Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/454

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g. The Duty upon Tin and Pewter leffened, fi cif 9 W. j. e. 34. /> c//fr Af««f«, y« oi&jalicrs, Coals 53. Cuftoms, ^iues, Stannaries, 1. Writs of Scire facias for Reftitution of Tithes, fliall not be granted, 1 8 Ed. 3, y?. 3 • r. 7- 2. Prohibition to be granted on a Suit for ftlva caedaa, 45 Ed, 3. c 3. 3. Obb'gations made by Durefs, not to fue for Tithes, void, 1 R. 2 r, 13, » 4. Farmers of Lands of Aliens (hall pay their_Tithes to thePar- fons and Vicars of the Parifhes, notwithftanding that the Lands are feifed into the King's Hands, 5 H. 4. c. 1 1. 5. The purchafing Bulls to difcharge the Payment of Tithes pro- hibited, 7 H. 4. c. 6. 6. Tithes (hall be paid according to Cuflom, and the Ordinary (hall compel Payment, 27 H. 8. c. 20. 32 //. 8. c. 7. 7. For Payment of Tithes in London, 27 H. 8. r. 21. 37 H. 8. <-. !2. :B?3 fa 1 . 6. c 13. § 12. 8. Abbey Lands to continue difcharged of Tithes as before 31 H. 8. c. 13. § 21. 0. Tithes may be conveyed, Ifc. as Lay Fee, 32 H. 8. c. 7. § 7. jc. Where Appellant to pay Coils, 32 H. 8. c. 7. § 3. 11. The Penalty of double Value for not fetting forth, life, to be recovered in the Ecclefiaftical Court, 2 y 3 W. 6. c. 13. 12. Tithe of Agirtment where the Parifh is not known, to be paid where the Owner dwells, 2 cif 3 Ed. 6. c. 1 3. .§ 3. 13. Barren Ground improved to pay Ti.he after feven Years, 2 Cif 3 .27. 6. 0. 13. § ;. 14. For Payment of perfonal Tithes, 2 £if 3 E</. 6. c 13. § 7. 15. For Tithe Fi(h, 2 cif 3 J5V. 6. c. 13. § 11. 16. In Suits for Tithes no Prohibition to be granted till a Copy of the Libel be delivered to the Judges with the Suggeftion, 2 , cif 3 Eel. 6. c. 13. § 14. V. This Act not to give Ecclefiaftical Jurifdiftion contrary to ' former Statutes, 2 cif 3 Ed. 6. c. 1 3. § 1 ;. jR. No Tithes of Marriage Goods in Wales, 2 cif 3 £*•/. 6. <-. 13.- § 16. ,./ ., 10. Certain Sums in London in Lieu of Tithes, 22 cif 23 Car. 2. f. 15.. 20. Tithe of Henip and Flax afcertained, 3 W. cif A/, r. 3. 11 & *2 W. 3. c. 16. 1 Geo. i._/?. 2. r. 26. § 2. •2 1 . Juftices of Peace impowered to give Remedy for fmall Tithes, .' 7 {if 8 W. 3; e. 6. - • v ?2. Defendant inditing on Modus to give Security for Coftj, 7 cif & IV. 3. f. 6. § 8. 23. Where Colls againft Comp'ainant, 7 cif 8 JT. 3. r. 6. § 12. 24. Regulation of the impropriate Tithes of St. Bride's, London, 4 A.m. c. 27. For ot'-er Matters, fee Account, Ciff. 9. Certiorari 17- Cofta 20. ecclefiaftical Courts, life 31ttm'caWt £^atioer 3. SItpio naileries, jftonconfojinifts 10. ^£>?o= l)ibittori3 > 4, c^fr. £l,ua&crs 8. 5ftacation, SMcars 13. Pinion. 3. CftljinpL Shall be kept intire, Mi C. 9 H. 3-. r. 35.. €ltf)Ut!J SPfttt; See Conftable. CltlCjS Plttcntttl. See Maintenance. Cltle tO tljE CtGfolU See King. Ctetcm in Defcon- For rebuilding the Town, 5 Geo, 2. c. 1 j,. For other Matte's, fee Ct«tC.hes» Ec'oaceo, ^Tolnicc0. 