Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/411

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pirated . IPlssstic; pilgrims. Shall pafs only at Dover, 9 Ed. $.Jl. i.e. 8. piCljai'Bg* See Fifh and Herrings. piftoW* M-uft be of convenient Strength in every Town, Jk^V. /i/Zoc. 51 H % ft. 6. Ordin.propflr.r.incertitemh. c. 3. Vol I. 186.. /«r other Matters, fee Hlftions popular 6. "Bankrupts 5, y<:. 015?aQctS4. ^jiefs 1. Cheats 1. Confuva= tion, IDeer, ts?r- 10. JFojeftallers o. JFojgerg 3. iFucl 2. 31mt6, ^c. 3. tUtroen 12, Ssff. f2>erjurt> 2. fSjiioi= Icgen places z. S>Ufc zo. gjolm'ers 20. miSualg 14. aaiaj?4. aatetgijts ta. pilotg. 1. Regulations of the Pilots at Dover and Deal, 3 G?o. 1. e. 13. Continued by 4 Geo. 3. c. iz. 2. Lord-Warden, and Cofnmiffioners of Loadmanage, may make Regulations for the Government of the Dover Pilots, 7 Geo. I. c 21. § 14. Continued, 4 Gso. 3. c, iz. 3. For Government of the Pilots of the Trinity Hou/e at Deptford, 5 G«. z. c. zo. Pne Cites. In the Plantations how preferved, 9 ^s«. r. 17, iV orZw Matters, fee jgltOJCS, Ping* t. Dire&ions for the good making of them, 34 & 35 #• 8. c. 6. Repealed, 37//. 8. c. 13. 2. Permitted to be imported, 27 El. c.n. See Linen. Plantations pittances Pipe in Hereford/hire. Its Meadow and Pafture how provided for, 4 Ja. I. c.<xu pfpOtDtlCC* See Fair. pirates. 1. For the Trial of Pirates, 27 H. 8. f. 4. 28 #. 8. r. 15. 11 y 12 W. 3. f. 7. z. Robberies committed by the King's Subjeils under Commif- fions from foreign Princes, declared Piracy, n i£ iz IV. 3. t. 7. § 8. 3. Mutiny of Manners declared Piracy, 11 & 12 W. 3. c. 7. § 9. 4. Encouragement to Commanders and Mariners to defend Ships againft Pirates, 1 1 y iz W. 3. c. 7. § 1 1. r. For the Trial of Pirates in the Plantations, 1 1 £sP 12 ^. 3. f. 7. § 14, 15. 6. Forcibly throwing Goods overboard, made Piracy, 8 &:». 1. c. 24. - _ 7. Perfons committing Hoftilities, or aiding Enemies, at Sea, may be tried as Pirates, 18 Geo. 2. c. 30. 8. Piracies and Robberies or. the Seas excepted out of general Par- don, 20 Geo. 2. c 52. § i 3. iV o^ Matters, fee ^tmiital, iFclDUiCS tDithOUt Clef* gv, ^ercbauts 6. Jimfe Comma, teamen 31, 32, 33. Ships 96, csV. Pftclj anrj Car. - !. Not to be imported but in Englijb Shipping, iz Car. 2. c. 18. §8. Vol. IX. Tab. 2. Nor. from the Netherlands or Germany, 13 y t4 Gz/". z, c. 1 1. § 23. 3. To what Duties liable, 4. IV. & M. c. ;. § 2. 4 Penalty on burning and deilroying Pitch or Tar Trees in the Plantations, 3 y 4 A». f. 10. § 6, 7. 5. Importation of it from the Plantations, and Scotland, into England, encouraged, 3 & 4. Ann. c. 10. 12 Ann. ft. , r. 9. 5 G10. 1. r. 11. § 16, 17, 18. 8 Gm. 1. f. 12. § 4. 2 Geo. 2. ^-35- § 3-' 6. Plantation Pitch and Tar to be clean, 5 Geo. 1. c. u. § 16. 24 G<t<j. 2. r. 5?. § 2. 21; G<?«. z. c 3;. § 3. For other Matters, fee plantations and §&t0&8, pftftta (HE&omag.) His Creditors how relieved, 5 .<&». c. Z3.' ptten*ftReem. A Duty of two Penies Scots upon Ale there, 6 Geo. 1. c. g. PJaBtU'nrrj antJ ftltgrtmt0. See Scotland Arms, and Woollen Manufactures. piaijue. 1 . For the Ordering and Relief of Perfons infecled with the Plague, 1 J a. i.e. 31. z. Infefted Perfons going abroad deemed Felons, 1 Jar. 1. c. 31. § 7. — Regulations for Ships to perform Quarentine, 9 Ann. c. 2. 7 Geo. 1. c. 3. 8 Geo. c. 8. y c. io. I G?o. 2. c. 13. 6 G<?a. 2. C. 34. 3. Penalty on Matter breaking Quarentine, 8 Geo. 1. r. 18. § 14. 27 Geo.' 2. c. 18. § 4. 4. Directions for performing Quarentine and erecling Lazarettos, 26 Geo. 2. f. 6. 29 G?e. z. <r. 8. 5. Perfons difobeying Directions guilty of Felony, 26 Geo. 2. c. 6. § 2, 3, 8, 10, 17, 18. 6. Orders for Quarentine to be read in Churches, z6 Geo. 2. c. 6. § 20. 7. Goods liable to retain Infection, coming from the Levant with- out a clean Bill of Health, not to be landed unlefs aired in a foreign Lazeret, 26 Geo. 2. c. 18. § 12. piatfferers Not to exerclfe the Art of a Painter in London, 1 Ja. 1. c. zo. Plantations 1. Sugar, Tobacco, Cotton- Wool, Indico, Ginger, and dying Wood of the Growth of the Plantations, {hall be exported thence to England only, 12 Car. 2. c. 18. §18. Rice and Me- lafles, 3 y 4 Ann. c. 5. § 12, 2. No European Goods fhall be imported into any Plantation but in Engli/h built Shipping, whereof the Mailer and three fourths of the Mariners are Engl'fh, 15 Car. 2. c. 7. Salt for the Fifheries excepted, ibid. § 7. 3. Goods imported by Land or Sea, to be notified to the Gover- nor, 15 Car. 2. c. 7. § 8. • . 4. Penalty on Officers of the Cuftoms fuffering Plantation Goods to pafs, not being firft unladen, 15 C r. 2. c. 7. § 9. 5. The Duty on Sea Coals fent to the Plantations, 15 Car. 2. c. 7r §.IP- . 6. Plantation Goods not to be carried thence to Ireland, 22 & 23 Car. 2. <•. 26. 7. Penalties on unloading Plantation Goods elfewhere than in Eng- land, 22 y 23 Gvr. 2. <r. 26. § 12. 7 y 8 IV. 3. c. 22. § 8 y .4. 8. Duties on Whale Oil, Blubber, &c. taken by Ships of the Plantations, 25 Car. 2. c. 7. 1 Gfo. i.e. 42. §4. R 9. Duties