Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/430

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ecotlnntC ScotlanD"; Gujtomt, I j. Laws of the Cufloms extended to Scotland, 6 Ann, c. 26. § 17. 2. The Crown may appoint further Ports for the landing of Goods, 6 Ann. c. 26. § 1 8. 3. For a Treaty with the Proprietors of Sugar. houfes, 1 Geo. I. r. 19. § 19. 4. The Privileges of the Sugar-houfes purchafed, 8 Geo, 1, c. 4. §6. See CuftOlttlS. Edinburgh, I. A Duty of two Pennies Scots on Ale, £sV. granted to the Town, continued for 19 Years, 3 G*e. 1. c. 5. 2." The Duties extended, &c. gGeo. i.e. 14. 25 Geo. 2. c. 9. 3. Petty Port Cufloms defcribed, 1 Geo. 2. c. 22. 4. Regulations for improving the City, 26 Geo. 2. f. 36. Equivalent. cNq equivalent Debentures to be Hopped, 3 G?o. 1. c. 14. Evidence. 1. Method of taking Evidence in Writing in Cafes not Capital taken away, 21 Geo. 1. c. 19. § 7. 2. Evidence of Offenders admitted in Trials for Theft of Cattle, zi Geo. 2. c, 34. Exchequer. 1. New Court of Exchequer conftituted, 6 J&*. c. 26. 2. Wbitfmvide and Lammas Terms, when to begin and end, 7 ifos. f. 15. Excife. What Duty {hall be paid on Scotch Two-penny Ale, 8 Ann. c. 7. §3- . Excommunication. 'No Forfeiture incurred by an Excommunication by the Church Judicatories, 10 Ann.c. 7. § 10. Fijbery. 1. Commiffioners to be appointed for applying Part of the Equi- valent for the Improvement of the Fisheries and Manufactures, 1 3 Geo. 1. c. 30. s. Penalty of killing Lobflers on the Coaft of Scotland in Spawning Time, 9 Geo. 2. c. 33. § 4. 3. Encouragement given to Fifhery in Scotland, 29 Geo. 2. c. 23. Forfeited Eftates . t. Heretable Jurifdictions, c3V. forfeited, annexed to the Crown, t I Geo, I. c. 50. § 31. 2. Vefted in the King, 20 Geo. 2, c. 41. .3, Forfeited Eftates in Scotland annexed to the Crown, unalien- ably, 25 Geo. 2. c. 41. 4. The Crown enabled to purchafe Superiorities in Scotland, 25 < Geo. 2. c. 41. § 7. 5. Rents of forfeited Eftates in Scotland to be applied to the im- proving the Highlands, 25 Geo, 2. c. 41, § 14. ,6. Parifhes may be divided in the forfeited Eftates, 25 Geo. 2. , c 41. §25. 7. When Claims on the Earony of Strowoan are to be entered, 26 Geo. 2. c. 29. 8. Court of Seflion to determine Claims of Creditors, 3 1 Geo. 2. <:. 16. 9. Provifions for Relief of VafTals of Eftates annexed to the Crown, 2 Geo. 3. c. 17. Funds. Certain yearly Funds payable in Lieu of Equivalents fettled by Treaty of Union, 5 Geo, 1. c. 20. 23 Geo. 2. c. 21. Game. 1. Penalty of having Game without Leave of qualified Perfon, 24 Geo. 2. c. 34. 2. Seafon for killing Game, 1 Gto. i.e. 21, Habeas Corpus. Perfons having committed any capital Offence in Scotland; may be £em thither for Trial, 31 Car. 2. c. 2. § 16. I Highways, 1, Laws concerning the Highways before the Union, confirmed", 5 G«7. 1. c. 30. 2. Additional Toll on Waggons drawn by four Horfes, 32 Geo. 2„ c. 15. Houfes. Surveyors in Scotland to view Houfes, cifc. 21 G?a. 2. r. 10. cif feauent. 26 G^o, 2, f. 17. jfurifdiilions. The heretable Juiifdictions refumed, 20 Geo. 2. ("043. 21 GV</. 2. f. 19, 28 G«?. 2. r. 7. Jufticiary, 1. Method of exhibiting criminal Informations before the Lords of Jufticiary, 8 ^»». r. 16. § 4. 2. Circuit Courts to be kept but once a Year, 10 Ann. c. 33. 3. Judges indemnified for not performing the Northern Circuit ia May 1746, 19 Geo. 2. c. 39. King. 1. Heirs of Tailzie, tiff, impowered to fell to the Crown, 20 G«. 2, r. 51. 2. The annual Revenues of Scotland continued, 1 Geo. 3. c. 1. §8. Linen. 1. Length and Breadth of S«rf<r£ Linen, cifr. 10 Ann.c. 2t. 2. No Perfon to import bad Lintfeed, 13 G«>. 1. c. 26. 24 G^. 2. r. 31. 3. Stamp Mafter not to ftamp Linen before taking the Oath of Office, 18 Glo. 2. c. 24. 4. Encouragement given to the Manufactures of Linens -in the Highlands, 26 Geo. 2. c. 20. Ma//. ' 1. The Malt-Tax to be deducted out of the Price of Ale, men- tioned in the feventh Article of the Union, 12 Geo. I. c. 4» §62. 2. Perpetual Duty on Malt, 13c. 33 Geo. 2. c. 7. § 1, 14. Cy- der for Diflilling, and for private Ufe, exempt, ibid. § 1 1 & 23, Manuf allures , Offences in feducing Artificers to be tried in Court of Jufticiary or Circuits, 5 Geo. 1, c. 27. § 5. Marriages. The Marriage Aft not to extend to Scotland, 26 Geo. 2. c. 33.- § 18. • Minifers. i. To what Rates Minifters, Heads of Colleges, &c. fhall be fub- jeft, 17 Geo. 1. c. 11. 2. Minifters may chufe to which of the four yearly Rates they will be fubjedr, 22Geo, 2.c. 21. Money. Part of Coinage Duties appropriated to pay Salaries of Officers of the Mints in Scotland, &c. 7 Ann. c. 24. § 3. Nonconformifts. 1. Epifcopal Congregations to be protected, 10 Ann. c, 7. 2. Minifters to pray for the King, &c. 10 Ann. c. 7. § 11. j Geo. I. c. 29. 3. Sheriffs, &c. to inquire of epifcopal Meetings, 19 Geo. 2. ei 38. 21 Geo. 2. e. 34. Oaths. Perfons in Office to take the Oath of Abjuration, c5r. 6 ./&». r, 14. 8 Ann. c. 15. 10 Ann. c, 2. 10 Ann. c. 7. 1 &>». 1. c. 13. 1 G«?. 1. <-. 20. 5 G,?«. 1. c, 29. 19 Gw. 2. f. 39, 20 Gto. 2. <-. 43. 21 G«!. 2. f. 34. Outlawry, Proceedings in Outlawry for Treafon, 22 Geo. 2. c. 48. Papifts. I. The Power of punifhing trafficking Papifts given to the Lords of Jufticiary, 12 Ann, ft, 2. f. 14. § 12, z. The