Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/390

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Eoiitum. lotteries 25. The Challenge of Runs dtins k gard taken away, 7 H.j,e.§. 26. Power to the Mayor, tsV. where they find Springs, to lay Pipes, &c. for the Conveyance of Water, 3 ; H. 8. c. 10. 27. For paying Tithes in London, 27 H. 8. r. 21. 37 fl". 8. c. 12. 28. Attaints of untrue VerJifts in London ihall be tried in London, 37 H. 8. r. 5. 29. No new Buildings to be ere&ed within three Miles of London or Wejlm : nfttr, 35 £/. c. 6. 30. For bringing the New River to London, 3 Ja, 1. r. 18. 4 y<?. I.e. 12. 12 Gw. 2. c. 32. 3 1 . A Court of Judicature erected to determine Differences touch- ing Houfes burnt in the Fire of London, 19 Car, 2. c. 2. 22 rjf 23 Car. 2. r. 14. 25 Car. z. f. 10. 32. Dire&ions for the rebuilding of London, 19 Car. 2. c. 3. 22 Car. 2. f. II. 33. Houfes built otherwife to be deemed public Nufances, 19 Car. 2. c. 3. 34. Dangerous Trades prohibited in the High Streets, 19 Car. 2. <r. 3. § 21. 35. Alderman in London to have the fame Power as Juftice of Peace, 22 Car. 2. c. 1, § 15. 36. Rates for Wharfage and Cranage, 22 Car. 2. f. 1 1. § 21. 37. Dimenfions of Wharf from London Bridge to the Temple, 22 Car. 2. c. 1 1. § 44. 38. The Maintenance of the Clergy in London fettled, 25 C5 1 24 Car. 2. r. 15. 39. For Difcovery of Concealments of Charities given during the Plague, 22 cif 23 Car. 2. c. 16. 40. A Court of Judicature to determine Differences concerning Houfes burnt in the Fire at Southivark, 29 Car. 2. c. 4. 41. The Judgment againft the City on the 2>uo Warranto vacated, zW.13 M. c. 8. 42. Hoys, &c. may carry inland Provifions within the Port of London without Cocquets, 1 Ann. ft. i.e. 26. 43 . Commiffioners of the Chel/ea Water-works to be incorporated, 8 Geo. 1. c. 26. 44. For regulating; Elections, cifc. in London, 11 Geo. 1. c. 18. §1. 45. Oath, &c. to be taken, ibid. 46. Penalty of falfe Oath or Affirmation, 1:1 Geo. 1, c. 18. § 3. 47. The Aldermens Negative in Common Council eftablifhed, 11 Geo. i. c 18. § 15. Repealed, 19 G;o. 2. r. S. 48. Freemen impowered todifpofe of their Effects, notwithftand- ing the Cuftom, n Gro. 1. c. 18. § 17. 49. All Perfons inhabiting in London, fubjefted to the Jurifdic- tion of the Court of Confcience, 14 G«. 2. c. 10. 50. The prefenting the Lord Mayor at Weftminjier to be on the ninth of November New Stile, 24 Geo. 2. c. 48. § 1 1. .51. The Admiffion and Swearing of the Mayor to be on the Day preceding, 25 Geo. 2. c. 30. § 4. 52. The Paf&ge over and though London Bridge to be widened, 29 Geo. 2. c. 40, 53. Penalty of laying Rubbifh in the Streets of London, I3 'c. 32 Geo. 2. c. 16. § 13. For other Matters, fee Attaint 14, x8. UMlingfgate., lBjcat), 115?tQges, Hookers 1, 2, Be. alButtutngs 1, &c. HSutchers 10. Gutter 9. Carriage 9. Challenge 4. 11. Chelfea J^ofpital, Churches, Coaches 1, fcfr. Coals ig, 20, tic. Coopers 4. Cojit 24, 44. Co?po* nations, Cuftoms, 3Debt auti 3Defato?s 2. £sV. 3Dt>ers i<;. jfire 1, tsc. Jfity 77. 