Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/404

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C'fHccrg. ©stifiintfoii. 3. Officers fhall not be made by Brokage or Favour, xz R. 2, e. 2. 4. They who appoint Officers in the Courts fhall be fvvorn to appoint fufficient Men, 2 H. 6. <-. 10. 5. The buying or felling of Offices that touch the Adminiltra- tion of Juftice or the Revenue, prohibited, ;fcf 6 Ed. 6. c. 16. 6. Not to extend to Chief |uftices of King's Bench, Common Pleas, Juftices of Affile, & Ci 5 £sf 6 Ed. 6. c. 18. § 7. 7. -G.-ants of ufual Ecclefiaftical Offices confirmed, 1 if/, c. 4. §36. For other Mfitlers, fee CollltlllfftOlt, C0;t>0?nti0!t, € UttoniS, Cuftos iRotulo?um, (Ejccffe, rlFojefl, ^Ivciann, iiing 40. Maintenance 1, tiff. £>atl;s, fkvliament, iSe= ceifcevs, IRccufants, Cap. flDiec antJ Cetmfnei The Writ of Oier and Terminer of Trefpaffes and Appeals re- trained, St. Weftm. z. 13 Ed. 1. f. 29. 1. Search to be made in London for defective Oils, 3 H. 8. c."i4. 2. Duties on Hempfeed Oil, Rape Oil, and other Seed Oil, and Olive Oil, 2 W. tif M.feff. 2. c. 4. § 9 fcf 41. 3. No Lamps to be ufed in private Houfes but of Fifh Oil, 8 Ann. c. 9. § 18. For other Matters, fee (Gauging 2, 7, tiff. cMljaleS* ^DnllotD, (attfnir, efifc) An Annuity of three thoufand Pounds per dim. out of the Aggre- gate Fund for the natural Lives of Arthur Onflow, Efq; and of his Son Geo ge Onflow, Efq; in Confederation of the long continued and eminent Services of the faid Arthur Onflow, as Speaker of the Hoafe of Commons, 2 Geo. 3. c. 33. ®lW8t.i (Pjfoce of $$ttg&} Naturalized, 7 Geo. 2. r, 4. flDjcljal* To what Duties liable, 4 W, fcf M. <r. 5. § 2. S^cljatos ami <Sat§eng. j .■ Robbing them, 43 El. c. 7. 2. Or deftioying Trees in them, how punifhed, 9 Geo. 1. c. 22. 3. The Hundred anfvverable for the Damages, 9 Geo. 1. r. 22. §7-. GDjWnarj?. Jndiftments againfl Ordinary, &c. for Extortion, to fet forth the Faa, 25 Ed. i.ft.'i. c. 9. F«r cMfr Matters, fee 3N>ininifttato?, 315ifljop, Clergy ^ofpitals 1. £>$fnati0it. 1. Forms of Ordination and Confecration confirmed, SEl.c.i.^. 2. Who qualified to have Priefts or Deacons Orders, 13 El. c. 12. §5- 3'. Perfons in Orders to fubferibe the Articles, 13 El. c. 12. § 1. And take the Oaths, 1 W. & M, feff. 1. r. 8. § 7. 1 Geo. 1. c. 13. 4. Penalty for procuring, giving or taking Orders for Reward, 31 El. c. 6. § 10. 5. None but Priefts are capable of any Benefice or Dignity, or of adminiftring the Sacrament, 13 fcf 14 Car. 2. c. 4. § 14. fityti nance* Letters Patent for making it, not within the 21 7«. 1. 21 Jw. 1. t. 3. § 10. flDiP&antf. SDjiel CoHc#e* flD tttfafojy. A Prebend of Rochefler, how annexed to its Provoflfhip, 12 ^»». ft. 2. f. 6. §7. £>?fo?o H)a^en. Penalty on fetting a Net with a Stall-Boat within the Mouth of Orfard Haven, 27 El. c. 21. £D?motrti (Dude of-) Attainted, 1 Geo. 1. ft. 2. r. 17. O?pljan0. 1. Their rationahili parte faved, Af. C. g H. 3. c. 18. 2. Saving of the Cuftom of London and other Cities, ^y 5 P, tif M c. 8. § 7. 3. Funds appointed for the Relief of the Orphans of London, 5 W. &M.c.o. 21 Geo. 2. c. 29. 4. Duty on Wines imported to London, 5W.&M. c. 10. § 8. 5. Duty on Coals continued, 21 Geo. 2. c. 29. 6. Defendant intitled to Cofts, 21 Geo. 2. c. Z9. § 6. For other Matters, fee ItppjentiCCS 16. CoalS 23. flDufC- See Harbours, Rivers. Duffer le ^ain* When Lands are unduly feifed, the IfTues fhall be reftored, Artier fuper Cartas, 28 Ed. i. c. 19. St. de Efchaetor', 29 Ed. 1. £>tttlalrj$. 1. None to be outlawed but by lawful Judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land, 9 H. 3. c. 29. 2. Procefs of Outlawry not to go againfl: the AccefTary till the Principal be attainted, 3 Ed. i.e. 14. 3. Pardon of Outlawry fhall not be granted until the Defendant have yielded himfelf, 5 Ed. 3. c. 12. 4. Averment fhall be received againft the Return of the Sheriff, that a Perfon outlawed was in Prifon, 5 Ed. 3. c. 13.- 5. Procefs of Outlawry fhall be awarded againfl Receivers of the King's Money, Confpirators, Maintainors of Quarrels, Im- porters of falfe Money, 13 c. 18 Ed. 3. ft. r. 6. Exigend fhall not be awarded in Trefpafs, unlefs it be againft the Peace, 18 Ed. 3. ft. i.e. 5. 7. Shall be awarded in Profecutions on the Statute of Labourers, 2; Ed. 3. ft. . c. 5. 8. In Debt, Detinue and Replevin, 25 Ed. 3. ft. 5. c. 17. Like Procefs in Cafe, 19 H. 7. c. 9. 9. Outlawries in other Counties of Men refiding in the County of Chefter to be certified into the County of Chefter, 1 H. 4. c. 18. 10. The Judges may examine outlawed Perfons unable to travel, and record Attornies to reveife their Outlawries, 7 H. 4. c. 13. 11. What Additions requifite in Procefs of Outlawry, 1 H. 5. c. 5.— On Indictments in B. R. there fhall be two Writs of Capias, containing fix Weeks, before the Exigend, 6 H. 6. c. 1. 1 2. On Indictments and Appeals againft Perfons dwelling in other Counties, there fhall be an Alios capias, containing three Months before Exigend is awarded, 8 H. 6. c. 10 § 2. 10 H. 6. c. 6. 13. No Entry fhall be made that the Plaintiff appeared in Perfon unlefs he actually appear, &c. 10 H. 6. c. 4. 14. The Warrant of Attorney fhall be recorded the fame Term that the Exigend iffues, 18//. 6. e.g. 15. Proclamations fhall be of Exigents awarded againft Perfons dwelling in foreign Counties, 4 H. 8. c. 4. 6 H. 8. c. 4. 16. Outlawry in Action perfonal no Difability againft Plaintiff in Attaint, 23 H. 8. c. 3. § 5. 37. Procefs