Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/447

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s>tampd. But is exempt from further Duties, 9 iff o PV, 3. e. 25, § 51, 55. 12 G?ff. 1. <". 33. r Writ of Error And

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o o 5 TV. iff M. c. zi. § 3. g& 10 #■'. 3. c. 25. § 15. Every other Writ" original, (except fuch on which a Capias iffues) Si;£- pcena, Bill of MrV- dlefex, Latitat, Ca- pias, Shio minus, )• O O 6 5 W, & M. c. 21. § 3. Dedimus Potefta- tan, and every other Writ, Pro- cefs or Mandate of Courts holding Plea of 4 cm. pay . And 1 — And And 9 y 1 o w. 3 . <-, iz G«». 1. c. 33. 9 Gfo. 2. c 32. 32 G<?<?. 2. <■. 35, 2 5- §2 § 3' 1 §7- Writs of Covenant, Writs of Entry, and Writs oi Habeas Cor- pus excepted, 32 Geo. 2. c. 25. § 7. (B) Claufes concerning the Officers for the Management of the Stamp Duties. Such Officers, how to be'fworn, 5 W. iff M. c. 21. § 12. 9 iff jo TV. 3. <-. 25. § 60, 61. 8 Ann. c. 9. §. 42. 9 Ann. c. 23. §29. 10 Ann. c. ig. § io'6, 122. tft, 26. § 7.J. 2. c. 9. § 26. 12 GVo. I. c, 33. §,g. ' And how to account, 5 W. iff M. c.zi. § 24. What Commiflioners are to levy the Duties granted by the feveral Statutes, 5 W. iff M. c. 21. § 7. 9 y 10 W. 3. c. 25. § 48. 9 /£»». r. 23. § 48. 10 Ann. c. 19. § 103, 124. iff c. 26. § 77. 2. c. 9. § 23, 29. 12 Gm. I. c. 33. § 4, 30 G<w. 2. f. 19. § 16, 17. And how to obey the Orders of the Treafury, ; TV. iff M. c. 21. §13. yiff 10PV. 3. f. 25. § 62. ■ 8 ^w. r. 9. § 44. i) Ann: c. 23. § 30. 10 y/»r. r. ig. § 170. 30 Gio. 2. c. 19. § 24. And where to keep their Head Office, 10 Ann. c. ig. § i8t. How punifhable for mifapplying or detaining the Monies in their Hands, 9 Ann. c. 21. § 1 1. iff c. 23. § 48. 30 Geo. 2. c. 19. § 25- And how to furnifh all Parts of the Kingdom with Ramped Vel- lum, Uc. 5 w. iff m. c. 21; § 13. 9 y jo Jr. 3. c 25. § 62. 9 jtf»». r. 23. § 35. 10 Ann. c. ig. §116. 30 G«. 2. f. 19. § 20. And how to mark the Price ftt by the Treafury on flamped Vel- lum, iffc. 6 iff 7 TV. 3. c. 12. § g. 9 iff 10 J/V3. r. 23. § 68. 9 ///z/7. c 23. § 36. 10 Ann. c. ivy. § 117. And to damp Vellum, iffc. withoutFee on Payment of the Duties, 5 W iff M: C. 2J. § 9. 9 y lO TV. 3. c. 23.' 59. And what Allowance to make for prompt Payment, 6 iff 7 IV, 3. <-. 12. §9. 1 Ann. ft. 2. c. 22., § 7. 9 A'». c 23. § 36. 10 y/sn. r. 19. § 117. 12 Ann. ft. 2. <". g. § 27. iz GiU. 1. f. 33- § 6 - Judges to make Orders at the Requeft of the Commiflioners for the better fecuring the Duties, 5 TV. iff M, c. 21. § 12. qiff 10 TV. 3. c. 25. § 60. ... Such Csmimiffioners with a-Comptroller continued for ever, 9 iff 10 TV. 3. c. 44. § 43. g drrn. c' 21. § 12. Infpeclors in- Courts and Ofiicej, .5 W. iff M. c. 21. § 12. 9 iff . io-W, 3. (", 25. § 60. And other inferior Officers to be appointed by the Commiflioners, 5 TV. iff M. c. 21. § 7. 9 y 10 F. 3. f. 25. § 4P. 8 ^hk. <■• 9. §33. ■ j - - - Stamps. Penalties on Perfons hindring fuch Infpectors from infpecting Books which may difcover Frauds, 9 Ann. c. 23. § 28. And on Collectors detaining and mifapplying Monies in their Hands, 9 iff 10 IV. 3. c. 44. § 4;. 