Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/362

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(ffifome. fctooltf* Cattfffnff, 23. On burning Heath, Brakes, &c. in Sherwood Foreft, C5V. vvitliout Conlentof the Owner, 5 Ann. c. 14. § 5. 24. Game-keeper to be entered with Clerk of the Peace, 9 Ann. c. 25. h I. 25. Game-keeper to be either the Lord's Servant or a qualified Perfon, 3 G«. 1 . r. 1 1 . z6. Penalty of taking Fowl in Moulting Seafon, 10 Geo. 2. c. 32. § 10. .27. Penalties on the Game A&s may be recovered by Action, 8 Geo. 1. c. 19. to be brought before the End of the fecond Term, 26 Geo. 2. c. 2. 28. For Prefervation of theGamein Scotland, 24 G 0. 2. r. 34. — Penalties for felling Game by Perfons qualified or not qualified to kill, 28 Geo. 2. c. 12. 29. Penalty on Officers or Soldiers deftroying the Game, 46^.3. <-• 3- § 4 6 - 30. Farther Provifions for Prefervation of the Game, 2 Geo. 3. c. 19. 3 1 . Penalty of wilfully mooting at or deftroying any Houfe-Doves or Pigeons, 2 Geo. 3. r. 29. For other Matters, fee Utypjentice I?- CctttO?att 6. ©Cer, csV. jfith, -JFojefts, i&afioftSj 5>cotlanD, i&toanis, Cvcfpafs 12, ffiatlu jFotxiU ©amino; ano ©amfnjy $oufe& See Plays and Games. <5aoIjs anu ^aolcrg. 1 . The Juftices of Affize {hall deliver the Gaols, St. defin. lev at. 27 Ed. . ft. 1. c. 3. 2. Juftices of Affize thall inquire of Gaolers that diftrefs their Pri- foners, 1 Ed. 3. ft. 1. r. 7- 3. Gaols fhall be in the Cullody of the Sheriff, 14 Ed. 3. _/?. 1. c 10. 19 //. 7. c. 10. ; y?«». r. 9. 4. Gaolers fhall take no Fee of Perfons committed on the Sta- tutes of Labourers, 12 R. 2. c. 9. 5. The King's Gaols fhall be rejoined to the Counties, 13 R. 2. ft. 1. c. 15. 6* Juftices of Peace fhall commit to the common Gaols only, 5 H. 4. c. 10. 7. Gaolers fhall give in their Calendars at the Gaol-Delivery, 3 H. 7 .c 3 . 8. Letters Patent of the Cuftody of a Gaol, of a lefs Eftate than an Inheritance, void, ig H.y. c. 10. 9. For the Building and Repairing of Gaols, 23 H. 8. c. 2. 5 EL c. 24. j o. J ultices of Peace fhall tax the Parifhes for Relief of Prifoners, 14 El. c. ;. § 37. 11. Twenty Shillings yearly to be paid by each County for the poor Prifoners of the King's Bench and of the Marjhalfea, 43 El. c. 2. § 14. 12. Perfons committed to Gaol fhall be carried at their own Ex- pence, or at the Expence of the Parifhioners, 3 Ja. . c. 10. 13. Juflice of Peace may fet poor Prifoners to work, 19 Car. 2. c. 4.. 14. Sick Prifoners may be removed by the Gaoler with the Con- tent of three Juftices, 19 Car. 2. c. 4. § 2. J5. Gaolers fliall permit Prifoners to have Victuals and Bedding from whence they pleafe, 22 cif 23 Car. 2. c. 20. § 10. 2 G.o Z. c. 2 1. § %. 16. Charities given to Prifoners fhall be inquired of, 22 & 23 Car. 2. c. 20. § i 1. ' i-j. Tables of Fees (hall be hung up in the Prifons, ibid. § 12. 2 Geo. 2.. c. 22. § 4. j 8- Felons fhall be kept apart from Prifoners for Debt, 22 cif 23 Car. 2. c. 20. § I 3. .19. Prifoners fliall not be irregularly removed from one Pxifon to another, 31 Car. 2. c. 2. § 9, t8. 4 20. Subjects not to be fent to foreign Prifons, 31 Car. 2. c. 2. § 12. zi. Juftices to make Rates, &c. for building and repairing Gaols, 11 cif iz W. 3. c. 19. ' 22. The Sheriffs fhall have, the Cuflody of Gaels, 11 y 1 2 W. 3. c. 19 §3. 23. Felons fhall be imprifoned in the common Gaol, 1 1 & 1 2 IF'. 3. c. 19. § 3. 24. Not to diftrain in the Houfe of any Peer, 11^12 W. 3. c 19. §8. 25. For building a Gaol for the Weftern Divifion of Kent, 9 Geo. 2. c. 12. 26. For building a Gaol for the County of Bucks, io Geo. 2. c. 10. 27. Penalties on affifling Prifoners to efcape, 16 Geo. 2. c. 31. 28. The Expence of conveying poor Offenders to Gaol, or the Houfe of Correction, to be paid by the Treafurer of the Coun- ty, except in Middlefex, 27 do. 2. c. 3. 29. For rebuilding the Gaol at Derby, 29 Geo. 2. c. 48. For other Matters, fee JfleCt, &ilVfJ S IBcnClj and f^lfOtlS, ®aol DellUei'jn See Juftices of Gaol Delivery, €>ai'tJCn£- See Orchards. <SatCS- See Incloiures. (t^aMet* Rents in London how recoverable by Writ of Gavelet, Statute of Gavelet, 10 Ed. 2. dr3a«intu 1. Altered in Wales, S:.Wall. 12 Ed. 1. in Appendix. 34^35 H.2. c. 26. § 128. 2. Gavelkind Lands in Kent, and Lands in Glou;efterJhire, be- longing to Felons, to revert to the Heir after the Year and Day, 17 Ed. 2. ft. 1. c. 16. 3. Women for being incontinent, or marrying, lofe their Dower, 17 Ed. 2. c. 16. 4. Certain Lands in Kent difgavelled, 3 1 H. 8. c. 3. 5. In Ofwelieeke Soke in Nctiinghamfhire, 32 //. 8. <r. 29. iV o/^/- Matters, fee Attaint 13. -/felon©, ©atigino:* 1. All Wines brought to be fold fhall be gauged by the King's Gauger, 27 Ed. -yft..c.%. 31 Ed. ■$._/?. 1. c. 5. 1 R. 3. c. 13. 2. Veffels of Wine, Vinegar, Oil, Honey, t5V. fha'l be gaured, 4^?. 2. f. 1. 18 r7. 6. c. 17. 3. Rhenijh Wine exempt, 14 j?. 2. r. 8. 4. The Contents of Pipes, Hogfheads, i£c. of Wine and Fifh, 2 H. 6. c. 11. 5. The Gauger fliall at all Times be ready to do his Duty, 23 H. 6. c. 1 c. 6. The Contents of Barrels of Salmon, Herring and Eels, 22 Ed. 4, c. 2. -. The Contents of Veffels of Wine and Oil, 1 R. 3. c. 13. 8. Veffels to be marked, 28 H. 8. c. 14. 9. Veffels brought from beyond Sea, and ufed for Utterance of Ale and Beer, lhall be gauged, 31 E'. c. 8. ic. The Wardens of the Coopers fhall attend to gauge Veffels upon Requeft, 23 H. 8. c. 4. 31 £ , c. 8. § 5. 11. Gaugers may take Samples not exceeding half a Pint, 32 Geo. 2. c. 29. For other Matters, fee SjC'/UCrS, COOpcrS, JDlttl'UcrS, <0JC(l'fg. ©ajctte.