Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/313

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C&aplafag. C&aritable ®k$. Cljeffer. Cfjapraiit^ i. The Wages of Chaplains and Curates limited, 36 Ed. 3. c, 8. 2 H. 5.7?. 2. f. 2. 2. Their Privileges as to Pluralities and Non-refidence, 21 H, 8. r. 13. 3. What Number of Chaplains may be privileged by Peers, &c. '21 H. 8. <r. 13. § 14. &*• 4. The Judges, the Attorney and Solicitor General may each privilege one Chaplain for Non-refidence, 25 H. 8. c. 16. 5. The Chancellor of the Dutchy and other great Officers may each privilege one Chaplain, 33 H. 8. c. 28. For other Matters, fee CrjtlfCrjefi, ©CCUflaOical COUttfS, Juris antrum, aaicats, ©Kiootos. €&aVCGal& See Coals. Cljaritable Co?po?ation* 1. For punifhing the Frauds of their Managers, 5 Geo. 2. c. 3. &f 32. 6 Geo. 2. f. 2. 2. And for Relief of the Sufferers, 5 Geo, 2. c. 31. 6 Gw. 2. c. 35 cif 36. 7 G?e. 2. c. 11. Crjaritable &fe& 1. Lands given to Alms and aliened may be recovered by the Do- nor, 13 Ed. I. c. 41. 2. Lands, CSV. may be given for the Maintenance of Houfes of Correction, or of the Poor, 35 El. c. 7. § 27. 3. Commiffions to be awarded to inquire of Lands, &c. given to Hofpitals, and other charitable Ufes, 39 El. c. 6. 43 El. 4. Exception as to the Univerfities, 43 El. c. 4. § 2. c; Purchafers without Notice protected, 43 El. c. 4. § 6.— — Where Orders are to be certified into Chancery, 43 El. c. 4. §8. 6. Where Appeals lie from the Commiffioners to the Chancellor, 43 El. c. 4. § 10. 7. Commiffioners, &c. to inquire of Money given to poor Pri- foners, 22 C5 , Z3 Car. 2. c. 20. § 11. ^zGeo. 2. c. 28. §9, 10. 8. Money given to put out Apprentices, either by Parifhes or publick Charities, to pay no Duty, 8 Ann. c. 9, § 40. 9. Mr. Norton's Will to charitable Ufes, 6 G?o. 2. <r. 32. 11 G«. 2. <•. 37. for oriw Matters, fee 3UmiS-ll?0UfeS, 35t)t)?erUfceS 14. UBitefif 1, 2, hofpitals, ^ojtmat'n, f&jifonis, yv. Ca^«  C&atles tlje jf itff. His Murtherers punifhed, and a yearly Fad appointed, 12 Car, 2, t. 11. § 34. &c. 30. 13 Car. z. r. 15. CfjatlOtte, [Queen.] His Majefty empowered to grant the Queen an Annuity of i 00,000/. for her Life, to take place from his Majefty'sDe- ceafe, 2 Geo. 3. c. 1. For other Matters, fee IRicljmOtH), jg)OmerCet-l|oufe, Corporations how punifhable for acting under obfolete Charters, 6Geo. i.e. 18. § 18, fcfr. Charter Of PattSOn* See Pardon. €fjattet#cufe. Five of the Governors may aft, 8 G^o. 1 . c. 29. Cfjafe^* See Parks. . Cijatijam. 1. A Moiety of the Duty payable by foreign built Ships to be applied to the Ufe of the Cheft at Chatham, 1 Ja. 2. c . 1 8. § 2. 2. Commiffioners to purchafe Lands for the better fortifying of Chatham, 7 Ann. c. 26. 3. And fuch Lands how veiled in Truftees for that Purpofe, 8 Ann. c. 21. Fer other Matters, fee ifajtifJcatiOWS 2, 3, cifc Cf^atg. 1. Penalty of Pillory, &c on Perfons getting Money or Goods into their Hands by falfe Tokens or counterfeit Letters, 33 H, 8. c 1. 2. Farther Penalty of obtaining Money or Goods by falfe Pre- tences, 30 Geo. 2. c. 24. C&cefe anti £IjeeTemonger& See;Butter, Cat- tle 12. Ctjetfea ^ofpital, 1. Water how to be brought from Hackney Marfh, for the Ufe of Chelfea College, 7 Ja. 1 . c. 9. 2. Affignment of Out-Penfions in Chelfea Hofpital before due, made void, 28 Geo. 2. c. 1. 3. Penfions to be paid half-yearly in advance, without any other Deduction than one Shilling in the Pound, 28 Geo. 2. c, 1, CljelCca mater mo?fe0» 1. Comiffionefs of Chelfea Water Works incorporated, 8 Geo. x. c. 26. § I. 2. Offenders liable to treble Damages and Colls, 8 Geo. 1. c. z6. § z. C&eminacye, In Forefts afceftained, C.deF.gH.^.ft.2. c. 14. Cfjepffofo. French Wines may be brought into Chepftoiu in Strangers Bottomn, 5 El. c 5. §47. for 0/£fr Matters, fee SiPjitigeS. Cfjeft Of Cfjatfjam- See Chatham. C&effer* 1 . When Juftices and Eailiffs to account in the Exchequer, 5 1 H.i.ft.1. ■ 2. Erected into a Principality, 21 R. 2. c. 9. Repealed by 1 H. 4. c. 3. 3. Outlawries in other Counties againfl Perfons in the County of Chefter, to be certified into the County of Chejler, and pro- ceeded upon there, 1 H. 4. c. 18. 4. Juftices of Peace and of Gaol Delivery, in Chefer and Wales, to be appointed by the Chancellor, 27 H. 8. c. 5. 5. Diocefe united to the Province of York, and diffevered from Canterbury, 33 H. 8. c. 3 1. 6. Jn what Manner the County Court of Chejler fhall be kept, 32 ff. 8. <■. 43. 33 H. 8. <r. 13. 7. Knights and Citizens to be elected for the County and City of Chejler, 34 & 35 H. 8. f. 13. 8. The Protection of courfe in the Exchequer of Chejler prohi- bited, 34 y 35 H. 8. c. 13. § 2. 9. Huntington Lane to be repaired^ 37 77. 8. f. 3. 10. Procefs of Outlawry may be awarded to Chejler, 1 ZiV. 6. f. 10, 11, Fines