Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/350

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IFelonfesi im't&ta tlttftv* Bridge, la:!. Bigamy. Black Lead. Burning* Cattle. Cloth. Corn. Council, Copper. CiftomS', Dikes. EJcafe, Tifh. FlooJgate. Foreign State Forgery. Gaoler. Hawk. Hunting, Iron Bars, King. Lalourers. Leadi 4- 5- <7- Deftroying London Bridge, 29 Geo. 2. C, 40. § 6. See Felonies without Clergy. Or Walton Bridge, 20 Geo, 2, c, 22. Or Hampton Court Bridge, 23 Geo. 2. e, 37. § 12. Or Rilible Bridge, 24 Geo. 2. c. 36. § 34. Or Sandwich Bridge, 28 Gtfff. z. c. 55. Or #jv* Bridge, 29 G«?. 2. r. 73. 9. Or i?/rtr/f fWa/v Bridge, 29 Geo. 2. f. 86. 10. Or Jeremy Ferry's Bridge, 30 Geo. 2, c. 59. 1 1. Or Old Brentford Bridge, 30 Geo. 2. c, 63. § 19. 31 G*<?. 2. f. 46. .12. Or 'Trent Bridge, 31 G?c. 2. c. J9. 1 13. Perfonating Bail before Commiffioners ki . J the Country, 4 ZF. fcf M. c. 4. § 4. See Fe- l knits "without Clergy, See Poligamy. See Lead. 14. Frames of Timber, 37 H. 8. c. 6. § 2. Re- pealed by 1 £</. 6. c, 12, 1 M.fff. 1. r. 1. 1 ;■ Stacks of Corn, Houfes, c5r. in the Night- time, 22 & 23 Car. 2. c. 7. § 2. &■£ Felo- nies without Clergy. J 16. Killing them in the Night, &c. 22 & 23 "J Car. 2. c. 7. § 2. <?«« Felonies without Clergy, f 17. Stealing it, or Wool, left to dry, off the < Tenters, &c. the third Offence, 15 Geo. 2. t r. 27. See Felonies without Clergy. f 18. Deftroying Granaries, the fecond Offence, S 11 Geo, 2. c. 22. See Felonies without Clergy. C And fee Burning, ante. See King. See Money, Lead. ("19. Running Goods five in Company armed, 8 I Geo. I. c. 18. §6. See Felonies without Clergy. zo. Affembling armed to the Number of Three for running Goods, 9 G^s. 2. r. 35. § 10. K 21. Perfons deemed Smugglers according to the IDefcription of 9 Geo. 2. c. 35. § 13. 22. Harbouring Offenders againft the Laws of Cuftoms, 19 Geo. 2. c, 34. § 3, See Felonies L without Clergy. $ 23. Cutting them in Marfh Land, 22 H. 8. c. X 11. 2 fcf 3 P.cjfM. c. 19. See Prifoner. J 24. Fifhing in another's Pond with Intent to

Ileal, 31 H. 8. r. 2. 

See Locks. f 25. Serving it without taking Oath of Allegi- i ance, 3 Ja. 1. r. 4. § 18. C 26. Of Bank Bills, 11 Geo, 1. e.^} c r 7 •

r g /& Felonies 

727.' Of Bank Notes and Indorfe- f wVW C/ ^

  • ■ ments, ibid. J^'

S 28. Forcing Prifoner to become Approver, 14 Z Ed, 3. c. 10. 29. Stealing one, 37 Ed. 3. c. 19. (f 30. In the Night or in Diiguife, ^ See Felonies J I H. 7. c, 7. ( without Cler- ^31. Refcuing fuch Offenders, ^^, Title 5 32, Stealing them, fixed to Buildings, 4 Gfc. 2. I f. 32. 5w Lead. C 33. Confpiring or imagining to deftroy. him, or

