Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/438

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©into it w. %M ©fitter anli ©flftcr (HBfre. See Gold, Money, Thread and Wire. ©imonp- 1. Prefentations, cjV. made for Reward fliall be void, and the Crown dial I have the Turn, 31 EL c. 6. § j. 2. Simoniacal Admifiions, c5V. fliall be void, and the Patron (hall prefent, 31 £/. f. 6. § 6. 3. The Penalty of fimoniacal Exchanges, 31 EL c. 6. § 8. 4. Of fimoniacal procuring of Licences to preach, 31 EL c. 6. § 10. 5. Simony of a Clerk (hall not after his Death affect the Prefen- tation of an innocent Patron, 1 W. cif M. c. 16. 6. Leafes made bona fide not void, I W. cif M. <r. 16. § 3. 7. Prefentment upon a Purchafe of the next Avoidance, fimoniacal, 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. iz. § 2. P. Simony excepted out of general Pardon, 20 Geo. 2. f. 52. § 37- For other Matters, fee ilnibCVCtiCS. ©lltMttjy JFuntJ. See Annuities, Bank, Funds, Salt, South Sea Company. gfeerrf ess (Iffanfc o? Eocfc.) The Patent granted to William Trench, Efq; for a Light-Houfe there confirmed, 3 G^«. 2. c. 36. 1. None (hall take the Wool from any Sheep SJdn or Lamb Skin, unlefs he make Leather or Parchment of it, &c. 5 EL c. 22. § 1. 2. None (hall buy Skins but to make Leather or Parchment, cifc. 5 El. c. *2Z. § 1. 3. Exportation of Skins and Leather prohibited, 5 £/. c. 22. § 2. 4. of Sheep Skins tawed permitted, 8 EL c. 14. 5. None but Artizin Skinners fliall drefs or export Black Coney Skins, 3 Ja. I. e.g. 6. Merchants (hall not buy Coney Skins or Morkins in fmall Quantities, 3 Ja. 1. c. 9. 7. Duty on Skins imported, gAnn. c, 1 1. § 1. 8.. Drawback of two Thirds on Exportation, 9 Ann. c. 11. § 39. 9. Additional Duty on Skins imported, 10 ^n». c. 26. § 1. 10. Drawback on Exporter's Oath that Hides are marked, to Jinn. c. 26. § ^. For other Mutters, fee %ttitolK j^fefttg, 515tttCl)CrS, JLeatbct, ©lailtset. See Cofts, Falfe News. ©mUfffflittff. See Cuftoms. €>ita&e--K0Ot. See Drugs, smiff. 1". The Penalties of adulterating Tobacco, extended to Snuff, 5 Geo. 1. c. 1 1. § 22. 2. The Duties on Snuff afcertained, 12 Geo. 1. r. 26. 3. Drawback on Exportation, 1 2 GV». 1. f. 26. § 5. For e/for Matters, fee ^ObaCCO, @>0iSp. See Sope. ©ocage* Services incident to its Tenure not taken away by 12 Car. 2. J 2 Car. 2. f. 24. § 5. For other Matters, fee ^CCOUttt, &c, 4Eritattf dtl. Snuff. ©oWerfc ©Otiomp- See Buggery. @oltu'ef0- . Not to be conveyed at the Charge of the Counties, withou 1 Wages, 1 Ed. 3V ft.. 2. c. 7. 18 Ed. 3. ft. 2. c. 7. 4 H. 4- c. 13.

. Allowances granted to the Soldiers that had ferved King Hen-

ry V. 1 H. 6. c. 5 . |. Where a Soldier beyond the Sea is outlawed, if his Captain is dead, the Certificate of his Executors or Adminiftrators (hall be received, z H. 6. c. 9. [. A Captain (hall not abate of his Soldiers Wages, which he hath received, 18 H. 6. c. 18. 7 H. 7. r. 1. 3 H. 8. c. 5. z cif 3 Ed. 6. c. 2.

