Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/444

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stamps- Jn Equity And Copy thereof- And And 3Dcpofitt01tS taken in the Court of Equity by Com- miffion pav And 1.

o o o o d. I 1 I I ! Depofitions in Chancery (except J Paper Draughts^ taken by Com- ' million before en grofled)

W, Is M. ft 21. § 3.

9 y 10 IV. 3, c. 25. § 38, 5 W. & M.c. 21. § 3. 9 & 10 W. 3. c. 25. § 39. 32 Geo. 2. c. 35. § 8. SW.&M. ft 21. § 3. 1 o 9 y 10 2T. 3. ft 25. § 26. Copies of Depofi- tions, and Depo- fitions not taken by Commiffion, pay And And s 3 2 Geo. 35. §8. o rjr.yi.f. 21. §3. Depofitions in the ^Ecclefiaftical, Ad-/ miralty.orCinqueV, Port Courts, and/' Copies thereof, V pay J And 3D ice per Pair pay — And : O o 9 y to W. 3. ft 32 Geo. 2. e. 35, 2 J. § 40. §8. o o 6 5 ^i 5sf M. r. 21. § 3* iDifau'fltOU, See the Duties on Decrees. gW 10 ^ 3. ft 25 9 As. e. 23. § 39. 29 Geo. 2.1.13.$ ' § 36. SDif{Jcnfatfon from the ArchbifiVp, or Mailer of the Faculties, pays And 1 /. s. d. o 5 W. y M. c. 21. § 3. And- . e. 25. § 8. e.g. § 21. .-. 2 o o 9 y 1 o W. 3 200 12 2. SDouatiOlX. See Duties on Prefentation. SDjalBbacfe. See the Duties on Certificate. € ccicaaflical Courts, 3lnfttuments arm $>?oceet>mgs, the Duties on the feveral Inftruments. QtXsXKt Of HftfOttS. See the Duties on Aftions. <BntV)> Of fflSn'tS Of ©rroj. See the Duties on Writs. <ffi£cms>lfficattatt!3 Of betters |5atcnt, See the Duties on See stamps?. Grant of any Sum exceeding 100/.. under the GreatV or Privy Seal, not/ directed to theV Great Seal — And— /. /. ft % 2 o o 5 W. y M, (. 2 1 . § 3. 200 9cjf to W. 3. f. 25. §4. 200 12, 2. ft 9. § 21. 2 o o 5 W. y M. c. 21. § 3. pcif 10 JF., 2. ft 9 ft 25. § 5. §2J. Every fuch Grant } under .the Great C Seal o( Scotland J And Grant of Of-' fice or Employ- ment above 50/ per Ann. And And every fuch. Grant in Great Britain, pays Grant under the" Great, Exchequer, Dutchy, County Palatine, or Privy Seal, of Lands in Fee, or for Years, or other Grants of Profits not parti- cularly charged And ■ habeas COJPWS, See the Duties on Writs, 3lnt>enUH , e0» See the Duties on Deeds and Apprentices, '/. s. d. 3BtlttitUtion pays — 050 And 050 And' — .— - — — 050 o 5 W. & M. c. 21. §3. 2 o o 9 y 10 W. 3. c. 25. § 6, } Inftitution, or Li- cence by the Pref- byters in Sco'land 31ntertrogatojies in Equity —J And Copy And And 5 PV.& M. ft 9 y 10 W. 3. 12 Ann.Ji. 2. c. 9. § 21 21. § 3. e, 25. § 14. Grants. /. €?e»npltScattoit ~i under Seal of any > o 5 - Court, pays J And. o 5 < ^Fine, See the Duties on Writs. <©?atttSby the King") under the Great Seal, or the Seal of the Dutchy or County Palatine of Lancafier, of '. any Honour, Dig- • nity, Promotion, Franchife, or Pri- vilege, and Ex- emplifications thereof, pay J And — 2 o And 2 © 5 r.yEf.2i. §3. ' g& 10 W. 3. c, 2. § 12. o 5 W. y M.c, 21. §3. o 9 L'S to W. 3. e, 25. % 2. o 12, 2.-ft 9. § 21, 3HntlCntO?1? exhibit- T ed in Ecclefiafti- / cal, Admiralty, > or Cinque Port Courts, -———J And Copy thereof - And 3lut>gmentfignedinp any Court at Wefi-*> winfier, pays — J And- 5 o 12, 2. e.g. § 21. 1 o 5 W. y M. c. 21. § 3. 109 10 y ?#'. 3.C 25. § 26. o 1 ;)f.S£t, 21. § 3. o 1 9 y to /^. 3. c. 25. § 40. o 1 32 Geo. 2. ft 35. § 8. 0065 W. fcfl. r. 21. § 3. y 10 w. 9 y 10 w. 3. 5 ^. y M. <-, ft 2;. § 36. 21- §3- ft 25. § 36. 21. § 3. 2 6 9 y 10 JT. 3. r, 2;. § 22. §3- 21. §3. f. 25. § 33- §2. 3t. &alettt>ar. See tire Duties on Almanacks. JUtrt'ttg 115x11 ■ o o 4 g Ann. f. 23. latitat _ o o 6 $w.& M. c. And. o o 6 g&ioW.i,, And 006 12 G«. 1. ft ILeafe. See the Duties on Deeds. ^Letters patent, JLcttevs of ^ttojnc^ ant) atomfniftratton. See the Duties on Briefs, Counties Palatine, Grants, Admini- ftration and Attorneys. r. d. 5 ° 5 ° 5 o I. attttcre of i^avt — o And ■ o And —- ■ o 5 w. y m. g& oW. 1 2 Ann, fi. ft 21. § 3. .. ft 25. § 18. 2. ft 9. § 21 &i6el