Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/346

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€Uite C.tcffe* €*cffe. j J On Beer and Ale, &c. granted to the King for Life, 12 Car. 2. ft Z3. 2. Continued for the Life of his prefent Majefty, 1 Geo. 3. ft. t. c. 1. 3. Brewers to make their Entries once a Month, 1 2 Car. 2. c . 23. § 15. 4. Thirty-fix Gallons to be reckoned a Barrel of Beer, and thirty- two Gallons a Barrel of Ale, 12 Car. 2. ft 23. § 8. 5. Duties on foreign Liquors to be paid by the Importer, 12 Car. 2. c. 23. § 14. 15 Car. 2. ft II. § 17. 22 tf 23 Car. 2. ft 5- § 9- 6. Oaths of Officers of Excife, 12 Car. 2. ft 23. § 33. 7. The hereditary Excife granted, 12 Car. 2. c. 24. § 15, &c. S. Brewers muft give Notice of their brewing Veffels, 1 5 Car. 2. c. 1 1. g. The Commiflioners {hall not take the Excife to farm, 1 ; Car. 2. c. 11. § z. 30. Excife Offices to be kept in the Market-Towns, 15 Car. 2. c. 11. § 10. 1 1 . Hours for carrying out Beer, 1 5 Car. 2. c.n. § 11. 12. Brewers fhall not mingle llrong Worts with fmall, 15 Car. 2. c. 1 I. § 12. 22 y 23 C'«r. 2. ft 1;. § 1 1. 13. The Penalty of bribing an Excifeman, 15 Car. z. r. 11. §16. 14. Directions for the Landing excifeable Liquors imported, 15 Car. 2. c. 1 1. § 17. 15. Where Appellant to have Colls, 15 Car. 2. c. 11. § 19. 16. Exemption of Colleges in Univerfities, 15 Car. 2. c. u. § 21. 17. Powers of Commiflioners given to the Farmers, 16 y 17 Car. 2. c. 4. 18. Additional Excifes now expired, 22 •& 23 Car. 2. c. 5. 29 Car. 2. ft 2. I IV. y M. ft 24. 2 W. l$-M. ft. 2. ft 3. isf c, 10. 3 W. &-M.C.I.. s W- &-M. ft 7. 7 y 8 W. ,3. c. 30. 19. Allowance for Wafle, 22 y 23 Car. 2. r. 5. § 3. 20. Jufticesor Commiffioners may mitigate Fines, 22 y 23 Car. 2. ft 5. §8. 21. Lending the Ufe of a Brewhoufe prohibited, 22 y 23 Car. 2. e. 5. § 10. 32. Retailer of Ale not to mix ftrong and fmall Beer together, af- ter the Gage is taken, zz y 23 Car. 2. c. 5. § 1 1. 7 W. 3. c. 30. 23. Certiorari 's not to be allowed on Proceedings on the Excife Law, 22 l£ 23 Car. 2. c. 5. § 14. 24. In the Country thirty- four Gallons to be reckoned a Barrel of Beer or Ale, 1 W. y M.ft. 1. c. 24. § 5. 25. Brewer not difcharged of Mif-entry unlefs he mew the Beer, i W. y M.ft. 1. c 24. § 10. 26. Penalty on Officers taking Fees, 1 W. y M. ft. 1. c. 24. § 15. 27. Informations againfl: Brewers to be exhibited within three Months, 1 W. y M. c. 24. § 16. b8. The Excife granted to King William and Queen Mary, 2 W. y M. c. 3. 29. Additional Excifes granted, 4 W. y M. c. 3. 5 W.i$ M. c. 20. § 10. 4 Ann. c. 6. § 6. 30. Thefe Duties are made perpetual, and the Surplus appropri- ated to Aggregate Fund, 1 Geo. i.e. iz. 31. The Duties granted by Ann.c. 6. are charged with Annui- ties. And by 6 Geo. 1 . c. 4. South-Sea Company are empower- ed to purchafe Annuities. 32. Notes of Gauges to be left with the Brewer, ^W.l$ M..e. zo. § 49. 7 iS 8 IV. 3. c. 30. § 4.6. 33. Powers and Directions for preventing the Concealment of Liquors fubjeft to Excife, 7 y 8 IV. 3. c. 30. 34. Commiffioners or Juftices may fummoa, 7 13 8 W. 3.C.30. § 24. 3-. Officers may break open Brewhoufes to fearch for private Tons, 15c. 7 y 8 JF. 3. c. 30. § 27. 