Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/322

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CQJIt, &c Coroner, Co?po?att'onisf* 9. Importation prohibited when the Corn does not exceed certain Prices, 3 Ed. 4. c. 2. 10. Concents of the Meafure of a Bufhel of Wheat, 12 H. 7. c 5. 11. Corn fhipped in the Severn to be brought to Brifto', 34 Cif 35 #. 8. c. 9. § 3. 1 2. Dealers in Corn, cif<-. and Drovers to be licenfed by the Ju- ftices, 5 & 6 £d. 6. r. 14. § 7, 12, 16. 5 El. c. 12. 13. In what Cafes Corn may be regrated or ingroffed, 5 cif 6 Ed. 6. c. 14. § 12, 13. 5 El. c. 12. § 7. 14. Juftices of Peace to compel thofe who cut down Corn grow- ing to make Satisfaction, 43 El. c 7. 15. Corn and Salt to be fold by Wincbejler Meafure, 22 Car. 2. <-. 8. §2. 16. Additional Duty on French Barley, 22 Car. 2. c. 13. % 3. 17. Corn, i3~c. not to be fold without meafuring, 22 cif 23 Car. 2. C. 12 § 2, 18. Juftices, and Mayor and Aldermen in London, may determine ihe Price of Corn, with refpeel to Expoitation, C5V. 1 Ja. 2. c- 19. 2 Geo. 2. c. IS. 5 Geo. 2. c. 12. 19. Bounty granted on Exportation of Corn, not exceeding the Prices mentioned, 1 W. 13 M. c. 12. Cif c. 24. § 18. 2 Geo. 2. c. 18. § 4. 20. Where Corn exported from Berwick entitled to Bounty, 1 W, ' & M. c. 24. § 18. 21. Prohibited to be exported for one Year, 10 W. 3. c. 3. 22. Sufpenfion of the Bounty for one Year, 11 W. 3. c. 1. 23. Corn may be exported Dutyfree, 11 cif 12 W. 3. c. 20. 24. When the Collector of the Port has not Money to pay the Bounty, it fhall be paid at the Cuftom-boufe in London, 1 2 cif l 3 W: 3- c - I0 - § 93- 25. Corn may be conveyed on the 'Thames by Tranftres, 1 Ann. ft. I. c. 26. § I. 26. Fees on fmall Quantities, 1 Ann. ft. 1. c. 26. § 2. 27. Bounty on Oatmeal and Bigg exported, 5 Ann. c. 29. §. 10. 28. On Malt exported, ; Ann. c. 29. § 15. 29. Exportation of Corn reltrained for a Time, 8 Ann. c. 2. cif c. 11. 30. What to be deemed the Price of Corn, when Juftices do not certify, 2 Geo. 2. c. 18. 31. Corn entitled to Bounty to be meafured, 2 Geo. 2. c. 18. § 4. 32. Grand Juries at Seffions to prefent the price of Corn, 5 Geo, 2. c. 12. 33. Imported Corn not to be carried Coaftwife, 5 Geo. 2. c. 12. i 5- - . 34. Penalties of Whipping, &c. on riotoufly hindering the Ex- portation of Corn, 11 Geo. 2. c. 22. 35. Deftroying Corn in Granary or Ship, Tranfportation, 11 Geo. 2. C. 22. § 2. 36. The Damage to be fatisfied by the Hundred, 1 1 Geo. 2. c. 22. § 5- - 37. Exportation of Corn prohibited for a Time, 14 Geo. 2. c 3. 38. The Bounty on ground Corn to be regulated by Weight, 24 Geo. 2. c. 56. 39. Intereft to be paid on Debentures for the Bounty of Corn ex- ported, 26 Geo. 2. c. 15. 40. Prohibited to be exported before 25 Dec. 1757, 30 Geo. 2. c. 1 . Except to the IJle of Man, 30 Geo. 2. c. 9. § 13. 41. Corn, &c. to be imported for a limited Time Dutyfree, 30 Geo. 2. c. 7. cif c. 9. § 14. cif r. 14. 42. Corn and other Victuals prohibited to be exported from the Plantations during the War with France, 30 Geoi 2. c. 9. 43. The making low Wines or Spirits from any Sort of Grain prohibited for two Months, 30 Geo. 2. c. 10. till 11 Dec. 1757. 30 Geo. 2. c. 15. 44. Corn-Market eftablifhed at Weftminfter, 31 Geo. 2. c. 25. §1. 45. Forms of the Returns of Prices of Grain, 31 Geo. 2. c. 29. S !»• 46. Penalty of adulterating Corn or Flower, 31 Geo. 2. c. 29. § 22, Ejxpiained and amended by 3 G«. 3. <■. 11, 47. Magistrate may fearch Mills, Bake-houfes, cifc. 31 Geo. 2. c. 29. § 29. 48. Appropriation of Penalties for adulterating Bread, 32 Geo. z. <•. 18. /^r or^fr Mailers, fee- IBilDger Of C0?!l, H5?t1tt0p 58, 61, tif<:. TBjittol 4. Conftnblcs 3. JFclonies totth ana toithout Clergy, ©nmc S. ^ait 11. Vacations 2. eattsht, 3iae of 2. Cojntiml. 1. Power to make Leafes of the Duchy of Cornwall, 21 Ja. 1. c. 29. 1 Car. 1. c. 2. 13 Cor. 2. _/?. 2. c 4. 22 Car. 2. f. 7. 25 Gzr. 2. f. 3. I Ja. 2. c. 9. 5 W. Cif M. f. 18. 12 Cif 13 /if 7 . 3. <-. 13. I Ann. ft. 1. r. 7. § 8. 6^/7». f. 2;. 12 A». ft. 2. f. 22. 24 Geo. 2. c. 50. 1 Go. 3. r. II. 2. Affizes for Cornwall not confined to Launcefton, 1 Geo. I. <•• 45- 3. Leafes of Prince of Wales of Lands in Cornwall where good, 10 G». 2. c. 29. § 9, 10, n. 4. What Leafes and Grants by the King fhall be good, 33 Gee. 2. c. 10. For other Matters, fee Coals 47. ^pl'Cb, ©OffCff, Coioner. 1. Not to hold Pleas of the Crown, M.C. 9F.3. c. 17. 2. Punifhment for concealing Felons, St. Weftm. 3 Ed, 1. r. 9. 3. Shall be fufricient, and fhall take nothing fordoing their Of- fice, St. Weftm. 1. $Ed. 1. c. 10. 4. Directions for their Duty, Qffic. Coron. 4 Ed. 1. ft. 2. St. Wall. 12 Ed. I. See Appendix.