1. Not to be planted in England or Ireland, ci>V. 12 Car. 2, e, 34. 15 Car. 2. f. 7, § 18. 22 cif 23 Car. 2. r. 26. 5 G««. I. c. 1 1. § 19. 2. A Duty of 3 </. per Poun3 upon Tobacco, 1 J a. 2. r. 4. 3. This Duty made perpetual, and part of the South-Sea Fund, by 9 Ann. c . 2 1 . 4. Security to be given on importing Tobacco, 7 lit 8 W. 3. c. 10. § 5. 5. Three Months Time given for paying the Subfidy on Planta- tion Tobacco, 9 cif 10 W. 3. c, 23. % 10. 6. Tobacco to be imported in Cafk or Cheft only, 10 cif 1 1 W. 3. r. 21. § 29. 7. Nine Months Time given for paying the one third Subfidy on Tobacco, 2 cif 3 Ann, e. 9. § 1 1. 8. European Tobacco or of foreign Plantations not to be fold on board Ships of War, 6 Ann. c. 22. § 12. 9. Precautions concerning the Drawback on Tobacco exported to Ireland, 8 Ann. c, 13. § 18. Two per Cent, allowed for Wafte, 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. § 48. 10. No Debenture or Drawback for Ships under 20 Tons, % Ann. c. 13. § 20. 1 1 . Allowances made out of the Duties on Tobacco, 1 2 yfo«. Jl. 2. 0. 8. 5 Geo. 1. f. 7. 9 G*«. 1. c. 21. § 3, 12. 12. The adulterating Tobacco and Snuff prohibited, 1 Geo.'i. c. 46. 5 Geo. 1 . r. 1 1 . § 22. 13. Penalty of Perfons exporting or endeavouring to obtain a Drawback for the fame, 1 Geo. 1. c. 46. § 2. 14. Allowance for Wade in exporting to Ireland, 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. §48. 15. Penalty on landing Tobacco in Ireland, that is entered for other foreign Parts, 6 Geo. 1. f. 21; § 49. 16. Condemned Tobacco to be fold or burnt, 12 G.o. 1. r. 28. § 10. 17. Importation of Tobacco Stalks prohibited, 12 Geo. I. c. 28. 18. Repeal of a Prohibition of importing Tobacco dripped, 2 Geo. 2. r. 9. 19. Allowance and Drawback upon Tobacco out of the laft Sub- fidy, 21 Geo. 2. c. 2. § 5. 20. Importers of Tobacco to bring a Manifeft from the Officer of the Cufloms in the Plantations, 24 Geo. 2. c. 41. 21. Regulations for removing Tobacco by Land, 24 Go. 2. c. 41. § 9. 26 Geo. 2. c. 13. 2:. Regulations for carrying Tobacco Coaftwife, 24 Geo. 2. e.^i. § 1 3* 23. No Tobacco to be exported unlefs in Veffels of 70 Tons, 24 Geo. 2. c, 41. § 25. 24. lntereft to be paid on Tobacco Bonds from the Day in the Condition to tire Date of the Searcher's Certificate, 24 Geo. 2. c.41. §29. 25. An Extent may be iffued on a Tobacco Bond, before it is due, 54 Geo 2. c. 41. § 30. 26. Tobacco removed without Certificate may be feized, 26 Geo. 2. r. 13. § 2. 27. C/flKrf' John/on relieved from his Bond' for fecuring Duties on Tobacco, 30 Geo. 2. c, 26. § 18. for other Matters, f.e CllftoillS, plantations I, &c. .g&mjirV 'Cabnceo-pipe Clap. Not to be exported, 13 cif 14 Car. 2. ^ 18,. § 8.. 6Geo. 1. c.zi. § J 2 - COIetatfCIt Of jDifTcnta'S. See Non-con- formifts. Cells