Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/329

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Officer. — Nor carried Coaftwife without a Cocquet, 13 y 14 Car. 2. c. 1 1 . § 7- King to appoint Ports for landing, ibid. § 1 4. 48. Officers where difabled, 13 y 14 Car, 2. c. 11. § 8. 4 W. y JW. c. 5. § 23. 49. There fliall be no Party Jury in Caufes of the Cuftoms, 13 & 14 Car- 2. c. 11. § 11. r 50. Penalty on Officers guilty of Bribery, 13 y 14 Car. 2. c. 11. § 19. — Penalty on Perfons offering Bribe, 9 Geo. z. c 25. §24. . 51. Goods not to be brought from the Netherlands ox Germany, 13 y 14 Car. 2. f. 11. § 23. 52. Penalty on French Ships not paying- Duty, 13 y 14 Car. z. f. 11. § 24. 53. For the rating of Vinegar, Perry, Rape and Cyder, 13 y 14 Car. 2. c. 11. § 25. 54. Defendants may have Commiffion to examine Witneffes be- yond Sea, 13 y 14 Car. 2. e. 11. § 29. 55. Penalties of Extortion, 13 y 14 Car. z. c. 11. § 34. 56. Duty o'n fmall Ships going to the Mediterranean, 13 y 14 Car. 2. c. 1 1. § 35. 57. Veffelsof Fifli excepted, 13 y 14 Car. 2. f. 11. § 36. 58. Penalty for refitting Officers of the Cuftoms, 15 Car. 2. c. 7. § 19. 55. Aliens Duty taken off from rfative Commodities, 25 Car. 2. c. 6. 61. The Impoft 1690 laid, 2 W. y Af. y?. 2. r. 4. 62. The Impoft 1690 continued and made perpetual by 9 Ann. c, 21. y 3 Geo. 1 . c. 9. and Part of the Soa/£ Sea Fund. 63. During the Continuance of the Aft 2 W. & M. ft. 2. c. 4. there fliall be an Office in London to receive the Monies, 2 W. y M. ft. 2. c. 10. § 20. — Officer's Fees for extraordinary At- tendance, 6 y 7 W. 3. r. 7. § 14. 64. The Impoft 1692, 4 /T. fcfl f . 5, 6c. The Impoft 1692 continued and made perpetual by g Ann. c. 21. y 3 G«?. 1. r. 9. and Part of South Sea Fund. 66. Notice to be given of importing Foreign Alamodes> 4 W. y M. f. 5. § 14. 67. Penalties on infuring prohibited or uncufiomed Goods, 4 W. & M. c. 15. § 14. .68. Commiflioners to be fworn before the Earons of the Exche- quer, 6W. & M. c. 1. §5. 69. Any one may fue for Penalty of Infuring uncufiomed Goods, 8 y 9 TV. 3. c. 36. 70. How Debentures are to be allowed, 7 y 8 W, 3. c . 10. § 12. 71. Additional Duty on French Goods, 7 y 8 W. 3. c. 20. § 3, — Made perpetual, 1 Geo. 1. c. 12. and Part of Aggregate Fund. 72. The new Subfidy and other Duties granted to King William for Life, 9 y 10 W, 3. c: 23. — Drawback on Plantation Su- gar, 9 y 10 W. 3. c. 23. § 8, 9. 2 jf»». c. 9. § 3. 73. Continued, 1 Geo. 3.7?. I. during his Majefty's Life, to- wards Civil Lift, and made Part of Aggregate Fund. • 74. The export Duties upon Woollen Manufaftures, Corn, y<-, taken away, 1 1 y 12 IV. 3. c. 20. j 75. The One Third Subfidy granted, 2 y 3 Ann. c. g. • 76, The Duties 2 Ann. c. g. made perpetual, and Part of the Aggregate Fund, I Ge ■;. 1. c. 12. 3 Geo. 1. r. 8. 5 Geo. 1. c - 3- 77. The Two Thirds Subfidy granted, 3 y 4 Ann. c. 5. — Made perpetual and Part of Aggregate Fund by 7 Ann. c. 7. 1 Geo. 1. c. 12, &c. 78. Laws of the Cuftoms extended to Scotland, 6 Ann. q. 26. §•7- | 79. Forfeiture of treble Value againft Perfons to whole Hands uncufiomed or prohibited Goods fliall come, 8 Ann. c. 7. § 17. 80. Claimers of feized Goods to give Security for Lofts, 8 Ann. ' c - T 1 6 3- 1 181. Forfeiture of double jjrawback on Perfons to whofe Hands Certificate Goods fliall come, 8 Ann, c, 13. § 16. 82. Continuance of the Officers Fees, 8 Am, c. 13. § 26. 