. Directions for inquiring into the Behaviour of Coroners, St,

E*on. 14 Ed. 1. 6. The Coroner of the County fhall acl with the Coroner of the Houfhold, in Cafe of Felonies committed within the Houfhold, Art. fuper Cart. 28 Ed. 1. ft. 3. r. 3. — Coroner not to be cho- fen, unlefs he have Land in Fee fufficient within the County, 14 Ed. 3. ft. i. c. 8. 7. Shall t>e elecled by the Counties, 28 Ed. 3. c. 6. 8. Shall return the Inquefton Riots, where the Sheriffs make De- fault, 2 H. c. ft. 1. r. 8. § 1. 9. The Duty of the Coroner on the View of a Body flain, 3 H. 7. r. 1. 10. To have 13J. 4^. of the Goods of the Slayer, % H.j. c. 1. 1 1. Shall have no Fee for the View of a Body flain by Misadven- ture, 1 H.i.c.j. 1 z. Juflices of Aflize and of the Peace fhall inquire and determine the Faults of Coroners, 1 H. 8. c. 7. 13. The King^s Coroner fhall exercife his Office within the Verge, 32 H. 8. c. 20. § 7. 14. Shall put the Evidence in Writing that is given before them, 1 Cif 2 P. cif M. c. 13. % 5. And bind WitnefTes to appear, ibid. 15. The Fees of Coroners afcertained, 25 Geo. 2. e. 29. 1 6. Coroners convifted of Extortion or wilful Neglecl, may be removed, 25 Geo. 2. c. 29. § 6. For other Matters, fee ^CCeffatg 2. $ala«0, 23taU0, Coipfjiationg. 1. To enjoy their Franchifes as ufaal, 1 Ed. 3. ft. 2. r. 9. 2. To be refrained by Juftices of the Peace from making unrea- fonable By-Laws, 15 H, 6. c. 6. 3. Not to make or execute Acts or Ordinances, except the fame be approved by Chancellor, &c. 2,8 H. 8. c. 5. 4. The Majority in all Corporations fhall bind the reft, 33 H. 8. c. 27. 5. Their Power of inrolling Bargains and Sales by Hufband and Wife confirmed, 34^35^. 8. c. 22. . . 6. The