Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/327

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Courts Ctoftm InntiiGL 6. The Courts erected by King jftsry 8. may be diflblved or united, 7 Ed. 6. c. 2. 1 M. ft. 2. c 10. 7. Lands that were Parcel of the Dutchy of Lancafter, {hall re- main under the Survey of the Court of the Duchy, 2 is' 3 P. cif M. c. 20, 8. The Court of the Star Chamber, l$e. taken away, 1 6 Car. 1 . e. 10. 9. The Court of Wards and Liveries taken away, 12 Car, 2. c. 24, 10. African Company may erect Courts of Judicature, 25 Geo. 2. c. 40. § 6, /Vr o//5w Matters, fee ZS&altS, Coutt of 3BmfraItp* 1. His Majefty impowered to give further Rules to the Courts of Admiralty, 29 G10. 2. c. 34. §32. 2. Regifters of Courts of Admiralty in America, to tranfmit year ly to the Treasurer of Greenwich Hoffital, Copies of Letters of Attorney, 29 Geo. 2. c. 34. § 35. For other Matters, fee iPfcltMal and fJ>ji}C0. (Cotttt XatOtt attU COUtt tttU See Leet. COtttt C&Jlfffatt* See Ecclefiaftical Court. COUtt Of Conference, See Debt. Coutt of Confcfence fn tlje Citj? of JLonoon. 1. How to fummon Perfons indebted under 40/. except for real Contracts or Matters belonging to the Spiritual Court, and make Orders touching fuch Debts, 3 Ja, 1. c. 15. § 2, 6. 2. And adminifter an Oath to the Plaintiff or Defendant, 3 Ja. 1. c. iy. § 3. 3. And punilh thofe that refufe to appear, or obey their Order, 3 >. 1. c. 15. §5. 4.- Cofts, how recoverable againfl: Londoners, for fuing in other Courts for Debts which may be fued for in this Court, 3 Ja. 1 . t. 15. §4. Coutt of Delegates How to determine Appeals, 25 H. 8. <■. 19. § 4. 8 is/, f. 5. COUtt Of Common Pltm See Common Pleas* COUtt Of CitCJjeCUter* See Exchequer. Couttis infetfo?* t. No Foreigner mail be diflrained in any City, &c. for Debt, whereof he is not Debtor or Pledge, St. Weftm. 1 . 3 Ed. 1 . e. 23. 2. Lords or their Bailiffs not to arreft on foreign Pleas, on Pain of double Damages, St. Weftm. 1. 3 Ed. 1. c. 35. 3. Stewards, ISc. fhall pay treble Damages for diftraining on Suits procured by them, St. Weftm. 2. 12 Ed. 1. c. 36. 4. No Diftrefs (hall be taken but by Bailiff fworn and known, St. Weftm. 2. 13 Ed. 1. f. 37. 5. Abbots may make Attornies in the Courts of Staindiffe and Frendles, 3 /?. 5. r. 2. 6. All Perfons may make their Attornies in County Courts and Courts Baron, 5 H. 5. 7. In Courts of / iefoudre the Plaintiff (hall fwear that the Caufe of Action accrued within the Time and Jurifdiction of the Fair, 17 Ed. 4. c. 2. 1 R. 3. c. 6. For other Matters, fee ^ttOfnt'eg, C0Jt>U& CMttl CflUfa 2, &e. Cofts 7. JDebt, csV. SPaUs, COUtt Of feine'S 25enC&* See King's Bench. COUtt leet. See Leet. Coutt partial* 1. Directions for Trials by Courts Martial, 22 Geo. 2. r. 33. 30 Geo. 2. e. 6. C3* c. 1 U 2. Offences on board of Ships cognizable by a Court Martial, to be tried by a Court Martial, 29 Geo. 2, c. 34. § 34. 3. Officers of the Militia and the Army not to fit indiscriminately in Courts Martial, 30 Geo. 2. e. 2^. §47. For other Matters, fee Catt JllTlia Company 3 e. fLfbtt= ties 24. t2>?rt»ateer0 4 . ^jjjps 85, E&. S>olDtere, COUtt Of PipofoOer* See Fairs. COUtt Of Seflfon ftt Scotland See Scotland Courts. COUtt Of ©Utfcep, See Survey. Coutt of GHatog an& liuetieg* Abolilhed by 12 Car. 2. r. 24. For other Matter, fee ^entire. Cooerlet^ How made in Tori, 34 y 35 i/. 8. c. 10, In Norwich. See $0?folfc. Covetttlte* See Baron and Feme, Cou0narj;e* In Writ of Couiinage, iffc. Plea that Demandant is not next Heir is to be admitted, 13 Ed. 1. c. 20. Ctaffffg, (James, Efquire.) His Eftate how forfeited and applied, 7 Geo. 1. Ji. 1. c. 28. Cttppleffate. See Churches. Ctotmt aim Ctoum iLanog, 1. Tenants of Crown Lands how relieved in Cafes of Forfeiture for Non-payment of Rent, 21 Ja. 1. c. 29. 2; South-Sea Company purchasing Crown Lands, what to for- feit, 6 Geo. 1 . c . 4. § 66. fir <*&«• Matters, fee fetttg W ^atCHtS, Ctofog anti IHoofcsf* 1. Rewards for deftroying them, 24 H. 8. c. 10. 2. Other Provifions for deftroying Vermin, 8 El. c. ij» Ctucffiit. How to be fearched for and defaced, 3 Ja. 1. c. 5. § 26. CttUTerg* See Convoys. Ctu in ©ita. 1 . Given to the Wife for the Recovery of Lands Loft by theHaf- band's Default, St. Weftm. 2. 13 Ed. 1. c. 3. 2. ShaD