A». r. 9. § 1 . m Great Britain, withj ? And — 04 9 ^?»». f. 9. § 1. 6. Candles having paid the Duties may be exported, 12 Car. 2. c. 4. § II. 22 Car. 2. c. 13. § 4. 8 ^«». c. 9. § 24 5«f 26. Duty free, 3 3T. iff M. c. 8. 7. Duty on Candles imported, 2 W. iff M.fejf. 2. f. 4. § 37. 8. Duties on the Exportation of foreign Candles, 11 iff 12 W. 3. c. 3. § 16. 9. Duties impofed upon Candles, 8 Ann. c. g. 9 Ann. c. 6. § 1 1. 10. The 8 .*/»*. c. 9. made perpetual by 9 ^«». r. 21. and Part of the South- Sea Fund. 11. The 9 Ann. c. 6. made perpetual by 3 G«>. 1. c. 7. § 1. and Part of the General Fund. iz. Chandler