9 A™, c. zi . § 14. And on Commiflioners not duly paying Monies into the Exche- quer, 9 iff 10 TV, 3. c. 44. § 42. And on Officers ftamping Vellum, iffc. before the Duty is paid, 5 PKiffM C. 2!. §:o. Salaries of the Officers how to be paid out of the Duties, 5 TV. iff M. c. 21. § 22. 9 iff 10 W. 3. c. 23. §66. 8 -4ns. c. 9. § 33. 12 Gto. 1. r. 33. § 5. (C) General Claufes relating to and inforcing tie Payment ef Stamp Duties. Stamps how to be provided and altered from Time to Time, 5 TV. ■ iff M. c. 21 . § 7. 8 Ann. c. 9. § ^6. Suits of Paupers excepted from Duties, 5 IV. iff M. c. 21. § 14. 1 2 Gto. 1 . a 3 3 . § ; , Probate of Wills of Seamen and Soldiers excepted, ; TV. iff M. c. 11 . § 6. And the Alteration how to be proclaimed, c; iff 6 TV. iff M. c.2. § 7. 9 iff 10 TV. 3. c. 25. § 67. g Ann. c. 23. § 33. 10 Ann. c. 19. § 1 10. And the Proclamation judicially taken Notice of by the Judges, 10 Ann. c. 19. § 180. Vellum, iffc. how to be marked with fuch Stamps, 5 TV. iff M. c. 21. § 9. g iff 10 IV. 3. c. 25. § 4g. 8 Ann. c. 9. § 36. 9 Ann. c. 23. § 25. And how on the Alteration of the Stamp, the Parties that have Vellum, iffc. marked with the old Stamp, are to be fupplied with Vellum, iffc. ftamped with a new Stamp, without Fee, 5 TV. iff M. c. 21. § 16. 9 iff 10 TV. 3. c. 23. § 6;. 9 A n. c. 23. § 32. 10 Ann. c. 19. § 109. 1 2 Geo. I. c. 33. § 8. Inftruments written on Paper not duly ftamped, fhail be of no Avail in Law till flamped, and the Penalty and Duties paid, 5 PV. iff M. c. 21. § 11. 9 iff 10 TV. 3. c 25. § 50. 9 Ann. c. 23. § 27. 10 Ann. c. 19. § 105. iff c. 26. § 71. 12 Ann. . ft. 2. c. 9. § 25. 12 Geo. 1. <r. 33. § 8. Inftruments and Writings, charged with Stamp Duties, fhall be writas ufual, 5 TV. iff M. c. 21. § 15. 9 iff 10 TV. 3. <-. 2;. § 6-4. Several Matters charged fevcrally by 12 Ann. written on one Piece of Paper, iffc . fhall be charged feverally, 1 2 Ann ft. 2. c. 0. § 24. Penalties on Perfons writing Inftruments on Paper, iffc. not ftamped, ; PV. iff M. c. 2 1 . § 1 1 . 6 y 7 W. 3. c 1 2. § 7, 8. 9 iff 10 ^. 3. f. 25. § 39. 9 ^»». c. 23. § 27. 10 Am. c. 26. § 1 1. ■ I 2 Ann. ft. 2. c. c. § 25. iz Geo. I. r. 33. § 8, Or writing a new Inftrument, iffc. on Stamp Paper, yr. where- on a former was before written, or tearing off a Mark from one Wiiting with an Intent to ufe it on another, 1 Ann. ft. 2, c. 22. § 2. Or on putting fome Part of. the Writing charged with Stamp Du- ties either on, or as near the Stamps as may be, I Ann, ft. 2. c. 22. § ;. : And on Officers neglecting to enter or file Actions, Plaints, Bails, Appearances, Admiffions, or other Pioceedings, 1 Ann. ft. 2. c. 22. § I, 3. 5 Ann. c. ic. § 29. Penalty of 5 /. for felling unftamped Cards or Dice, or ufir?g them in a Gaming-houfe, 10 Ann. c. 19. § 162. Penalty on defacing the Stamp en Cards, and new fpotting Dice, 6 Geo. 1 . c . z 1 . § 5 ; . Penalty on not making out Ale Licences duly ftamped, 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. § 56. 29 Geo. z. c. 12. Penalties in the Stamp Acts to relate to fubfequent Duties, 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. § 56. The Day of fuing out a Writ fhall be indorfed on the Warrant, 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. § 54. Penalty