Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/311

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Cettiojatf. Cetfabft. 3 5 • Cettfojatf* If, on Certiorari, it be returned, that thePrifoneris condemned by Judgment, he lhall be remanded, &c. 2 H. c._/?. 1. c. 2. Certiorari for removing a Recognizance (hall be figned by a Judge, 1 P.b'M. c. 13. §7. A Certiorari mall not be allowed for a Defendant without find- ing Security for the Cofts, 21 ^2. 1. c. 8. §7. Proceedings upon the Exeife Laws lhall not be fuperfeded by Certiorari, 12 Car 2. c. 23. § 36. f. 24. § 50. Indictments for the Repair of Highways, Pavements, I5e. not removeable but in fpecial Cafes, 13 y 14 Car. 2. c. 6. 22 Car. 2. c. 12. § 4. 3 £T. y M. f. 12. § 23. 6. The Security to be taken on Allowance of a Cert : orari to re- move a Conviction of Deer-flealing, 3 W. y A/, f. 10. § 6. On the Game Laws, 4 y 5 W. y M. c. 23. § 7. 5 ^««. f. 14. On the Aft to prevent exceffive Gaming, 12 Geo. 2. c. 28, §7. 7. Not to remove Preferments of the Highways, 3 W.&M. c. 12. § 23. 1 Ann. J}, I. c. 18. § 5. 8. No Certiorari to remove an Indictment in Term Time, but upon Motion, 5 S^l y M. c. 1 1 . 9. Security for Cofts, and to try, to be found before, the Allow- ance of a Certiorari to remove an Indictment, 5 W,J£ M. c. 11. to. In Vacation may be granted by Judge of B. R. ibid. §4, 11. A Certorari may be granted to remove an Indictment touch- ing the Highway, Bridges, &c. on a Suggeftion, isc. that the Right to repair may come in Queftion, 5 W. 15 M. c 1 i. § 6. 12. Party profecuting a Certiorari to remove an Indictment, may find Bail in the King's Bench, 8 Es? 9 W. 3. c. 33. 13. No Judgment or Order to be removed by Certiorari without Sureties found, ; Geo. 2. c. 19, § 2. 14. Certiorari to remove Proceedings of Juftices to be applied for within fix Calendar Months, and upon fix Days Notice to the Juftices, 13 Geo. 2. c. 18. § 5. 15. Shall not fuperfede Proceed- . ingsof Juftices on Exeife Laws, J 6 Geo. I. c.21. §21, 22. 16. Nor to remove Judgment in Suits for Tithes, unlefs the Title of fuch Tithes come in Queftion, — — -j 17. Nor Proceedings by Vir- T) tue of the Act to compel Qua- £ 7 y 8 W, 3. c. 34 kers to pay Tithes, ■ J 18. Nor on Prefentment for not to K C "P u -I U r 12 Car. i. e. 23. § 36.

22 y 23 Car. 2.c. 5. § 14. 