, Soldiers deferting within their Term to be puniflied as Felons,

lSH.6.c.ig. 7 H. 7 .c.i. 3 H. 8. <:. 5. z & 3 &/. 6. r. 2. § 6. 5. Privileges granted to the King's Tenants, that (hall go with him to his Wars, 14 Ed. 4. c. 1. 4 H. 7. r. 4. 7 H. 7. f„ 2, 3. 3 //. 8. r. 4. 14 cif ie #. 8. r. 14. 7. The Penalty of a Soldier making away his Horfe or Harnefs, 2 cif 3 Ed. 6. c. 2. § 3. 8. The Penalty of difcharginga Soldier or detaining his Wages, 4 & 5 P. cif M, c. 3. § 4. 9. Milbehaviour of Officers and Soldiers to be puniflied by the Commander, 4 cif 5 P. cif M. c 3. § 6. 10. EachParilh to be taxed for relief of fick and hurt Soldiers and Mariners, 35 El. c. 4. 39 EL c. 17. <-. 21. 43 El. c. 3, 1 1 . Wandring Soldiers and Mariners to fettle themfelves to Work, or be deemed Felons without Benefit of Clergy, 39 El. c. 17. 12. Soldiers enabled to exercife Trades, 12 Car. z. c. 16. is Ann. ft, 1. c. 13. 22 Geo. z. c. 44. 3 Geo. 3. c. 8. 13. So as not to prejudice Rights of Univerfities, izAnn.ft. 1. c. 13. §9. 22 Geo. 2. r. 44. § z. 14. Executors of Colonels, &c. to pay Soldiers preferably, 12 Ann. ft. 1. r. 13. § 7. 15. Relief for loyal Officers and Soldiers, 13 fcs" 14 Car. z. f. 8, 9. 15 Car. 2. c. 3. 1 6. Soldiers not to be quartered on the Subject without Confent, 31 Car. 2. c. l. § 54. 17. Acts for punifliing Mutiny, &e. 1 Ann. ft. 2. c, 16. 2 cif 3 /inn. c. 20. 3 cif Ann, c. 16. 18. For recruiting the Arm.y, 2 cif 3 Ann. c. 19. 3 cif 4 ^«». r . 1 p. 4 .<?»». c. 10. Z9 G*o. z. c. 4. 30 Gfff. 2. c. 8. 30 Gfo. 2. c. 13. 19. Lifting Soldiers for foreign Service prohibited, 12 y&». _/?. z. r. 1 1. Made Felony without Clergy, 9 G<?u. z. r. 30. 20. Seducing Soldiers to defert prohibited on Pain of Pillory, is'c. I Geo. I. r. 47. 3 Geo. l, c.2. §50. zi, PuniQiment of Papifts inlifting, 1 Geo. 1. c. 47. § 3. 22. Offences agairrft Mutiny Acts excepted out of general Par- don, 20 Geo, 2. c. 52. § 15. 23. Foreign Proteilants may ferve as Officers or Engineers in America, to the Number of 50 Officers, and 20 Engineers, zq Geo. 2. r. 5. 24. For recruiting the Army in America, 29 Geo. 2. c. 3$. 25. Foreign Troops brought over for the Defence of Great Bri- tain, in 1757, to be quartered as Britijh, 30 Geo. 2. c. 2. 26. Men impreffed according to the Act not to be taken out of the Service, but for fome criminal Matter, 30 Geo. 2. c. 8. § 20. 27. Marines not liable to Arrefts but for Crimes, or Debts of the the Value of 10/. 4 Geo. 3. c. 8. § 37. 28. Soldiers not liable to Arrefts but for Crimes, or Debts of the Value of 10/. 4 Geo. 3. c. 3. § 64. 29. Carriages for Soldiers in their Marches how to be provided, and at what Rates, and what Weight to carry, 4 Geo. 3. c. 3. § 39. 4°> 43- 44- 'l ' , , 30. Conitatyfls