83. Penalty on Officer imbezilling Goods, % Ann c 1% z- 84. Flead Offices of Cuftoms, Excife and Stamps perpetuated, 9 Mm. c. 21. § 12. SA Deputations of the Officers do not ceafe by the Death or Removal of the Commiflioners, 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. 8 § n I 87. Uncuftomed Goods that have been warehoufed 12 Months to be publickly fold, 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. 8. § 11. 88. Drawbacks to continue as long as Duties, 3 Geo. 1 c 7 < §40. * '* 89. Rum not to be imported in Cafks of lefs than 20 Gallons 5 Geo. 1. c. 11. § 2. Z7 Geo. 2. c. 18. §4. 90. Penalty on taking in Goods at Sea to be run, S Geo. u c. it, § 3. 27 Geo. 2, c, 18. § 4. 91. Goods not reported and found after clearing forfeited, c Geo. 1. c. 11. § 4. J 92. Certificate to be produced from Ireland of the landino- of Goods, 5 Geo. 1. c. 11. § 5. ° 93. Forfeiture on landing prohibited or certificate Goods, c Geo. 1. c. 11. § 6. 3 94. Package of certificate Goods not to be opened in Port, 5 Geo. i . c. 11. § 7. 95. Officers may enter Ships of 50 Tons hovering on the Coaft, (3c. 5 Geo. 1. c. 11. § 8. 96. Penalty on collufive Seizures, 5 Geo. 1. c.11. § 24. 97. In Trials relating to Cuttoms and Excife, Evidence' may be given of an Officer's Authority, &c. as of a Faft, 6 Geo. 1 . c 21. § 24. 11 Geo. I. c. 30. § 32. 98. Refilling Officers to the Number of eight, to be tranfported, 6 Geo. 1. c.21. § 34. to the Number of five, 8 Geo. 1. c. 18. § 6. 99. Officers may flop and warehoufe cuilomable Goods till claim- ed, 6 Geo, I. c, 21. § 39. ioo. Where Claimer intitled to Cofts, 6 Geo. 1. c. 2. §41; 101. Time for exporting imported Goods enlarged to three Years,. 7 Geo. 1. c. zi. § 10. 102. The export Duties on Goods of BritiftvFroduQ, except Al. lorn, &c. taken off, 8 Geo. 1. c. 15. §7. 103. Dying Drugs may be imported free, 8 Geo. 1. c. 15. § io„ 104. A Duty on dying Drugs exported, 8 Geo. 1. c. 15. $ 11. 105. The Rate on Beavers Skins leffened, 8Geo. 1. c. 15. § 13, 106. The Duty on Pepper reduced, 8 Geo. 1. c. 15. § 15. 107. Duties on Cloves, Mace, and Nutmegs, afcertained, J 8 Geo. 1. c. 1 ij. §17. 108. Boats on the Thames, &c. with more than four Oars to be forfeited, 8 Geo. 1. c. 18. § 3. 109. Penalty on receiving run Goods, 8 Geo. 1. c . 18. § 10. 27 Geo. 2. c. 18. § 5. no. A Capias to go in the firft Inflance againft Runners of Goods, 8 Geo. 1. c. 18. § l;.. 111. Seizures of fmall Ships, Horfes, &c. may be proceeded on by Juftices of Peace, 8 Geo. u c. 18. § 16. 1 1 2. Goods unfhipped from coafling Veffels before the Cocquet produced, bfc forfeited, 8 Geo. 1. c. 18. §18. 113. Foreign Goods unfhipped without the Prefence of an Officer forfeited, 8 Geo 1. c. 1 8. § 18. 114. Additional Duty on Apples, 8 Geo. 1. c. 20. § 46. 11 Geo. 1. c. 7. § 11. 10 Geo. 2. c. 27. § 1. 115. Purchafe of Wool-key for the Cuftom-houfe> 8 Geo, 1. c, 31. . 116. The Cuftoms in England and Scotland may be put under one or two Commiflions, gGeo. 1. c. 21, ill. Foreign Goods carried Coaftwife otherwife than by Certifi- cate forfeited, 9 Geo. 1. c. 21. § 8. 118. Goods unrated before rated in a new Book, 11 Geo. i.e. 7. 119. Officer may purchafe Goods at ten per Cent, above the Im- porter's Rate, n Geo. 1. c, 7. §8. 120. Penalty of concealing run Goods, n Geo. 1. c. 30. 121. Run Goods offered to Sale may be feifed by any Perfon, 11 Geo. 1, c. 30. § 18. 122. Run.