Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/335

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tDcmumi ©efceitf. ^Dffcontfouaiice. - TMnr oblipe a Defendant who hath pleaded to an Information to Plead Lin unlefs he defire it, 4 cif 5 0". cif M *. 1 8. § 7 . 3. Nor determine a Parliament till after fix Months, 7 cif 8. «T. 3. f No 5 / determine any Commiffion Civil or Military, or great Of- fice of State, 7 £if 8^.3.^.27. §21. lAnn.ft.l.<*& 6 5. OnDemife of the King in the Minority of his Succeffor the Parliament mail fit for 3 Years, 24 Geo. 2. c. 24. § 18. For other Matters, >31uftiCeS0f tt;e |5caCC» <©emutrer. Judgment fhall be given on Demurrer according to the Right of the Caufe, without regarding Form, unlefs the want of it be (hewed for Caufe, 27 El. c. c. 4 Ann. c. 16. § I. For other Matters, fee fMeaUillSS, ^enifeng* 1. May appear by Attorney, 31 El. c. 10. § 20. 2. Made incapable of Offices in the Government, or to be Mem- bers of Parliament, fcfr. 12 W. 3. c. 2. § 3. 1 Get. I. r. 4. .Far other Matters, fee SJtiteilS 7, 10, 12. Si. Diamond ^Deooanog* Grants of Deodands how to be inrolled, 3 cif 4 W. cif M. <:. 22. 1. Contrails for Sale of die Eftate how made void, 5 Geo. 2: c. 23. 2. Appropriated to Greenwich Hofpital, 8 Geo. z.c. 29. iiG^o. 2. f. 30. Octant. 1 . Purpreftures on the Crown may be feized while the Ufurpers are living, St. de Big. Ed. i.ft. 3. c. 4, 2. Defcents fhall not take away the Entry of a Difieifee, unlefs the Difleifor was in peaceable Seifin for five Years, 32 H. 8. if- 33- For other Matters, fee JftatUraliSSttOtt. 3Defcent of tfje Crofom See King; «Detaittet;. See Forcible Entry. "©tfjaffatiit* See Executors. 1 , Forfeiture of treble Value againft Perfons to whofe Hands un- cuftomed or prohibited Goods fhall come, 8 Ann. c. 7. § 17. 2. Of double Drawback for relanding Certificate Goods, 8 Ann. c. 16. § 16. <SD0$ift£. See "Wills and Fraudulent Convey- ances. ^eoonuMre ana CotntuaH. 1. Their Havens, 23 H. 8. c. 8. 27 H. 8. c. 23. 2. And Fifheries how preferved, 1 fa. 1. c. 23. 3. The Inhabitants impowered to fetch Sand for bettering their Grounds, 7 fa. 1. c. 18. 4. The Pilchard Fifhing regulated, 13 & 14 Car. 2. c. 28. 5. The Aflifes in Cornwall to be held in a convenient Place, 1 Geo. i.ft. 2. c. 45. For other Matters, fee Cojnfojall, JD?apeV£j and #j)ilitia, 4 1. Diamonds and precious Stones may be imported and exported Duty free, 6 Geo. 2. f. 7. § 1. ' 2. Saving of the Duty granted to the Eafl-lndia Company on Diamonds imported from any Place within the Limits of their Charter, 6 Geo. 2. c. 7. § 2. -Dice. See Cards. jDlgUltp. See Abatement. &&& Broken down fecretly to be repaired by the Towns adjoining,^. Weftm. 2. 13 Ed. I. c. 46. 6 G?c. 1. c. 16. )Dl!api33atl0nS). See Ecclefiaftical Courts, IDttatOIP Plea* See Abatement. SDimfttejS, See Cotton. Ditefto?-* of tfje 'Banfe ano S>outl>@ea Com* panp. iiBi See Bank of England and South-Sea Company. Difciattner. Where pleadable in Trefpafs, 21 J«. 1, c. 16. § 5. Discontinuance of Cffate. 1. No Ait of Hulbandlhalidifcontinue his Wife's Eitate, 32 H. 8. n 28. § 6, 7. 2. No Difcontinuance by Women of Lands come from their Hulhands, uH.j. c. 20. 32 H. 8. c. 36. § 2. 3. Nor by Tenants in Tail of the Gift of the Crown, 34. & 35 H. 8. c 20. 4. Nor by Tenants in Tail of Fee-Farm Rents to bar the Re- mainder veiled by the Statute, 22 & 23 Car. 2, c. 24. § 6. Difcontinuance of P?ocef£, 1 . No Suit (hall be difcontinued by the Death of the King, or by the Death, &c. of the Juilices, 1 Ed. 6. c. 7. 2. A new Commiffion fhall not difcontinue any Proceedings, 1 Ed. 6. c. 7. §6. 11 H. 6. c.6. 3. Writs not to be difcontinued for not holding certain Days of Return in 1660, 12 Car. 2. c. 3. 4. Procefs not difcontinued by King's Death, 1 Ann. ft. 1 , c. 8. § 4. For other Matters, fee CWO?. Difttuifeti perrons. 1 . Not to hunt in Park or Warren, 1 H. 7. c . 7. 2. Informations againit them, in what Manner to be certified and proceeded upon, 9 Geo. 1. c. 22^ § 4, 6. 3. Concealers, ciff. of them where guilty of Felony, 9 Geo. 1. c. 22. § ;. 4. Perfons wounded or killed in apprehending them, or their Executors and Adminiftrators, how rewarded, 9 Geo. 1. c. 22. § 12. 5. Profecutions muft be within three Years, and the Trial may- be in any County, 9 Geo. 1. c. 22. § 13, 14. See felonies UoztJjout Clergy, Title a&lncfc JUS* &>ifpavagement of (KJats. •ee Ward. JDifjpenfatfott,