90. Jrleet=3Dttcl;, JFraiu thsCes, (Solo 1, tic. (©unpoiaoer 8. 14, tie. 5^£gtj= toaps 57, yv. 31nuia (Kootis 7. WV 31nfurance 5. 3lu= n'es 17, tic. JLeatber 5, cif<r. ^liberties, ^tltrta, €>?= ptjans:. 3,4. ^abtng, ^hrjGcians 1, tie. f->ooi 17, fcfr. Reisers 10, y<- ^rjertffs, ^>ljtps 54, tic. gifoz; mailers 3. S>outl)toarfe, Streets 2. Chames, ©left* minfter, ©Bines 42, tic. lOtltOll <5a?CttC* See Alehoufes, Annuities, Bank, Bankrupts, Cuftoms, Felony, Hue and Cry. longtime* 1. A Reward for difcovering the Longitude at Sea, 12 Ann. ft. 2> c. 16. 2. Directions for afcertaining the Longitude and Latitude of the Ports and Head Lands, I4G«?. 2. c. 39. 3. Farther Dire&ions for Difcoverj of the Longitude, 26 Geo. 2, c. 25. 2 Geo. 3. c. 18. 4. Incouragement given to John Harrifon to make known his In- vention for Difcovery of the Longitude, 3 Geo. 3. c, 14* JLOllff Puppet:- See Grocery Ware. 1. Engaged to procure the King to obferve Statutes, 14 Ed. 3, ft. I . C. 21. 2. The Peers of the Land to redrefs by Judgment Things done againft Magna Chart a, 1 5 Ed. 3. ft. 1. f. 1. tsf r. 4. 3. Lords to be judged by their Peers, 15 Ed. ■$. ft. l. c. z.. 1 £</. 6. r. 12. § 15. 1 .£/. c 1. § 34. 4. For the placing of the Lords, 31 H. 8. c. 10. 5. To have Privilege of Clergy without burning, 1 Ed. 6. c. t. § 14- For other Matters, fee Chaplain, ;ffalCe Ji^ctoc, JFoiett 8. d5oaIs 24. 3!tiugment 2. Jufttees of ttje $>eace 9, csV. ^tlitt'a 1 ;, tic. iftonconfojmifts 5, tic. fJarliatnent 68, 103, tie. fleers, JRecufant 40, tic. JSKotlantb Creafon, Cum 2. S.02H l^fgfj amtrital. See AdmiraK JL0?& Of a ^anO|. See Copyhold. H0?t»SS ^atCljegl. See Wales. HOLD'S Da?* See Holy Days. Lotteries. t . A Lottery for one Million on the Duty on Salt and an addi- tional Excife, zW.tiM. c. 7. § 34. 2. Lotteries declared publick Nufances, and prohibited, locifii W. 3. c. 17. 9 /inn. e. 6. § 56. 10 Ann. c. 26. § 109. 5 Geo. 1. r. 9,. § 43. 8 Geo. 1. f. 2. § 36. 3. Offenders to pay Cofts to Profecutor, 9 Ann. c. 6. § 56. 8 G«i. 1. f. 2. § 37. 4. Selling Chances of Tickets in public Lotteries prohibited, 5 Geo. 1. r. 9. § 43. t;. Sales by Way of Lottery Prohibited, 8 Geo. 1. c. 2. § 36. 6. Penalty on publifhing foreign Lotteries, 9 G?o. 1. r. 19. § 4. 7. On felling or procuring Chances in foreign Lotteries, 6 Geo. 2. c. 35. § 29. 8. Additional Penalties on Lotteries, 12 Geo. 2. c. 28. 9. Sale of Lands by Lottery void, and the Lands forfeited, 12 Geo. 2. c. 28. § 4. 1 o. Nor to affeci any Eftate in Lands, &c . held by Allotment, 12 Geo. 2. c. 28. § 1 1. 1 1 . Not to extend to Royal Palaces where King refides, 1 2 Geo, 2. c. 28. § 10. 12. Lottery Annuities, 16 Geo. 2. c. 13. § 10. 28 G«?. 2. c. 15. 29 Gee. 2. r. 7. 1 3. Laws againll private Lotteries extended to Ireland, 29 Geo. 2. c. 7. § 26. 30 Gfo. 2. c. 5. § 22. For other Matters, fee JlnfutailCe 4. $>la£S ««</ ©allies. 3Lctterg