Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/55

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A.D. 1762.
Anno tertio Georgii III.
C. 9.

riner, Soldier or Marine respectively,and be paid Double Costs of suit. Double Costs of Suit, to be recovered as any other Costs at and be Paid Double Common Law may be recovered ; and all Judges and Jurors, before whom any such Suit, Information or Indictment shall be brought, and all other Persons whatsoever, are to take Notice of this present Act, and shall conform themselves thereto ; any Statute, Law, Ordinance, Custom or Provision to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.

Where any two Justices for the County or Place where they shall so set up, shall summon them to give Evidence as to the Place of their last legal Settlement, they shall make Oath accordingly ; an attested Copy whereof shall be given them, which shall be admitted as Evidence at the Quarter Sessions; II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for any Where any two Justices two or more Justices of the Peace for the County, Town or Place, where any such Officer, Mariner, Soldier or Marine shall set up and exercise any Trade as aforesaid, to cause such Officer, Mariner, Soldier or Marine, to be summoned before them in the Town or Place where such Officer, Mariner, Soldier or Marine shall set up and exercise such Trade as aforesaid, in order to make Oath of the Place of his last legal Settlement (which Oath the said Justices are hereby impowered to administer) and such Officer, Mariner, Soldier or Marine are hereby directed to obey such Summons, make Oath accordingly ; and to make Oath accordingly; and such Justices are hereby required to give an attested Copy of such Affidavit so made before them, to the Person making the same, in order that he may produce it when required ; which attested Copy shall at any Time be admitted as Evidence as to such last legal Settlement, before any of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace at any General or Quarter-Sessions of the Peace.

and if summoned again they shall not be obliged to take a fresh Oath, but produce the forme, or leave Copy thereof.Provided always, That in cafe any such Officer, Mariner, Soldier or Marine shall again be summoned to make Oath as aforesaid, then on such attested Copy of the Oath by him formerly taken being produced by him or by any other Person on his Behalf, such Officer, Mariner, Soldier or Marine, shall not be obliged to take any other or further Oath with regard to his legal Settlement, but shall leave a Copy of such attested Copy of his Examination, if required.

Privliges of the two Universities reservedIV. Provided always, That this Act shall not in any wise be prejudicial to the Privileges of the Privileges of the two Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, or either of them : or extend to give Liberty to any Person to set up the Trade of a Vintner, or to sell any Wine or other Liquors within the said Universities, without Licence first had and obtained from the Vice Chancellor of the same respectively.}}

An Act for granting Annuities to satisfy certain Navy, Victualling and Transport Bills, and Ordnance Debentures, and for charging the Payment of such Annuities on the Sinking Fund ; and making good the same to the said Fund, in Manner therein mentioned.

Preamble Most Gracious Sovereign,
E your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled, have taken into our serious Consideration, that notwithstanding the great Supplies which have been granted for carrying on the War, several Debts and Deficiencies remain unprovided for, particularly upon account of Bills payable in course of the Navy and Victualling Offices, and for Transports, made out on or before the thirty-first Day of December one thousand seven hundred and sixty-two, to the Amount of three millions seventy-five thousand three hundred and sixteen Pounds and three Pence ; and upon account of Debentures payable out of the Office of Ordnance, which were dated on or before the said thirty-first Day of December one thousand seven hundred and sixty-two, amounting to five hundred ninety-five thousand four hundred and twenty-three Pounds two Shillings and five Pence : And your Majesty's faithful Commons being fully sensible how highly it concerns the Honour of your Majesty's Government, and the publick Credit of this Kingdom, that the earliest possible Provision should be made for discharging those Debts, and supplying those Deficiencies which have been contracted and incurred in the Prosecution of the late hazardous and expensive, but no less glorious and successful War, have resolved, in order to make Provision for satisfying all such Bills and Debentures, to give and grant unto your Majesty such Supply as is herein after mentioned, for paying (in lieu of all other interest) an Interest or Annuity after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, by half-yearly Payments, to commence from the twenty-fifth Day of March one thousand seven

hundred and sixty-three, for and in respect of the Sums payable on the said Navy, Victualling and Transport Bills, and the Interest thereupon, and also for the Sums payable on the said Debentures, until such Annuities shall be redeemed and paid off, in Manner herein after mentioned ; And do therefore most humbly beseech your Majesty that it may be enacted ; And be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same,Anuities granted by this Act That the Annuities which by this Act shall be granted and made payable, for and in respect of the Bills payable in Course of the Navy and Victualling Offices, and for Transports, and for the Debentures payable out of his Majesty's Office of Ordnance, which were respectively made out or dated on or before the thirty-first Day of December one thousand seven hundred and sixty-two, until the Redemption of such Annuities by Parliament in Manner hereafter mentioned, shall from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, be charged and payable out of the changeable upon,payable out of the Sinking Fund. and payable out of the Monies, which from and after the said twenty-fifth Day of March one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, shall from time to time arise and be in the