36. Inferior Officers to continue though Commiffioners die, 7 13 8 W.,3. ft 30. §. 30. 37. Brewers to make Declaration of Party Guiles, 8^9^,3. c. 19. 3S. Penalties on concealed Veffels, 8 y 9 W. 3: r. ig. § 4. 39. The Duties on Vinegar and Low Wines leffened, 10 &f m IV. 3 . r . z 1 . 40. Informations to be brought within three Months, 12 W. 3. ft !!.§ 17. 41. The weekly Sum of 3700/. to be paid out of the Excife Re- venue as a Fund, 12 y 13 IV. 3. ft 12. 42. This weekly charge made perpetual by 1 Geo. i.ft. 1. e. 1; and the Annuities granted upon it fubferibed into the South- Sea Fund, 6 Gee. I. e. 4. 43. The Excife charged with $ per Cent, on the Banker's Debt, 12 W. 3. ft 12. § 15. 44. Great Part of this Debt was fubferibed for Annuities upon, the general Fund, purfuantto yGeo. 1. ft 7. 4J. Additional Excife gFanted, 8 Ann. c. 7. 46. The Duties laid by 8 Ann. c. 71 made perpetual by the South- Sea Aft, 6 Geo. 1. c. 4. 47. Commiffioners and Officers to be fworn, 10 Ann.c. 19. § 122; 10 Ann. ft 26. § 75. 48. Certain Duties put under the Management of Commiffioners of Excife, 12 Ann. ft. 2. ft 9. § 11. 49. Penalty of obflrufling Excife Officer, 6 Geo. 1 . c. 2 x . § 7. 50. Excife Officers may fearch Ships for Brandy and excifeable Liquors, 1 1 G.o. 1. c. 30. 51. May by Warrant fearch Houfes, 11 Geo. 1. c. 30. § 2. 52. Rules for taking out Permits, 1 1 Gfu. 1. e. 30. § 10. 5 3 . Penalty on a Conftable refufing to affiit an Officer, 1 1 Geo. u ft 30. §31. 54. Proof to be admitted of an Officer's Authority without pro«  ducing his Deputation, 1 1 Geo. 1. e. 3®. § 3Z. 55. Penalty on offering to corrupt an Officer, 11 Geo. 1. c. 30.- §40. * 56. Directions for the Commiifioners of Cuftoms and Excife to proceed upon Seifures of Tea, Coffee, and excifeable Liquors, I 2 Geo. I. ft. 28. 57. Officers not fubjeft to Penalty for not leaving a Copyof their Charge> unlefs requefted in Writing, 12 Geo. 1. ft z8 > § 3°- 58. Right of Appeal confirmed, 1 Geo. 2. c. 16. § 3. 59. Three Commiflioners impowered to aft, 1 Geo. 2. e. 16. § 4^ 60. Powers granted to the Commiffioners with refpeft to Retail- ers of Spirituous Liquors, 9 Geo. 2. c. 23. $ 4, &c. 61. The Duty on Sweets leffened, 10 Geo. 2. e. 17. 6z. Directions for preventing Frauds in Dealers in excifeable Goods, 18 Geo. 2. e. 26. § 8. 63. Offenders in one Jurifdiftion may be profecuted in another, 18 Geo. 2. ft z6. § 13. 64. Puniihment of Perfons going armed in Defiance of Laws of Excife, 19 Geo. 2. c. 34. 65. Offences againfl: Excife Laws and Monies arifing fiom Excife excepted out of general Pardon, zo Geo. 2. ft 52. § 28, 39. 66. Office Hours of Attendance altered, Z3 Geo. 2. e. 26. § 12. - 67. Summons left at Offender's Houfe to be deemed legal Notice, 32 Geo. 2. ft 17. 6S. Officers of Excife may feize forfeited Veffelf, 33 Geo. 2. e, 9. § 16. 69. Additional Excife granted, 1 Geo. 3-. ft 7. § 1. For other Matters, fee the federal Sorts of <&pcitmblc (©BOW, And fie farther, IBnglefea 3. Annuities, Sftrefts >z. 015a£l 19, 20. OlSattfc 19, y c . U5eer, y< 1l5jaiitip, ^jetoer, Cuttoni0, ©tfttUer, €aft=3lrn»ta Companr* 3kclaiit>, $avtianmu 40, y^. gicotlano.