any of his Council, 3 H. 7. r. 14. See Fe- 

t /ob/Vj without Clergy, Title Privy Ccunfellors. jj 34. Confederacies of Mafons to prevent the I Statutes of Labourers, %H.~6.e.i. f35- Entering Mines of Black Lead with Intent J to Ileal, 2.5 Geo. 2. c. 10. § 1, Lead, Locks. Maiming. Marriage. Mariners, Money. Mutiny, Palaces. Prifoner. Plague. Poligamy. Procefs. Purveyors. Rape, Records. Refcue, Rogues. Roblery. Seamen,. Soldiers, Swvantst felonies foft&fo €Ux^i 36. Stealing it, fixed to Buildings, ^Geo. 2, c. 32, 37. Receivers of Lead fo flolen, ibid. § 3. 38. Buying or receiving Lead, Iron, Copper, &c. .knowing it to be (lolen, 29 Geo. 2. c. 30. _'39. Perfons guilty of demoliming them, or of I Sluices' or Floodgates, 1 Geo, 2. ft. 2. c. 19. I 40. And after cutting out Tongues or putting < out Eyes, 5 H, 4. c. 5. See Felonies without I Clergy. {41. Solemnizing it clandeflinely, 26 Geo. 2. c,

33. § 8. See Women. 

See Mutiny, Seamen. '42. Tranfportation of Silver, or Importation of falfe Money, 17 Ed. 3. Not printed. 43. Multiplication of Gold or Silver, 5 H. 4, e. 4. Repealed by 1 W. &M./1. 1. c. 30. >( 44. Coining or bringing in Gaily Half-pence, Sufkins or Dodkins, 3 H. 5. c. 1. 45. Payment of Blanks, 2H.6. e.g. Obf. 46. Blanching Copper, or putting off counter, feit Money, 8 cif 9 W. 3. r. 26. § 6. 47. In Mariners hindering Commanders from fighting, 22 iff 23 Car. 2. c. 1 1. § 9. 48. Officers, &c. deftroying Ship, ibid, § iz. See Felonies without Clergy. 49. Officer or Soldier upon or beyond the Sea raifing Mutiny, difobeying or refilling Supe- rior, z & 3 Ann. c. zo. § 35. S Entering into King's Houfe with Intent to Ileal, 33 H. 8. c. 12. §27. I ' 50. Affifting one committed for Treafon or Fe» . J lony (except Petty Larceny) to attempt an £ Efcape, 16 Geo. 2. c. 31. See Gaoler. f 51. Perfons infeded with it going Abroad, I I ■ Ja. i.e. 31. §7. 52. By 1 Ja. 1. f. 11.. f 53. Oppofing the Execution of it in any pre- < tended privileged Place, 9 Geo. 1. e. 28. (_ U Geo. I, c. 22. See Felonies without Clergy. C54. In fome Cafes by 28 Ed. 1. _/?. 3. f . 2. ■< N, B. Purveyance is taken away by 12 Car. C 2, c. 24. V 55. By 13 Ed. 1. f. 34. &>* Felonies without I Clergy. 56. Withdrawing them, 8 H. 6. e. 12. i- 57. Refcuing the Body of Offender executed J for Murder from the Sheriff or Surgeons, z$ J Geo. 2, c. 37". § 10. See Felonies without C Clergy, Hunting, Spirituous Liquors. 58. Incorrigible, breaking out or efcaping from Houfe of Correction, or offending a fecond Time, 17 Geo. 2. c. 5, § 9. 59. Adjudged to the Gallies, returning without Licence, 39 El. c, 4. 1 Ja. 1. r. 7 cif 25. Repealed by 1 2 Ann, ft. 2. c. 23. 60. Stealing Furniture from Lodgings (if un- der 1 2d.) 3 W. £5f itf. c 9. § 5 ..J &* />,W«  without Clergy. 61. AiTault with Intent to rob, 7 Gfo. 2. c, 21, §.!.. ■Jf6z. Deferting, 5 5/.. c. 5. § 27, &* Felonies I without Clergy. _ ' 63. Deferting, 18 H. 6. c. 19, § 2. See Felonus

without Clergy. 

~ 64. Taking their Mailer's Goods at their Death, 33.H.6. f. I. Q^IfinUfe. 65. Afl'aulting, £sV. Mailer Wool-comber or Weaver, iz G*w. 1. r. 34. §6. 66. Imbezilling Goods delivered to them to the Valueof 40/, 21 H. 8. c, 7. Perp. by 5 El. c. 10.