Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/57

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A.D. 1762
Anno tertio Georgii III.
C. 9.

and sixty-three, upon such of the said Bills as bear an Interest, to such Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, or his, her or their Assigns; and that upon the Delivering in by any Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, of every such Debenture or Debentures, the Treasurer of his Majesty's Office of Ordnance, or his Deputy, shall, and they are hereby authorized and required forthwith to give a Certificate signed by the said Treasurer or Deputy, for the Principal Sum or Sums of Money contained in every such Debenture, to such Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, or his, her or their Assigns;which may be assigned by indorsement at any Time made before 29 Sept. 1763. and all such Certificates shall be assignable by Indorsement thereupon made at any Time before the twenty-ninth Day of September one thousand by indorsement at any seven hundred and and sixty-three, and no longer; and all such Certificates and Assignments there-upon shall not be charged with any Stamp Duties whatsoever; Principal and Interest to be advised together, and made one Sum of in the Bills and Debentures. and that the Interest so computed and marked on every such Bill bearing Interest as aforesaid, shall be added to the Principal Sum contained in every such Bill, and the Amount of such Principal and Interest, or the Amount of the Sum contained in every such bill not bearing Interest, and in every such Debenture respectively certified in Manner before directed, shall be the Principal Sums for which the Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, delivering such Bills or Debentures, shall be intitled to an Annuity after the said Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum.

Guardians and Trustees to deliver up for Infants, such Bills or Debnetures as they are intitled to, in consideration of the said Annuity.VII. Provided also, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Infants shall by the Gift, Devise, or Decease of the Parent or other Relation of such Infants, or otherwise, become entitled to any of the said Bills or Debentures, in such Case the Guardian or Guardians, Trustee or Trustees of such Infant or Infants shall or may be, and he she or they is or are hereby impowered, for the Benefit of such Infant or Infants to deliver up to such respective Treasurers all such of the said Bills or Debentures to which such Infant or Infants shall be so intitled; and such Infant and Infants, Guardian or Guardians, Trustee or Trustees, delivering up such Bills or Debentures, shall be intitled to such an Annuity as aforesaid; and the said Guardian or Guardians, Trustee or Trustees, shall be discharged from the same; any thing herein contained, or any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

Executors and Trustees of Ideots to deliver up, in like manner, such Bills or Debentures as they are thereby respectively intituled to;VIII. Provided also, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That any Person or Persons who, as Executor to, or Administrator, Trustee, Committee of an Ideot or Lunatick, or Persons of unsound Mind, Depositary or Mortgagee, shall be or become possessed of, interested in, or intitled unto, any of the said Bills or Debentures, shall and may deliver up such Bills or Debentures as they shall be so possessed of, interested in, or intitled unto, to such respective Treasurers as aforesaid; and as to Executors or Administrators, the Annuities to be the same Assets the Annuities which they shall be intitled to in respect of the said Bills or Debentures so by them delivered up, shall be the same Assets in their Hands, as the said Bills or Debentures were, or would have been, had they not been so delivered up for such Annuity as aforesaid; and as to Trustees, Committees, Depositaries, and Mortgagees, the Annuity which they shall be intitled unto for or in respect of such Trust, or mortgaged Bills or Debentures,and liable to the same Trusts, as the Bills, &c. which they shall so deliver up to such respective Treasurers as aforesaid, shall be subject and liable to the same Trusts and Equity of Redemption, as such Bills or Debentures were, or would have been, had they not been so delivered up for such Annuity as aforesaid.

Bank to take in the CertificateIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and their Successors, or such Person or Persons as they shall appoint for that Purpose, and he and they is and are hereby reflectively authorized and required to take in and receive all and every of the Certificates to be made out in lieu of the said Bills and Debentures as aforesaid, in pursuance of the Directions of this Act; and upon the Receipt of every such Certificate shall, and he and they is and are hereby required forthwith to give Credit in a Book or Books to be prepared for that Purpose,and give Credit in proper Books for the Sums contained therein, for the principal Sums contained in every such Certificate so brought to him or them as aforesaid; and the Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to whose Credit such principal Sums shall be entered in the said Book or Books, his, her or their Executors, Administrators or Assigns,which may be transferred. shall and may have Power to assign and transfer the same, or any Part, Share or Proportion thereof, to any other Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate whatsoever, in other Books to be prepared and kept for that Purpose;Duplicate of the said Book to be transmitted into the Office of the Auditor of the Exchequer. and the said Governor and Company for the Time being shall also, on or before the twenty-fourth Day of June one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, transmit an attested Duplicate fairly written on Paper, of the said Book or Books first herein before mentioned, Receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer, there to remain for ever.

Bank to appoint one or more Chief Cashiers,X. And, for the more easy and sure Payment of the Annuities established by this Act; it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Governor and Company of the Bank of Bank to appoint one or England, and their Successors shall, from time to time, until the said Annuities shall be redeemed more Chief Cashiers, according to this Act, appoint and employ one or more sufficient Person or Persons within their Office in the City of London, to be their Chief or First Cashier or Cashiers,and an Accomptant General. and one other sufficient Person within the same Office to be their Accomptant General;Treasury to issue the Monies out of the Sinking Fund for Payment of the said Annuities to the said Chief Cashier, and that so much of the Monies from time to time, and at any Time, arising or being in the Receipt of the Exchequer of or for the Surplusses, Excesses, or Overplus Monies commonly called The Sinking Fund, as shall be sufficient from time to time to answer the half yearly Payments, and other Payments directed by this Act to be made, shall (after paying or reserving sufficient to pay all such Sums of Money as before the palling of this Act shall have been directed by any other Act or Acts of Parliament to be paid out of the said Fund) by Order of the Commissioners of the Treasury, or any three ormore