Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/433

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©ertn'ce ana Sareamentt. ©ea Cotmt. The Grant thereof to the Archbifhoprick of Dublin, made effec- tual, 4 Ann. c, 26. ©cconnatp of tlje Mi$'& Ii3encfj. May have three Clerks, 2 Geo. 2. c. 23. § 16. @)ectmtia fupetotteratiotte. How to be inrolled, and the Tranfcripts thereof fent into the Court of Exchequer, 5/. Weftm. 2. 13 Ed. 1. c. 8. Second jDeli&erance* See Replevin. ®eUg0ttlO2C in Somerfetfiire. Its ancient Water-courfes opened, and new ones made, 10 tif n W. 3. f. 26. @>ee& ©flU See Oil. S>eifuteg- See Cuftoms. Scmtn. To what Duties liable on Importation, 1 Geo. i.Jl. 2. c. 43. § 3. ©equeftuatt'Ott. See Ecclefiaftical Courts. gwjeantg at 3tm£> Limited to thirty, 13 R. 2.J.1, c 6. &efljant& 1. Their Victuals and Apparel regulated, 37 £</. 3. r. 8. 2. Servants that riotoufly take their Mafters Goods at their Death, tofurrender upon Proclamation, 33 H. 6. c. 1. 3. May be committed till they anfwer to the Executors, 53 H. 6. •r. i. § 2 - ' for other Matters, fee JpelOm'eS Urittjin CtCtgt?, 2>/. ^erfcante, Jftre 5. ^labourers. €>etm'ce£. None ftiall diftrain for more than due, M. C. 9 H. 3. r. 10. ©etutce ana g)actament0. 1. The Penalty of depraving the Sacrament of the Altar, 1 Ed.

  • 6. f. I.

2. The blefled Sacrament to be adminillered in both Kinds, 1 Ed. 6.c. 1. §7. - 3. A Repeal of all Acts concerning Religion, 1 Ed. 6. c. 12. §3. 4. For the Uniformity of the Service and Adminiftration of the 'Sacraments, 2 tif 3 £</. 6. c. 1. 5 tif 6 £V. 6. c. 1 . 1 El. c. I. 8 £/. f. 1. § 3. 13 C3* 1 4. Car. z. c. 4. 5. Penalty of reviling the Prayer-Book, tiff. 2^3 JSrf. 6. c. 1. § 2. 6. Where Bifhops may join with Jufiices in determining Offences, 2 tif 3 Ed. 6. c. i. § 4. 7... Prayers may be faid in Greek, Latin, tiff, in Univerfities, 2 tif 3 £</. 6. f. I. § 6. 13 tif 14 Car. 2. f. 4. § 18. 8. Bifhops, tiff, may punilh by Church Cenfures, 2 & 3 Ed. 6. c. 1. §12. 5 b"6 £</_6..c. 1. § 3. 1 £/. r. 2. § 16.. 9. All Perfons to refort to their Pariih Churches, 5^6 Ed. 6. c. I. 10. Penalty of being prefent at other Worfhip, 5^6 Ed. 6. c. 1 . • §6. 11. Such Service (hall be ufedas in the laft Year of King Henry VIII. 1 Mar.Ji. 2.x. 2. ©etoec& 12. The Penalty of difturbing a Preacher or Prieff faying divine Service, or pulling down an Altar, tiff. 1 Mar.Ji, 2. c. 3. £3. Amercement on the Pariih, if Offenders efcape, 1 Mar.Ji 2.. c. 3. § 8. 14. The Penalty of not repairing to Church on Sundays and Half Days, I El. c, 2. § 14. 35 El. e. I. 15. Ordinary may punifh Offences, 1 El. c. 2. § 23. 16. The Bible and divine Service fhall be tranflated into the W'eljh Tongue, 5 El. c. 28. 17. Penalty on Perfons maintaining Dottrine contrary to the Ar- ticles, 1 3 EL c. 12. § 2. 18. All Ecclefiaftical Perfons to read and fubfcribe to the Book of Common Prayer, tiff. 13 tif 14 Car. 2. f. 4. 15 Car. 2. f. 6.- 19. All Perfons in Office to take the Sacrament and the Declaration againflTranfubflantiation, 25 Car. 2. f. 2. 20. Time given to thofe in the Fleet and beyond Sea till three Calendar Months after their Return, 15 Geo. i.e. 29. Four Months, 2 Geo. 2. f. 31. § 5. 21. Six Months given for taking the Sacrament, 16 Geo. z.f. 30. 22. Allowance of Impediments by the Ordinary for not reading the Service, extended to the Certificate of Subfcription, 23 Geo.- 2. f. 28. 23. Reading the Articles to indemnify againil Neglecl in Point of Time, 23 Geo. 2. r. 28. § 2. For other Matters, fee IBtftjOpS, CrjUtClj, C02{)0jatl01t 9. 3!relant> 32. iu'ttg 25, tiff. Jftaturalt'jarion re. j$on^ confo?mitts 9, tiff; £>atbs 36. Ukcufants, lSeIigion s , IRome, 5>totlano, ilmtierftttious m?oofes T JKtaUs* ©ertifto? iBfilsC His Fees, and how punifhed for taking more than allowed, 2 H, 4. f. 23. @>eftiOlt£ Of t&e Pea CC See Juftiees of Peaee s . Middlefex, Scotland* Settlement of tljc Poo?, See Poor. ©cuen--£>afte. Wool Key how veiled in Truftees for the King, fubjeft to an Agreement concerning the Free School in Seven-Oaie,, & Geo. I. c. 31. ©etietlt* See Fiflv Rivers,. €>etoerg. 1. Commiflions of Sewers fhall be awarded by the Chancellor, S> H. 6. f. 5.. 18 H. 6. f. 10. 23 H. 6. f. 8. 12 Ed. 4,.^. 6„. 4 r/. 7. f. 1. 6 W. 8. r. 10. 12 Car. 2. f. 6. 2. Power given to the Commiffioners to execute their Ordinances,. SH.6.c. 3. 3. The Authority, tiff, of Commiffioners of Sewers, 23 H..?.. c. 5. 4. The Commiffioners ftiall be refident in the County, 25 H..8,- ■ c. 10. 5. The Power of taxing the King's Lands, 3 tif 4 Ed. 6.-c. 8. 6. The Commiffioners in Glantorganjbire have Power to prevent Damage by Sand arifing from the Sen, 1 Mar. Ji. 3. c. 11. 7. Directions for the Commiflions of Sewers and the Execution- of them, 13 El. c. g. 8. Fines to be eflreated yearly, 13 El. e.g. § 6.. 9. Under what Penalties, 3 Geo. 1. f. 1 5. § 12. 10. Water-courfes within two Miles of London, falling into the Thames, fhall be-fubjectto theCommiffion of Sewers, 3 Ja. l . f. 14. 2 IV. tif M.Ji. 2. f. 8. § 14. 11. For draining of Sedgemore, 10 tif 11 JF. 3.-f.-26. ia.- The