5 W.13M. c.-j. § 17. ■7 y 8 W. 3. f. 6. § 7. ,4.-, ■7 ' > 1 Ann. ft. 1. c. 18. repairing Bridges, yf.,- 19. Nor on Proceedings on the} Act forlayingDutiesonHides,* 9 /»». c, n. tiff. — 3 20. Nor on Proceedings of Com- 7 9 Ann. c. 23 miflioners for licenfmg Coaches, J 1 Geo 21. Nor on Order of Juftices on 7 the Malt Act, j §5- 47- §•5. 1. f. ; S7- §6. Ann.. ft.. I. f. 2. § 37. 22. Nor on Judgments of Com - miflioners for Inland Duties j on Coffee, <3c. ■ J 23. Nor on Proceedings on the"! Act for Regulation of theWol- ' len Manufacture, ■ ■■ ■ ■ J 24. Nor Convictions on the Act ] to prevent Difturbances by j Seamen, — — — — ■ ] 25. Nor Proceeding on the Act j for the better Regulations of ! Attornies, - } I 26. Nor on the Act againft de- } L ftroying Turnpikes, tiff, J loGeo.i. c. 10. § 42. 113 Geo. 1. f. 23. §6. Geo. Geo. SGeo. 2. C. 2 5 §>5- 2. f. 23. § 25. 2. <V20. § l6. I "2 7. Nor on the Act for more eafy 7" ^ affeffing County Rates, ? J I2 Gw * 2 ' f - 2 9- § *'• 28. Nor on Orders of Juftices 1 for regulating Houfes of Cor- > 17 Geo. 2. c. 5. § 31, rection, — — 3 2o. Nor on Conviction for fwear- 7 „ y ing, - , j »9 Pf*. 2 - f - 2 '- § »■ 30.. Nor on Conviction on the 7 Ait for Prefervation of Ha- £19 Geo. 2, c. 22. § 5. vens, &c. j 31. Nor on Proceedings on the U . Nor on Proceedings on the f Act to prevent Frauds, Iffc. in > 19 Geo. the Admeafurement of Coals, J 2. f. 35. .§ 23 32. Nor on Proceedings on the "I Act for the more eafy Reco- 20 Geo. 2. c. 19. § 6„ very of Servants Wages, 3 33. Nor on Conviction on thep Act againft feducing Artifi-C 23 Geo. 2. f. 13. § 9. cers, &c. ■ ■ - ^ 34. Nor on the Act againft the "J. Clandeftine Importation of I 23 Geo. 2. c. 21. § 33. Soap, Candles and Starch, 3 35. Nor on the Act for morel fpeedy Recovery of fmall S 23 Geo. 2. r. 33. § 4. Debts in County Court, y 36. Nor for removing Indict- 1 ment for- keeping Bawdy- V25 Geo. 2. a 36. § io . houfe, 3 37. Nor on Conviction on the f Act for preventing Frauds, .> 27 Geo. .2. c. 7. § 4.. yf. in Clocks and Watches, 38. Moron the Act againft Ileal- 7 „ r - p. > 29 Geo. 2, f. 30. § 7„ $g* Nor for Offenders againft ' ing Lead, Iron, 15c the Act for widening London 29 Geo. 2. f..40.-§ 39. Bridge, 40. Nor againft the Act for pre- 1 ferving Filh in the Thames, > 30 Geo. .2. c. 21. .§ 13,. bV. — ■ j 41. Nor on Conviction of Ale- 1 houfe-keepers for permitting >30 Geo. 2,.c. 24. § 20». Gaming, — — «• j 42. Nor on Orders of Lieute- 7 30 Geo. 2. c. 25. § 58. .&■ nantsin the Militia, y feq.„ 43. Nor on the Aft for the due 7 31 Geo. 2. c. 29,. § 37..C3" making of Bread, yr. J ,_/ey. 44. Nor on the Act concerning 7 Laftage and Ballaftage in the > ^2Geo..2..c..l6.^ 24, 27,. Thames, J 45. Nor on the Act for widen- 1 ing the Streets, y^ in Lon->$3 Geo. .2. f.30. §31. don, ■ J 46. Nor on Convictions on the 1 Ait for preventing Thefts by f „ or., t, r ■ -• D ^2 Gf«. .3. f. . 28. § IK. Perfons nayjgatmg coats on f J the Thames, J See Counties palatine, habeas Cojjms, 3!nBiR«-- aseitt. 1. Granted againft Tenant in Fee-farm, St. Gtovc. 6 Ed. 1. c. 4. - 2. And for CeJTer of any Services, and ihall pafs to the Heirs, St.Weft?n, 2. 13 Ed. 1. f. 21. .3. For Cefler of performing Alms, St. Weft 'm. 2. 13 Ed, 1. f.ii,, Cefleti'iaii^. See Monafterics., . CeftlU qtte Ofe* SeeUics, Life-Eflates,- CJjafrgSi